John Jarrett Sr.
(Abt 1695-1755)


Family Links

1. Anna Maria

John Jarrett Sr. 1

  • Born: Abt 1695 1 2
  • Marriage (1): Anna Maria
  • Died: 1755, Lower Macungie Twp., Lehigh, PA about age 60 1

   FamilySearch ID: KGCS-TL2.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Book: Gilbert, Knappenberger, Jarrett & Allied Families in 1735 in , Bucks, PA. 2 John Jarret's Land Records

Bucks County (now Lehigh)
28 Jan 1735: 150 acres
5 Oct 1737: 100 acres
25 Aug 1748: 25 acres
3 Feb 1748: 100 acres


2. Zion Lutheran Church in 1750 in Macungie Twp., Lehigh, PA. 3

3. Estate Inventory of John Jarrett in 1755 in Easton, Northampton, PA. 4 Estate inventory of John Jarrett:

477 Acres of land with all the improvements
Purese and Apparel (personal)
35 Acres of wheat & rye in the ground
3 horses & 3 mares
2 three year old colts
2 two year old colts
6 milch cows
4 milch cows
17 sheep
16 swine
A wagon and gears
3 ploughs & irons & 2 harrows
a windmill
3 hocks of bees
A whipsaw & a cross cut saw
a parcel of carpenter tools
2 grindstones & iron axeles (?) trees
The iron ware belonging to the chimney
A dresser
A parcel of pewter and tin ware
4 brass ladles & a flesh forke
A iron stove
A parcel of wooden vessels
A clock
A table
A dough trough
Three chests
A parcel of books
A sheetyard
A hunting sadale
one Bedstead bed and furniture
One Do
One Do
Eleven Bags
A gun John Jarrett Sr.
A fire shovel tongs and potracking
A cutting box and furniture
A parcel of bells
2 dung forks, 2 hooks, and 2 ?
A parcel of sickles
Sheep shears
A pepper mill & pewter bottle
Total 637 11 0
Appraised by and Witness our hand
Sebastian Truckermiller (his signature)
Georg Derr (his signature).

