Christian M. Bucher
Margaret Hinkel
John C. Reichard
George William Bucher
Elizabeth A. Reichard
John R. Bucher


Family Links

1. Katherine Shuman

John R. Bucher 1

  • Born: 11 Jun 1861, Wrightsville, York, PA 1 2
  • Marriage (1): Katherine Shuman on 10 Feb 1891 in Columbia, Lancaster, PA 1 2
  • Died: 12 Jun 1935, Columbia, Lancaster, PA at age 74 3
  • Buried: 15 Jun 1935, Columbia: Mount Bethel Cemetery, Lancaster, PA 3

   FamilySearch ID: LDLV-Q8C.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He has conflicting birth information of His PA Death certificate has 4 Jan 1862 birth date., 4 Jan 1862 and , , Pennylvania, USA. 3

2. Occupation: salesman on 9 Feb 1891 in Marietta, Lancaster, PA. 2

3. Census in 1910 in Columbia, Lancaster, PA. 4 The 1910 census recorded Michael S. Shuman, 84, living with son-in-law John P. Bucher, 49; daughter Catherine S. Bucher, 49; and granddaughter Margaret Bucher, 16. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

4. Book: Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania biography: John R. Bucher, 1914. 5

Prominent Manufacturer and Financier. Activity to an unusual degree in the industrial, manufacturing, and business life of Columbia and Lancaster counties, Pennsylvania, coupled with prominence in the councils of the Democratic party and close identification with fraternal organizations, makes John R. Bucher one of the leading and influential citizens of Columbia. Though Mr. Bucher's interests, financial and official, are in many of the flourishing industrial concerns of the city and locality, he is most closely connected with the Columbia Baking and Manufacturing Company. One of the organizers of the original company, he was retained as active manager when the control of the plant was taken over by New York interests, subsequently became chief owner, successfully weathered severe loss by fire in 1906, and now directs its large and profitable business as president and treasurer. He has cooperated with Philadelphia capitalists in the promotion of industrial projects in the locality, and independently has carried to successful conclusion numerous business enterprises. He is widely and favorably known in the vicinity of his home, and his appointment, on February 15, 1914, as postmaster of Columbia, by President Woodrow Wilson, met with the heartiest of approval among his host of acquaintances.

John R. Bucher is a grandson of Christian M. Bucher, born November 28, 1815, died at Marietta, Pennsylvania, January 28, 1881. He married, at Marietta, April 24, 1834, Margaret Hinkle, born July I, 1815, like her husband a native of Marietta, died January 9, 1895, the Rev. H. B. Schaffner, pastor of the German Reformed Church, performing the ceremony. Christian M. Bucher is buried with his wife in the family lot in the Marietta Cemetery. Children : George William, of whom further; Henry, born April 3, 1837, died March 31, 1868; Horace, born October 12, 1838, died December 21, 1903 ; Elizabeth, born December 3, 1840, married a Mr. Hippie, deceased, and now lives in York, Pennsylvania ; Joseph, born January 16, 1842, died July 6, 1842; Christian, born April 27, 1843, married and resides at Kinderhook, Pennsylvania ; David H., born January 25, 1846, married and resides in Philadelphia ; Margaret, born June 23, 1847, died January 2, 1848; Alonzo S., born August 28, 1848, died March 31, 1849; Augusta, born January 23, 1850. died an infant of eleven days ; Emma Frances, born January 8, 1852, died September 12, 1852; Ellwood P., born September 17, 1854, married and resides in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

George William, eldest son and child of Christian M. and Margaret (Hinkle) Bucher, was born April 11, 1835, and died March 7, 1910. He was for two years engaged in the sawmill business in Marietta, and later moved with his family to Thompsontown, Juniata county, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits. Subsequently he returned to Marietta, where he was in active charge of the Heistand Saw and Planing Mill, which he managed for many years. He was a member of the Marietta Council, prominent in all public matters of local importance, and was an officer of the Presbyterian church. His fraternal organizations were the Knights of Pythias, the Order of United American Mechanics, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in the last named fraternity belonging to Donegal Lodge, No. 129, and Marietta Encampment, No. 86. His political party was the Democratic, which he supported faithfully during his entire life. George W. Bucher was esteemed by his fellows for his many commendable qualities, which found expression in a life well and usefully passed. He married Elizabeth A. Reichard, born in York county, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1830, died at Marietta, Pennsylvania, March 21, 1910, the Rev. Frederick Vanderslute performing the ceremony, December 27, 1855. She was the second daughter of John C. Reichard, who came from Germany and located in Shrewsbury, York county, Pennsylvania, where he reared a family of nine children. George William Bucher and his wife, Elizabeth, are buried in the Marietta Cemetery, Marietta, Pennsylvania. They were the parents of : Amanda A., born November 5, 1856, died September 5, 1857; Emma C, born in Wrightsville, York county, Pennsylvania, March 14, 1859, resides on the homestead at Marietta, Pennsylvania, unmarried, and John R. Bucher.

