John Booher
(Abt 1750-Bef 1820)
Barbara Barnett
(Abt 1755-Bef 1844)
Martin Booher
Catharine Hartmann
Benjamin Wesley Booher
(Abt 1781-1856)
Abraham M. C. Booher


Family Links

1. Harriet

Abraham M. C. Booher 1

  • Born: 30 Jan 1830, , Sullivan, TN
  • Marriage (1): Harriet in 1851
  • Died: 15 Oct 1867, , Sullivan, TN at age 37
  • Buried: Bristol: Weaver's Union Cemetery, Sullivan, TN

   FamilySearch ID: 27S4-MSN.

  General Notes:

1. Will of Abraham Booher, signed 9 Sep 1867
2. 1850 Sullivan Co. TN census [see father]
3. 1860 Sullivan Co. TN census
5. USGenweb - Sullivan Co Cemeteries
6. Sullivan Co. TN Deeds
7. Online Family Tree: Erica Christensen - gedcom

!BIRTH: Sources-2 & 3 for estimate of date; Source-4 Sullivan County Cemeteries for exact date

!MARRIAGE: Source-1 for given name; Source-7 for date

!DEATH: Source-1 for date; Source-4 Sullivan County Cemeteries died at 37y-2m-16d [I calculate this to be 15 Mar 1867 but must be later as he signed his will in Sept.] Source-5 has 1864

!BURIAL: Source-4 Sullivan County Cemeteries for place

Will of Abraham H. Booher [capitalization, puctuation, and spelling as in the copy]

I, Abraham M. Booher, being of Sound Mind and Memory, yet feeble in health and knowing the Certainty of death, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other will [sic] by me made.
1st - I direct that my funeral expences [sic] and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any money that I may died possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executor or Executrix.
2nd - It is my will and I bequeath that all my real and personal property go to my beloved Wife Harriet Booher and She is to have the Sole Control of the Same for her benefit and Son Benjamin F. Booher arives [sic] at the age of 21 years And at that Age if my wife and Son don't Agree it is then my Will that my wife have one third Value of my real and personal estate that my have been on hand at theat time.
3rd -It is my will and desire that if my wife Harriett Booher Should Mary [sic] before my Son Benjamin F. Booher Arives at the age of 21 years that all my personal property Shall be Sold And the proceeds divided between my wife Harriett Booher and My Son Benjamin F. Booher, my wife Harriett Booher to have one third of the proceeds And my Son Benjamin F. Booher the other two Thirds And Should my wife Harriett Booher marry, it is my will that she have one third of the Value of my real estate on division and my son to have the other two thirds.
Lastly, I do hereby Nominate and appoint my wife Harriett Booher And my brother James Booher, my Executrix and Executor they are not to give bond in Witness Whereof I do to this Set my hand and Seal this 9 day of Sept. 1867.

(Signed) A. M. Booher

Signed sealed and publish in our presence And we have Subscribed Names here to in the presence of the Testator, this 9 day of Sept. 1867.

(Signed) A. J. Brown, W. D. Rutledge, Robt B. Rhea

Source-4 BK 19 p. 121 James Booher, Joseph L. Smith and wife Esther (Booher); Isaac M. Arants and wife Nancy (Booher); James H. Barr and wife Leah (Booher); and Abraham Mc Booher of the one part and Benjamin Booher on the other part, land willed to our mother, Catherine Booher by her father Martin Booher dec'd on White Top Creek, Civil Dist. 4, 248 acres, 1 Nov. 1856 [These are the children deeding land to their father]

Source-5 BOOHER, A. Mc b. 1-30-1830 d. 10-15-1864 (will says Abraham M.)(F= Benjamin Booher W= Harriet)

1860 Source-3 p. 31 #34
Booher, Benjamin 75
A.M.C. 29 [Abraham Mc]
Harriet 27 [wife]
Benjamin F. 3
Willard, Hugh C. 17
Barr, William 12 [probably children of sister Leah
Sarah C. 8

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He appeared on the census in 1850 in , Sullivan, TN. Living with father Benjamin and sister Nancy.

2. He appeared on the census in 1860 in , Sullivan, TN. Name: A M C Booher Age in 1860: 29 Birthplace: Tennessee Home in 1860: District 4, Sullivan, Tennessee Gender: Male Post Office: Beaver Creek Roll: M653_1275 Page: 34 Year: 1860 Head of Household: Benjamin Booher.

3. He signed a will on 9 Sep 1867. Sullivan County Wills Volumes 1-2
Page 77
I Abraham M. C. Booher being of sound mind and memory, yet feeble in health, and knowing the certainty of death, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all other will by me made.
1st I direct that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any money that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executor or Executrix.
2nd it is my will and I bequeath that all my all my real and personal property go to my beloved wife Harriet Booher and she is to have the sole control of the same for her Benefit and son Benjamin F. Boohers Benefit until my son Benjamin Booher arrives at the age of twenty one years and at that age if my wife and son don't agree it is then my will that my wife have one third value or my real and personal estate that may been haved at that time.
3rd It is my will and desire that if my wife, Harriet Booher, should marry before my son Benjamin arrives at the age of twenty one years that all my personal property shall be sold and the proceeds divided between my wife, Harriet Booher, and my son, Benjamin F. Booher. My wife, Harriet Booher, to have one third of the proceeds and my son, Benjamin, the other two thirds and should my wife, Harriet Booher, marry it is my will that she have one third the value of my real estate on division and my son to have the other two thirds.
Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife Harriet Booher, and my brother, James Booher, my Executrix and my Executor. They are not to give bond in witness whereof I do to this set my hand and seal the 9th day of Sept. 1867.
A.M.C. Booher
Signed & sealed and published in our presence and we have subscribed names hereto in the presence of the Testor on this 9th day of Sept. 1867.
A.J. Brown
V.D. Rutledge
Robt. B. Rhea.

Abraham married Harriet in 1851. (Harriet was born on 25 Aug 1832 in , , TN, died on 10 Aug 1869 in , Sullivan, TN and was buried in Bristol: Weaver's Union Cemetery, Sullivan, TN.)


1 Grider, Barbara M., Barbara Grider Booher Database (Louisville, Kentucky. 2008.).

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