John Ranck
Elizabeth Shively
John Diller
Margaret Rhoads
Jacob Ranck
Lucy Diller
John D. Ranck


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John D. Ranck 1

  • Born: 27 Nov 1829, East Earl Twp., Lancaster, PA 1

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Book: Biographical Annals Of Lancaster County, Pa: biography of John D. Ranck and father Jacob Ranck., 1903. 1
John D. Ranck, an honored and much respected retired farmer of New Holland, Pa., was born in East Earl township, Lancaster county, Nov. 27, 1829, and is a son of Jacob and Lucia (Diller) Ranck. His father was a farmer in Earl township, where his good standing in the community was attested by his election to the office of supervisor. His death occurred in October, 1875, when he was seventy-five years old; his wife passed to her rest the same year, at the age of sixty-eight. Both were members of the Lutheran Church, and were buried in the New Holland cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ranck had the following family: John D.; Jacob, a farmer of Earl township; Margaret, a single lady; Martin, unmarried, and living in Lancaster; Diller, a farmer in Chester county, Pa.; Luella, who married Daniel W. Groff; Barbara A., married to Isaac Musser, and living in Lancaster; David, who died young; Elizabeth, who also died young.
The paternal grandparents of J. D. Ranck were John and Elizabeth (Shively) Ranck; his maternal grandparents, John and Margaret (Rhoads) Diller. Both families were honorable farming people of Lancaster county.
Mr. Ranck was married in December, 1856, to Louisa Diller, by whom he had one child, Mary E., who is unmarried, and is living at home. Mrs. Ranck was born in April, 1837, daughter of Jacob and Mary (Basore) Diller.
John D. Ranck lived with his parents until marriage, when he moved to Chester county and was there engaged eight years in farming, moving into East Earl township to carry on a farm the same length of time. In 1887 he established himself on a farm where he is found the present time. Mr. Ranck has been supervisor of Earl and East Earl townships, and was known as an honorable and efficient official. In politics he is a Republican. He stands well in the community.


1 Meginness, John F., Biographical Annals Of Lancaster County, Pa: Containing Biographical And Genealogical Sketches Of Prominent And Representative Citizens And Many Of The Early Settlers (J. H. BEERS and CO., 1903. Online at:, Page 1426, biography of John D. Ranck.

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