Mattheis Riehell 1 2
- Born: From 1602 to 1612, Münster Emmel, Amt Wittlich, DEU 1
- Marriage (1): Maria Werner in Münster Emmel, Amt Wittlich, DEU 1
- Died: 17 Jan 1672, Becherbach, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU at age 70 1
Other names for Mattheis were Mattheis Riegel 1 and Mattheis Riegell.1
FamilySearch ID: L2Y4-KJS.
General Notes:
"starb anno 1672 den 17ten jan morgends umb 4 uhr nach dem er seine [...] irrthumb abgesagt und in der wahren erkundnis u. dienst gottes sich underweisen lassen." (Becherbach Parish Register)
Birth notes: "nach dem äußerlichen ahnsehen zwischen 50 und 60 Jahren", 15. "nach dem äußerlichen ahnsehen zwischen 50 und 60 Jahren"
Death notes: 4:00 am 1
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: cooper. 1
2. Residence: about 1650 in Becherbach, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU. 1
3. Obituary: Mattheiss Riehell's and Maria Werner's death record (see original manuscript in source link) on 17 Jan 1672 in Becherbach Bei Kirn, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU. 3 German version:
[Seite] 15
Mattheiß Riehell welcher zu Münster-Emmel im Ampt Wittlich gebohren. Seines alters so viel man ungefehr nach dem äußerlichen ahnsehen, zwischen 50 und 60 Jahren. Hatt sich als er 18. jahr alt gewesen in den H. Ehestand begeben, mit Maria Jost Werners zu Nummer Trohen ehl. dochter, mit welcher er folgende noch lebende Kinder gezeuget, als:
[Randbemerkung von späterer Hand:]
starb anno 1672 den 17ten jan morgends umb 4 uhr nach dem er seine [...] irrthumb abgesagt und in der wahren erkundnis u. dienst gottes sich underweisen lassen.
(: NB. gedl. seine Haußfrl. ist gebohren Anno:
[von späterer Hand:]
Undt gestorben anno 1672 den 28ten 10br nachmittags umb zweri uhre mitt Hinderlassung folgender Kinder:
Anna welche ungefehr Anno: 1633 zu gedl. Münster Emmell gebohren und sich Anno 1656 mit Johannes Sieger von Dollendorff verheijrathet.
Jost, welcher Anno 1635 daselbsten gebohren und hatt sich Anno 1662 mit Elisabeth Jacob Hönen zu Limpach ehl. tochter in die H. Ehe begeben.
Michell welcher Anno 1636 daselbst gebohren, hatt sich Anno 1662 umb Königstag mit Catrina Cornelij Bibers tochter zu Mittelrijdenbach, in die Ehe begeben.
[Randbemerkung von späterer Hand:]
starb anno 1676 den 26ten Maj jählings morgens früh.
=============== English version with footnotes (see below)
Mattheiss Riehell [1] who was born at Münster-Emmel [2] County of Wittlich [3]. His age is about between 50 and 60 years [4], as far as can be said from his appearance. He was married when he was 18 years old to Maria, legal daughter of Jost Werner in Nummer Trohen [5], and had the following children who are still alive [6]:
[marginal inscription by later hand:]
died 1672, 17th January in the morning at 4 o'clock, after he had renounced from his aberrations and was instructed in the true teach and service of God [7].
(: PS.: [...] his wife is born in the year: [8]
[inscription by later hand:]
And died 1672, 28th 10br [9] in the afternoon at two o'clock, leaving behind the following children [6]:
Anna who was born about 1633 at Münster Emmell [2] and was married 1656 to Johannes Sieger from Dollendorff [10].
Jost, who was born 1635 ibidem and was married 1662 to Elisabeth, legal daughter of Jacob Hönen from Limpach [11].
Michell who was born 1636 ibidem, was married on Kings' Day [12] 1662 to Catrina, Cornelius Biber's daughter from Mittelrijdenbach [13].
[marginal inscription by later hand:]
died 1676, 26th May suddenly early in the morning
================ Footnotes:
[1]: can not be read as Riegell. For comparison of the letters "g" and "h", see e.g. the word "gebohren" (line 2, 2nd word from the right), or "ungefehr" (line 3, 2nd word from the right) in the manuscript.
[2]: certainly not Bad Münster-Ebernburg, but Müstert-Niederemmel, today part of Piesport (Mosel)
[3]: Wittlich (Mosel)
[4]: Mattheiss and his his family moved to Becherbach between 1649 (birth of Maria Elisabeth) and 1653 (birth of Elisabetha Catrina), see page 16. This paragraph must be written some time after Elisabetha Catrina's birth, because it cites from an older parish register. It was either written on the occasion of Niclaus' birth 1654 or Michell's wedding 1662. From this we conclude that Mattheis was born between 1602 and 1612.
However, if we assume that Mattheiss was 19 years old when Anna was born abt. 1633, we come to the year 1614. May be Mattheiss looked older than he was.
[5]: Neumagen-Dhron (Mosel).
[6]: this list of his children is continued on page 16
[7]: Münster-Emmel was almost 100% catholic. The Becherbach community is reformed (calvinistic). It seems that Mattheis was viewed as a heretic in Becherbach and was converted on his death bed.
[8]: year is missing
[9]: December
[10]: Dollendorf, 40 km north of Wittlich
[11]: Limbach near Becherbach (but there is another Limbach 15 km north of Dollendorf !)
[12]: January 6
[13]: Mittelreidenbach near Becherbach
4. He has conflicting death information of 17 Apr 1672 and , , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU. 1
Mattheis married Maria Werner, daughter of Jost Werner and Unknown, in Münster Emmel, Amt Wittlich, DEU.1 (Maria Werner was born about 1615 in Neumagen, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU 1 and died on 28 Dec 1672 in Becherbach, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU 1.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. They have conflicting marriage information of Abt 1632 and , , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU. 1