John R. Bucher, only son and youngest of the three children of George William and Elizabeth A. (Reichard) Bucher, was born at Wrightsville, York county, Pennsylvania, January 4, 1861. Until he was a youth of sixteen years he attended the public schools of Marietta, whither his parents had moved but a short time after his birth, and at that age he became employed under his father in the Heistand Saw and Planing Mill. Four years afterward he went west, locating in Clinton, Iowa, and there obtaining employment as a filer in the saw mills of W. J. Young & Company. For two years he remained in Clinton, then going to Dubuque, Iowa, where he became a salesman in the employ of A. J. Smiddel & Company. This position he retained for but one year, when he returned to the State of his birth, in Columbia, accepting a position as salesman for the firm of W. A. King & Company. He represented this concern in the eastern and central states until February 29, 1896, when he and others formed the Columbia Baking and Manufacturing Company, and purchased the plant of W. A. King & Company. Mr. Bucher managed the new company until 1899, when the entire control of the plant was leased to the National Biscuit Company of New York. The new owners retained Mr. Bucher's services as manager for five years, and when the lease held by the National Biscuit Company expired he purchased all of the outstanding stock and reorganized the company. Its successful course was interrupted by a disastrous fire on Sunday evening, December 23, 1906, which damaged the plant to the extent of $20,000. only partially covered by $8,000 insurance, and which entirely stopped production. That a greater loss than the actual ravages of the flames was not suffered by the company was due to Mr. Bucher's quick and decisive saving action, for within less than a week he had installed all that remained of the machinery in that portion of the building, formerly the shipping department, that the flames had not destroyed and had begun work on the orders at hand. The difference between the former production and that which he was now able to command was made up by purchase from bakeries in Harrisburg, York, Lancaster, and Philadelphia, so that the company suffered no loss of prestige or influence through their misfortune. During this period John F. Sload was manager of the plant. Early in 1907 Mr. Bucher purchased the building adjoining the plant, and at the same time caused work to be begun upon the large and modern bakery that is now the home of the company, of which he is the present president and treasurer. Eastern Pennsylvania and Maryland form the company's most profitable field, and throughout this district it bears an excellent name for fairness and honor in all transactions.

Mr. Bucher's interests in other of Columbia's enterprises are many. He bought the controlling interest in the Fairview Milling Company, of Columbia, and was one of the promoters, with representatives of Philadelphia capital, of the Eastern Milling and Export Company, whose offices were in the Bourse Building, Philadelphia. Mr. Bucher represented this company as manager of the Columbia and Fairview Mill, of Columbia, and the Locher Mill, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He was also one of the reorganizers of the Columbia Brewing Company and for a time its general manager; led in the organization of the Eureka Box Factory, of Columbia, and is secretary and treasurer of this prosperous company ; is connected with the Keeley Stove Company, of Columbia ; for many years a director of the First National Bank of Columbia; and in 1888 was one of the organizers of the Central National Bank of Columbia, of which he is still a stockholder.

Mr. Bucher's services are always at the disposal of his fellows if the object of their endeavors is the advancement and welfare of the place of his home. During the Old Home Week Celebration at Columbia in October, 1913, Mr. Bucher was chairman of the Industrial Committee, and through his devoted efforts contributed largely to the success of that festival. In fraternal life he is particularly prominent, and in the Masonic order holds high rank. He is a member of Asharra Lodge, No. 398, Free and Accepted Masons, of Marietta ; Corinthian Chapter, No. 224, Royal Arch Masons, of Columbia ; past eminent commander of Cyrene Commandery, No. 34, Knights Templar, of Columbia ; Lancaster Lodge of Perfection ; Harrisburg Consistory, Red Rose of Constantine, of which he is secretary ; Lancaster Shrine Club, and Rajah Temple, of Reading, Pennsylvania, of which he was twice elected representative to the Grand Imperial Council of the United States. He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belonging to Donegal Lodge, No. 129, and Marietta Encampment, No. 86; Susquehanna Aerie, No. 293, Fraternal Order of Eagles, of which he is past worthy president, and the Columbia Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose.