4. He signed a will Will of John Jarrett in 1755 in Easton, Northampton, PA. 5 WILL OF JOHN JARRETT OF MACUNGIE, PA: (The original will had unreadable segments which are indicated here by a series of periods " ") In the Name of God Amen, I, John Jarrett of Macungey in the Co of Bucks and Province of Pennsy Being somewhat indisposed in Body...But of a sound mind and perfect memory do make this last will and testament hereby making void all other and all wills by me made either by word or in writing and this to be taken as my last will and no other. Imprimis my Will is that my just debts be first of all honored. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife given...and bequest her sums of twenty shillings a year every year so long as she remains my widow. Item I do will and bequeath unto my well beloved son John Jarrett one half of all my estates real and personal, quick and dear. Item I give and bequeath the other two parts of my estate real and personal to my other two sons namely Samuel Jarrett and Isaac Jarrett they three sons paying the rest of their brothers and their legacies as here mentioned. And farther, my wife is then if any of my fore mentioned sons should die without and son (?)...of the estate fail if any of my....afore mentioned sons must sell their or shares of the said estate of lands then any one of the other brothers to have the first redemption of such sales of land. Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Isaac Jarrett the sum of twenty five pounds of current money of Pennsylvania to be levied out of my estate. Item I give and bequeath unto my... son William Jarrett the sum of twenty five pounds of current money of Pennsylvania to be levied out of my estate. Item I give and bequeath unto my son Sebastian Jarrett the sum of twenty five pounds of current and lawful money of Pennsylvania to be levied out of my estate. Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son Daniel Jarrett the sum of twenty five pounds of current and lawful money of Pennsylvania to be levied out of my estate. Item my will and intention is to cut short the...of my second Eldest son Edward Jarrett for reasons best known to my self; therefore I will and bequeath unto him the sum of ...Shillings of current money of Pennsylvania and no more. Turn over. Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved dau Mary Heverly sum of ten pounds of current and lawful money of Perm to be levied out of my estate. Item I give and bequeath my well beloved daughter Elisabeth Tumey the sum of ...pounds of current and Lawful money of Pennsylvania. Item I give and bequeath unto my...daughter Jone Jarrett the sum of ten pounds of current lawful money of Pennsylvania. Item I give and bequeath unto my (probably dau. Margareth) the sum of ten pounds of current and lawful money of Pennsylvania to be levied out of my estate. Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved daughter Sarah Jarrett the sum of ten pounds of current and lawful money of Pennsylvania to be levied out of My estate and farther my will is that none of the above mentioned land be divided or paid until of space of one twelve...and my desease or if desease of my wife and further my will is if any one or more of my children dies before they arrive to sever all full ages then such share or shares to fall to my...and I do hereby appoint my son John Jarrett executor of this my last will and testament. John Jarrett
(signed by him)
Signed Sealed published pronounced and by the above named Johann Jarrett to be his last will and testament in the presence of Us the subscribers. Twenty second day March Anna Domini 1752.
Wit: George Derr,.. On the fifteenth days of December Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and fifty five personally appeared (tear in paper) of the above named original witnesses and on the (tear) on thousand seven hundred and fifty six personally appeared Johannes Re...above the ....witnesses and being sworn upon the holy Evangelists of almighty God did respectively depose and declare that they were present and did sec. the above named John Jarrett, the Testator, sign, seal publish and declare the above writing to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief and that their names th... and unto subscribed as witnesses are of their own hands writing respectively.
Sworn before me.
Wm Parsons Dep Reg.
Nuncupative Will of Codicil of John Jarrett:
The fifteenth Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty five personally appeared before me William Parsons Deputy Registrar General for the ...of Wills and granting. Letter of John Jarrett Sr. Administration in and for the county of Northampton, John Jarrett eldest son of John Jarrett deceased and being duly sworn on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God did depose and declare that they were present with the said father in his last sickness and about two or three days before his decease at Macungie aforesaid at which time and place and in the hearing of there despondants he the said John Jarrett, the father, did declare that it was his will and desire that his the said John Jarrett the father's son Edward should inherit as equal share of his estate with his other children and that at the time of his declaring his will and desire as aforesaid he then said John Jarrett the father, was of sound mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and as they do verily believe.
John Jarrett (his signature)
Samuel Jarrett (his signature)
Sworn at Easton the day and year above the said before me. Wm Parson., Reg. Gent.

5. Court: Orphan's Court: Settlement of John Jarrett's estate on 19 Sep 1764 in Easton, Northampton, PA. 6 On the petition of John Jarrett eldest son of John Jarret late of Macungie Township deced setting fourth that you petitioners said father died about nine years past seized of a plantation and tract of land with the appurtenances situate in the said Township of Macungie leaving a widow and thirteen children to wit you petitioner the eldest son John, Edward, Isaac, Samuel, Phillip, William, Sebastian, Daniel, Mary the wife of Adam Everly, Elizabeth the wife of Daniel Teamy, Joan the wife of John Wetsel, Margareth the wife of Fredrich Shackler & Sarah the wife of Martin Spiegel that your petitioners and father had made a will in his life time which has been probed in the deputy Registrars Office at Easton but it appearing that he had after making the said will revoked the same and your petitioner who was the principal devisee in the same will being convinced that the same was by his said father in his life time declared to be null and void having agreed to relinquish and renounce that said will and to consider the same as wholly annulled the petitioner. Therefore praying the court that an inquest be awarded to view the said plantation and tract of land and divide the same among to & himself and his aforesaid brothers and sisters. Children of the said John Jarrett as the estate of a person dying intestate if the same can be conveniently be done and that if the same can not conveniently be done without prejudice to or spoiling the whole that then the said inquest value and appraise the same subject to the said widow dower and that your petitioner, as eldest son may if he thinks med (?) have, the same adjudge to him on paying or drawing to the rest of his said brothers and sisters their respective shares according to the said valuation agreeable to the laws of this province in such case made and provided & your petitioner will ever pray and John Jarrett whereupon it is considered and ordered by the court that a writ of our Lord the thing do issue out of the said court commanding the Sheriff of the said County that taking with him twelve honest and lawful men of his Bailissie by whom the truth of the matter may be better known he in his proper person shall go to the aforesd lands and there by the oath or affirmation of the said inquest make a true and just partition of the said land to and among the children of the said deced regard being had in such partition to the dower of the said widow is partition thereof can be made without prejudice or spoiling the whole and if partition thereof cannot be made that then by the oath or affirmation of the said inquest he the said sheriff shall cause the aforesaid tract of land to be valued regard being had in such valuation to the dower of the aforesaid widow. And that the partition of division valuation and appraisement which he shall so make he diligently and openly have before the justices of the next Orphans Court to be holden for this county under his seal and the seals of those by whose oath or affirmation he shall make the division or valuation aforesaid and that writ.

