Samuel Mummert
Samuel Mummert
FamilySearch ID: KHSF-9HT. Noted events in his life were: 1. He signed a will on 14 Dec 1846 in , Adams, PA. 1 In the name of GOD Amen -- The last Will & Testament of SAMUEL MUMMERT of Hamilton Township, Adams County & State of Pennsylvania. I SAMUEL MUMMERD, being at this time sick and weak in body and being of sound disposing mind & memory , blessed be Almighty God for the same, but considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and to the end that I may be the better prepared to leave this world, when it may please God to call me hence, do make and publish this my last Will & Testament, in manner & form following to wit--FIRST and principally I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, hoping for free pardon & remission of all my sins through Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, Amen and my body to the earth from whence it came to be interred in a christian like manner at the discretion of my hereinafter named executors, and as to my worldly estate, I dispose as follows, FIRST I give and devise unto my beloved wife CATHERINE my home, that is my dwelling house wherein I now live, and all other outbuildings on my land, and as much room as she wants in the barn for her use during her natural life. Also two cows, her choice, two shoats, two beds and bedding and as much of all kinds of household and kitchen furniture as she may want, and my house clock, stove and pipe in the room, if she wants said stove & pipe, such as she may want out of my Estate and at the time of my death my executors shall give unto my wife as much grain and meat, to wit, wheat, corn, potatoes & meat and also hay for two cows as she may want from the time of my death until the shall be able to give her from my lands wherein I now live. Which lands wherein I now live shall be let out to farm on the shares for the halves and one of that half that shall fall to my Estate, my said Executors shall give unto my wife sufficient hay each and every year for two cows and she my wife to have pasture on the land for two cows. Also said Executors to give unto my wife a sufficiency of wheat, corn, & potatoes, every year during her natural life time to be sufficient for her, and also for LAVINA MUMMERD, who is to live with her. Also to provide firewood for my widow during her natural life time, to be hauled to her home on my land, cut ready for stove and kitchen use. My Executors to keep the properties in repair and pay the taxes out of my Estate. Said widow to keep also two hogs ever year. Whenever my Executors let out my land to farm, all the straw is to be left on the land. As soon as convenient after my death, my said Executors to sell all my Personal Estate not otherwise disposed of. Also my Executors to sell my Lot of Land adjoining ABRAHAM ARNOLD, JOHN GROVE, etc. Only the improved Land, the timber land to lay till after the decease of my wife, and then my said Executors shall sell all my Real Estate, as also all such property that my said wife may have willed by me to her by this my will. All I have given and willed to my wife of Household and Kitchen Furniture, I have willed to her only during her natural Life time. After all my just Debts are paid by me owing at the time of my death, and all funeral expenses at the expense of settling my estate are paid, then and in that case I order and direct, that such Ballance in the hands of my Executors to be divided in equal shares amondst all my children, share and share alike, & if such of my Real Estate and that I devised unto my wife during her natural Life time, after the same is sold I give and Bequeath unto my Granddaughter, MARGARET MUMMERD, Daughter of my son GEORGE Fifty Dollars of the first money that will arise from said sale, and after the said Fifty Dollars are paid, and expenses of settling said ballance of my Estate, the Remainder in the hands of my Executors, I order and direct to be all equally divided share & share alike amongst all my children, to wit, my sons, MARTIN, MATTHIAS, SAMUEL & GEORGE. My Daughters--POLLY intermarried to JOHN BAKER, and my Daughter SUSANNAH, intermarried to DAVID MUMMERD. All account which I charged against my son Mathias as monies paid by me for him shall first be deducted from his share--nevertheless, in case my Daughter POLLY intermarried to JOHN BAKER, doth not want her share out of my Estate, then I devise her share to my Granddaughter MARIA intermarried to ADAM GROVE. And in case there would not be enough of the half of my lands as devised by me to my wife yearly, then and in that case my Executors shall sell my wood land adjoining JOHN GROVE & ABRAHAM ARNOLD and of that sum give yearly to my wife as much as the necessity wants and I have given unto my children out lets and have made no charge against any of them, therefore, I consider them all alike in that and no one to have anything of my Estate for a charge for working over age for me. Whereas I devised Fifty Dollars of my Estate unto my granddaughter MARGARET MUMMERD out of the Land sales of my Estate, I will that it be paid to her or her guardian out of the first sales of my Estate. In case there is that much left after my debts are paid, and the costs of settling my Estate for the first part, and lastly I do hereby appoint and nominate my son GEORGE MUMMERD & JOHN BOBLITZ my Executors, of this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. And I hereby nominate and apoint JACOB BROWN of Berlin Overseer of the same. And if any dispute arise as to any Bequest, or the meaning of any part of this my last Will, as expressed or contained, that then no suit or suits of laws otherwise shall be brought or have commenced or prosecuted for and concerning the same but shall be left wholly to the decision of JACOB BROWN of Berlin and JOHN MUMMERD what they shall order and direct shall be conclusive and binding on all concerned. Any of my heirs that shall be or will cause a lawsuit in my Estate shall be barred from a share of my Estate---In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 14th day of December A.D. 1846. (All the interlinings in this wil made before signing.) SAMUEL MUMMERD Signed Sealed Published and declared before the above named SAMUEL MUMMERD to be his last Will and testament in the presence of us who at his request & in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto. JOHN MUMMERD JACOB BROWN State of Pennsylvania Adams County Before me ROBERT COBIAN Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in the said County in the State of Pennsylvania personally came JOHN MUMMERD & JACOB BROWN the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instruments of writing who on their solemn affirmations do severally say that they were personally present and saw and heard the therein named SAMUEL MUMMERD sign his name unto & seal and publish the foregoing instrument of writing as for his last Will and Testament, and at the time of doing thereof he the said SAMUEL MUMMERD was of a perfect sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge observation and belief and that they subscribed their names thereto as witnesses in his presence and at his request and also in the presence of each other at the same time. Affirmed & Subscribed before me) the 6th day of January A.D. 1847) JOHN MUMMERD ROBERT COBIAN, Reg. JACOB BROWN Memorandums, letters and testamentary were on this day granted in due form of law and GEORGE MUMMERD & JOHN BOBLITZ Executors of the last will and Testament of SAMUEL MUMMERD decd. Inventory to be exhibited into the Registers office at Gettysburg for the county of Adams within thirty days from the date herein and a just and true account of their administration within one year or when thereunto regularly required. Witness my hand the 6th day of January A.D. 1847. ROBERT COBIAN, Reg. Samuel married Catherine Heltz. |
1 Adams County, Pennsylvania Courthouse, Will Book E, 1841-1851, pp. 260, 261, 262. Will # 2595.
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