

Family Links

1. Levi Murren

Rebecca 1 2

  • Born: 14 Feb 1821 1
  • Marriage (1): Levi Murren
  • Died: 22 Jul 1844, Taneytown, Carroll, MD at age 23 1 2
  • Buried: Taneytown: Saint Josephs Catholic Church Cemetery, Carroll, MD 1

   FamilySearch ID: M5HV-F2W.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Book: History of Western Maryland: record of Rebecca Murren's grave, 1882. 3
The founder of Taneytown was a Catholic, and it is reasonable to suppose there were others of the same faith living in the vicinity of the town at an early period. As 'far back as 1790 there are records of mass having been said at private dwellings by Fathers Frambaugh, Pellentz, Brosuis, and Cefremont. In 1804, Prince Geliven visited the village, and built St. Joseph's church. Father Zocchi, an Italian priest of great learning and remarkable executive ability, was the first pastor of St. Joseph's, and remained in charge of the parish during the extraordinary period of forty-one years. He died in 1845, regretted by all who knew him, and there was no priest regularly assigned to the charge until 1851. From the latter date until 1862 the parish was under the control of Father Thomas O'Neill, who was succeeded by Father J. Gloyd, who remained in charge until Jan. 1, 1879. Father Gloyd's first assistant was Rev. Richard Baseman, from May, 1871, to January, 1873; his second, Rev. Casper Schmidt, from 1873 to 1874; and his third, Rev. John T. Dulaney, from 1874 to Jan. 1, 1879. At this date the mission was divided, Father Dulaney retaining charge of St. Joseph's, and St. Thomas', at New Windsor, while Father Gloyd took charge of St. John's, Westminster, and St. Bartholomew's, Manchester. Father Dulaney is a native of Baltimore, and was educated in that city. Though comparatively a young man he is a thorough classical scholar, and while scrupulously discharging the oner- ous duties of his pastorate is also a laborious student. His many engaging qualities and his unflagging zeal in the cause of religion and charity have not only endeared him to the people of his parish, but have won for him the confidence and respect of the entire community without reference to denominational lines. Taneytown was the headquarters of the mission until 1869, when the residence of Father Gloyd was changed to Westminster by Archbishop Spalding.

The following persons are buried in the Catholic cemetery :

Rebecca, wife of Levi Murren, died July 22, 1844, aged 23 years, 5 months, 8 days.
<full list in book>.

Rebecca married Levi Murren. (Levi Murren was born on 22 Feb 1819 in , , Pennylvania, USA,4 died on 23 Dec 1896 in Germany Twp., Adams, PA 4 and was buried on 28 Dec 1896 in Littlestown: St. Aloysius Cemetery, Adams, PA 4.)


1 Find A Grave,

2 Jacob Mehrling Holdcraft, Names in Stone: 75,000 Cemetery Inscriptions from Frederick County, Maryland (Genealogical Publishing Com, 2002 - 1371 pages), Vol. 2. Murren, Rebecca w/o Levi, 22 Jul 1844 23-5-8 (Taneyt. Cath. 87A) --Scharf.

3 Scharf, J. Thomas, History of Western Maryland; being a history of Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties from the earliest period to the present day; including biographical sketches of their representative men (Regional Pub. Co., 1968. Reprint of the 1882 ed. 2 volumes (1560 p.)), Vol 2., page 845.

4 Find A Grave,

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