Johannel Mikel Junker
Anna Eva
Jacob Young Sr.


Family Links

1. Magdaleen Molly Burkhart

Jacob Young Sr. 1

  • Born: 1755, , Rowan, NC 1
  • Marriage (1): Magdaleen Molly Burkhart
  • Died: 20 Jan 1823, , Washington, IN at age 68 1
  • Buried: New Pekin: Hoffman Cemetery, Washington, IN 1

   FamilySearch ID: G3QF-XSX.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Oath: Signed Oath of Allegience, 7 Aug 1778, Salisbury Township, Rowan, NC. 2 PROOF PATRIOT'S SERVICE
References Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine
Volume 82, Year 1948, Page 208
Contributed by Addle Loucks Leham, Rebecca Motte Chapter, Charleston, South Carolina
JACOB YOUNG (signer)
Jacob Young's name appears in the first column, twelfth
name from the top of the list.

2. Tax List: 1784, , Rowan, NC. 3 State of North Carolina, Rowan County
Records in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court.
Capt. Frederick Smith's List of Taxables for the Year 1784,
East Side of the Yadkin River
Michael Young 200 acres
Henry Beeker 300 acres
Jacob Young 200 acres.

3. Father gave him land in 1787 which he sold Nov 1808. In 1787 in , Rowan, NC.

4. Census in 1790 in , Rowan, NC. 4 The 1790 census recorded Jacob Young with this household:
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females: 2
Number of Household Members: 5.

5. Census in 1800 in Salisbury Township, Rowan, NC. The 1800 census recorded Jacob Young:
Home in 1800 (City, County, State): Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males -10 thru 15: 1 son Frederick
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1 son Jacob Jr.
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1 father Jacob Sr.
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2 daughters Anna Maria and Magdaleen
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 2 daughters Christina and Elizabeth
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1 mother Magdaleen
Number of Household Members Under 16: 5
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 8.

6. Property on 26 Oct 1809 in Jackson Township, Washington, IN. 5 LAND RECORDS, DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR LAND OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C.
Research by: Thelma K. Frazee, Geneologist 1011 R. St., N. W. Washington, D. C.
Harrison Co., Ind. formed in 1809
Washington Co., Ind. Formed in 1813 and borders Harrison Co.
Jeffersonville, Ind. Land Office
Book 17 Page 4705
Jacob Young of Harrison Co., Indiana
NE 1/4 Sec. 2, Twsp. 1, Range 4
360.40 acres
Dated Oct. 26, 1809 (date of Purchase)
Final Certificate No. 386
Patent dated July 14, 1813.

7. He was listed on a Jacob Young and wife sold to John Beker 180 acres, west part of NE 1/4 Section 2, Township S, Range 4#E deed on 16 Jan 1816 in , Washington, IN. 6

8. He signed a will Will of Jacob Young on 15 May 1816 in , Washington, IN. 7 ---
The said Will was translated from German by JOHN HEISTANDE who also witnessed the Will.

IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. I, Jacob Young of Washington County, Indiana Territory, a farmer, considering the mortality of body, and being yet in perfect health and sound memory, I have taken unto consideration how to dispose of my property which may be left after my death. I therefore make my last will and testament in manner following:

FIRST, I recommend my soul to God who created me, and through his son Jesus Christ received me for his child, my body to earth and that the same after my death shall be buried in Christian like manner if probable.

SECOND, It is my will and testament that all my just debts 9 shall be paid after my death as soon as possible.

THIRDLY, It is my will and testament that my beloved wife, then surviving widow Magdaleen shall have in her possession and keep all my personal property, so long as she lives, and shall have full power to anyone of the same as she deem proper, and also she is to have the theropart of all that groweth on the place whereon I have every year. If she stands in need of the same for her support.