On the petition of Edward Jarrett one of the sons of John Jarrett late of Macungie Township deced setting fourth that your petitioner two brothers Sebastian Jarrett aged about twenty years and Daniel Jarrett aged about seventeen having an interest in their said fathers estate have no guardian to take care of and manage the same praying the court will permit the said Sebastian and Daniel to choose guardians to take care of their persons and estates and he will every pray.... and the said Sebastian and Daniel appearing in Court the said Sebastian Chewes John Wetzel for his Guardian and the said Daniel chuses Daniel Tumey for his guardian and they are approved of by the Court Accordingly.

At an Orphans Court held at Easton in and for the County of Northampton the Seventeenth day of December in the year of Our Lord One thousand, seven hundred and sixty-four. Before (sic)
And now at this day the sheriff viz Peter Keichian Esq. returns that he by virtue of a certain writ of our Lord the King issuing out of the said Court had held and taken a certain inquisition of the lands and tenements of John Jarrett decsed which follow in these word viz- Inquisition indented and taken at Macungie Township in the County of Northampton and Province of Pennsylvania the thirty first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty four. Before Peter Kechlin Esq. High Sheriff of the said County by virtue of his Majestys writ of partition and appraisement to him directed and to this inquisition affirment by the oaths of Martin Kinkiner, Christian Stiminer, Jewatts Meglin, John Rice Meglin Bohs, John Behr, Phillip Walden, Golssit Diffindenser, Jacob former, Christopher Smith, Lewis Forsh, Andrew Heissonhart, who upon their respective oaths do say that the plantation and tract of land late of John Jarrett deceased situated in Macungie Township- containing about five hundred and fourteen acres cannot be justly divided and partitioned unto and among the children of the said deced without prejudice to and spoiling the whole whereof the inquisition do values and appraise the same at the sum of twelve hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania, subject to the widow dower of eighteen pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania per year during her life. In testimony whereof as well the said Sheriff as the inquest aforesaid have here to Interchangeably set the hands and seals the day and year above said Peter Keichian Sheriff (seal) Martin Kinkiner (seal) Christian Stiminer (seal) Jewatt J Meglin (seal) John Rice (seal) Melger Behs (seal) John Behrs (seal) Phillip Walden (seal) Golssit Diffenderser(seal) Jacob former (seal) Christopher Smith (seal) Lewis Forsh (seal) Andrew Heissenhart (seal) . Which inquisition being read and full considered it is ordered that the said valuation and appraisement so made shall remain firm and stable forever and it is further ordered and considered that upon his the said John Jarrett the eldest son as aforesaid paying on securing to be pair to the widow and the other children their respective shares and dividends according to laws then and from thence forth all other children on the said John Jarrett deceased are and forever which be barred of all Right Title and demand of in and to the aforesaid partitioners tract of land containing five hundred and fourteen acres be the same more or less situate in Macungie Township afore said and valued as aforesaid and that the same shall be held and enjoyed by the said John Jarrett the eldest son his Heirs and assigns for ever and further that the said appraised values shall be paid by the said John Jarrett eldest son as follows Viz. Two hundred and seven pounds two shillings and nine pence part of the said childrens proportion of the said twelve hundred pounds the appraised value without interest in one year from the date hereof. Two hundred and seven pounds five shillings and nine pence other part thereof with one years interest in two years from this date. Two hundred and seven pounds two shillings and nine pence other part thereof with two years interest In three years from this date and two hundred and seven pounds two shillings and nine pence being residue of their said proportion of the said estate with three years interest paid in four yeares from this date making in all eight hundred and twenty eight pounds and eleven shillings which said several payments are to be made to the said children or their respective guardians in equal proportions share and share alike. And the aforesaid John Jarrett offers to the court here John Reiss and Melchior Bear as sureties for him for the due payment of the aforesaid sums of money as he being deemed sufficient are approved and accepted by the court and it is further ordered that the cost and charges hereupon shall be bom and defrayed by all the parties concerned.