Always a staunch Democrat, Mr. Bucher has effectively advanced the interests of that party in the county and State, and has taken leading part in all political activity. He has been a delegate to many State conventions of his party, and in the campaign of 1912 and at the Baltimore Convention was a strenuous worker for the Wilson candidacy, acting as a member of Mr. Wilson's official escort through the State of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Democratic Club of Philadelphia. On February 15, 1914, Mr. Bucher received the appointment as postmaster of Columbia from President Wilson, and was also prominently named for the office of revenue collector for the Ninth Revenue District of Pennsylvania. His record is in itself an eloquent one, speaking of well-directed energy, foresight, and determination, and that these qualities are guided by strict integrity and uprightness is shown by the regard in which he is held by his associates.

John R. Bucher married Katherine Shuman, born in Columbia, June 11, 1861, the Rev. George Wells Ely, of Columbia, performing the ceremony February 10, 1891. Mr. and Mrs. Bucher journeyed in the South for six weeks, then took up their residence in Altoona, Pennsylvania, finally returning to Columbia, where they have since resided.

Katherine (Shuman) Bucher is a daughter of Michael Strebig Shuman, a descendant of George Shuman, who in 1760 came to Pennsylvania from his German home and settled on the upper end of Turkey Hill, Manor township, Lancaster county. He was accompanied by his wife, a Miss Manning, and after her death he married Catherine Pfeiffer, who died in 1826. He was the father of Christian, born in 1777. Elizabeth, born in 1779 ; Jacob, of whom further ; Mary, born in 1784; Frederick, born in 1786, and George, born in 1788.

Jacob, son of George Shuman, the immigrant, was born in Manor township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1781, and died in March, 1837. He followed the trade of tailor all of his life, and was twice married, (first) to Mary Witman, (second) to Margaret Wisler. The parents of Mary Witman were the owners of a farm now covered by the city of Harrisburg. Children of Jacob Shuman's first marriage : George, Jacob, Daniel, John, Katherine, Henry, Frederick and Michael Strebig, of whom further. Children of his second marriage : Christian, Andrew, Abraham, Benjamin and William C.

Michael Strebig Shuman, son of Jacob Shuman and his first wife, Mary Witman, was born September 16, 1825, and passed his boyhood on a farm. He was a youth of but seventeen years when he learned the millwright's trade, in 1844, beginning an apprenticeship at the trade of carpenter with John Young, of Columbia. For twenty-three years he followed the carpenter's trade, in 1867 turning his attention to oil refining as a member of Truscott & Company, and remained in association with this concern for eighteen years, and on dissolution of this firm for a short time conducted a milling business. In 1858 he engaged in the fire insurance business, the management of which he retained when retiring from active life in 1885. This he still conducts, and at this time, although having attained the advanced age of eighty-nine years, retains an active interest in several business enterprises. Columbia has been his home for more than seventy years, and in its growth and development he has borne a worthy part, advocating all progressive and modern movements and lending his services in many capacities. Among the positions that he has worthily filled are those of councilman and school director. He is a member of lodge and encampment. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the esteem in which he is held by his fraternity associates is shared by all who know him. His friends in Columbia extend to all circles and classes. Michael S. Shuman married, in 1857, Margaret Lehman, and has children : Mary, deceased, married Dr. William R. Powell, of Camden, New Jersey ; Katherine, of previous mention, married John R. Bucher; Anna, deceased ; George, deceased ; Michael, married Nellie Spencer; Jane, married E. G. Smith, of Tampa, Florida; and John, married Lottie Munroe.

Children of John R. and Katherine (Shuman) Bucher: May Elizabeth, born May 1, 1892, died July 15, 1892; Margaret Shuman, born February 2, 1894, lives at home; Elizabeth Rose, born May 2, 1896, died August 22, 1904; and Lillian Katherine, born December 15, 1900, died March 7, 1906.

John married Katherine Shuman, daughter of Michael Strebig Shuman and Margaret Lehman, on 10 Feb 1891 in Columbia, Lancaster, PA.1 2 (Katherine Shuman was born on 11 Jun 1861 in Columbia, Lancaster, PA 1.)


1 Jordan, John W. (John Woolf), 1840-1921, Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania biography (New York : Lewis Historical Publishing Co. 1914. Online at, Vol. 6, page 2087. Biography of John R.. Bucher.

2, Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1885 - 1950, John R. Bucher and Katharine Shuman, 1891.

3, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 58718. John R. Bucher. Father George Bucher. Mother Elizabeth Reichard. Spouse Catherine Shuman.

4 1910 United States Census, John P Bucher in entry for Michael S Shuman, 1910.

5 Jordan, John W. (John Woolf), 1840-1921, Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania biography (New York : Lewis Historical Publishing Co. 1914. Online at, Vol. 6 Page 2091.

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