John Shull


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1. Elizabeth Loud

John Shull 1

  • Born: 1767, Warrington Twp., York, PA 1
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth Loud
  • Died: 1833, York Twp., Tuscarawas, OH at age 66 1

   FamilySearch ID: 9DHJ-HYG.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Book: The History Of Tuscarawas County, Ohio, 1886. 1 2
The first settler on Stone Creek and in the territory that now constitutes York Township was John Shull. He hailed from Somerset County, Penn., and in or about 1806 left his old home, with his wife Elizabeth and six children, and traveled by team to New Philadelphia. Thence he was obliged to cut a road up Stone Creek to the north half of Section 16, Range 2, Township 8. Henry Shanaman, his "hired hand," accompanied him, and assisted Mr. Shull in building the first cabin in the township, by the side of a spring near the present dwelling of Gabriel Shull, in the northeast quarter of Section 16. A band of Indians had encamped here, but by making them a peace-offering of provisions, Mr. Shall prevailed upon them to remove about a half-mile further down the creek. John Shull was by descent a German, and of the Lutheran belief. He died in 1833. His wife survived him a few years. They had twelve children--Frederick, Sarah (Bugher). Mary (Casebeer), Benjamin, Jacob, John, Peter. Samuel, Joseph, Gabriel, George and Abeam -several of whom still reside in the township.

John married Elizabeth Loud.


1 The History Of Tuscarawas County, Ohio (Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1884), Page 688.

2 The History Of Tuscarawas County, Ohio (Chicago: Warner, Beers & Co., 1884), Page 687.

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