6. Book: Heritage of Catawba County: article about The John Jarrett Family by Dr. Charles Martin Speegle, 1986. 3
John Jarrett was one of the pioneer residents of Macungie Township of Bucks County, Penna, and a township which would become part of the newly formed Northampton County in 1752, and then part of present day Lehigh County in 1812. He received the third land warrant issued in this county in 1735, the earliest grant in the area being issued to George Motz on 15 February 1734 for seventy acres. These warrants were issued by the Penn Family.

The Jarretts were English and a history of Lehigh County lists them among the English families who settled in that county.

The name of John Jarrett's wife was Anna Maria The thirteen children of the family were as follows:

John Jarrett, Jr., the eldest son, who was living with his family in Philadelphia County, in 1769 and was a storekeeper on Chestnut Hill; Edward Jarrett, the second eldest son, who continued to live in Macungie Township with his family until the time of his death in 1803; Isaac Jarrett who also continued to live in Macungie Township with his family until time for his death in 1790; Samuel Jarrett, who with his family lived in Lincoln County, N.C. until his death in 1806; Philip Jarrett, who as a single man lived in Lincoln County, N.C. and was the first person to be buried in the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery; William Jarrett; Sebastian Jarrett, who with his family was living in Germantown Township of Philadelphia County at the time of his death in 1775; Daniel Jarrett who with his family lived in Rowan, Mecklenburg (area which would later become Cabarrus County) and Buncombe Counties, N.C; Mary (Anna Maria) Jarrett, who with her husband Adam Heberly and their family resided in Macungie Township; Elizabeth Jarrett, who with her husband, Daniel Tumie (Tumey) and their family was living in Shenandoah county, Va. at the time of the 1790 Census, leaving that area and moving to Washington County, Va. and then to Tennessee; Joan Jarrett, who with her husband, John Wetzel and their family resided in Upper Milford Township of Northampton County; Margaret Jarrett, who with her husband, Frederick Sheackler (Schachler) and their family resided in Upper Milford Township of Northampton County; and Sarah Nan Jarrett, who married John Martin Spiegel and made their home in Lincoln (now Catawba) County, N.C.

Samuel Jarrett sold a fraction over three acres of land from his original lands to John Yoder and John Hefner, Trustees for the Grace Evangelical Lutheran church on 11 January 1797. Soon afterward, a two story log house of worship was erected. John Martin and Sarah Nan Spiegel apparently moved their membership to this church as did some of their children and their families." Sources; Lehigh County, Pa. records. Lehigh County History, Lincoln Co. court records.

John married Anna Maria. (Anna Maria died in Lower Macungie Twp., Lehigh, PA.)


1 Dr. Charles E. Jarrett, Elizabeth Jarrett Walton, Jarrett Pennslyvania to North Carolina and Beyond (Family History Publishers, Bountinful, Utah 84010. 2007 second printing. Online version at, Page 1.

2 Dorothy Elsie Worman, Gilbert, Knappenberger, Jarrett & Allied Families (Allentown, Pennsylvania. 1990.), Page 358.

3 Dr. Charles Martin Speegle, Heritage of Catawba County, NC (Catawba County Genealogical Society, PO Box 2406, Hickory, NC 28603-2406), Vol. 1, 1986.

4 Northampton County Courthouse, Pennsylvania (699 Washington Street, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042.), Estate of John Jarrett.

5 Northampton County Courthouse, Pennsylvania (699 Washington Street, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042.), Will of John Jarrett of Macungie Township. File Number 77, 1755.

6 Northampton County Courthouse, Pennsylvania (699 Washington Street, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042.), Orphan's Court, Books A-B-C, pages 61, 62, 67, 68.

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