FOURTHLY, It is my will and testament that my son Jacob shall have and own and keep in possession the land whereon I now live, as the same is land off between me and John Beker on condition that he will give to his mother annually one third as above stated. Further he shall give to Solomon Young, son of Frederick, one Coult or Horse when he arrives to mature age, and to Anna Maria said Solomon sister a cow when she is of age.

FIFTHLY, It is my will and testament that my son Frederick's surviving children shall have after the death of my surviving widow, fifty dollars each, which shall derive from the moveable property, if they do not receive the same before.

SIXTH, It is my will and testament that the property remaining after the death of my wife shall be equally divided between my daughter's Elizabeth, Christina, Magdalen, and Anna Maria on condition that the accounts which Stein charged against them shall be added in, and be divided according to the same, so that they all shall have and equal part.

I shall conclude my last will and testament by appointing my two sons-in-law, Phillip Shuoltz and John Beker, Executors, so that all shall be done according to this my will and testament, and this shall remain my last will and no other, to which I set my hand and seal the fifteenth day of May in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixteen.


In the Presence of
JOHN HEISTAND (Signatures)

I certify that after being due sworn, so to do, that I have correctly to the best of my skill and understanding translated the original will of JACOB YOUNG now on file in the Clerk's Office of Washington Circuit Court. And that the foregoing is the said translation in manuscript.

John Heistande (Signed)

March 17, 1823
State of Indiana
SS: Washington County
I, Ernest Etzler, Clerk of the Washington Circuit Court, do hereby certify that the foregoing will is an exact copy of the original will as recorded in the Will Record 1, page 55.
Witness My Hand and Seal this 6th day of August, 1956.

(Signed) Ernest Etzler
Clerk of Washington Circuit Court.

9. Census in 1820 in , Washington, IN. 8 The 1820 census recorded living next door to his son-in-law John Beker [sic] the household of Jacob Young:
Name: Jacob Young
Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Washington, Indiana
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 3
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 4.

10. Will probated on 17 Mar 1823 in , Washington, IN.

11. Newspaper: Indianapolis Star: Indiana Ancestors column mentions Jacob Young and John Beeker, 21 Aug 1966, Indianapolis, Marion, IN. 9 hIndiana Ancestors
Q-3530 Seeking burial place of Jacob YOUNG (JUNG), a Revolutionary War patriot, and wife, Magdalene. Came from Salisbury District, Rowan County, North Carolina to Harrison County in Indiana (later Washington County) about 1808. His will there dated 5-15-1816, proved 3-17-1823, named heirs: wife; sons, Jacob and Frederick (d. before (5-15-1816) daughters, Elizabeth (wife of Phillip SHOULTZ), Christina (wife of John BEKER or BEEK-ER), Magdaleen, Anna Maria. Grandchildren: Solomon and sister, Anna Maria who were children of deceased son, Frederick. Mrs. William E. Sanson, 1208 Ball Street, Lafayette, 47904.
Q-3531 In Washington County 1820 Census, John BEEKER, wife, Christina with sons Daniel and Leonard, daughters Susannah and Barbara, lived next door to Jacob YOUNG, (Senior) and wife, Magdalene. By 1830 in Tippecanoe County, John BEEKER lived next door to Elizabeth SHULTS (Z) (widow of Phillip) and next to her, John PRUITT family (wife, Barbara, sister to Elizabeth BEEKER). John BEEKER and wife are buried in Pretty Prairie Cemetery, Tippecanoe County. Will exchange. Mrs. William E. Sanson, 1208 Ball Street, Lafayette, 47904.

12. Book: A Roster of Revolutionary Ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution, 4 Jul 1976. 10
Young (Yung, Jung) Jacob, b. 1758-60, ca. Pa., N. C. (Georgia), d. 1823, Washington Co., Ind., m. 1780-82 Magdaleen (Burkhart), b. 1755, Rowan Co., N. C., d. aft. 1823, Washington Co., Ind. SERVICE: Daughters of American Revolution Magazine, Vol 82, Year 1848, page 208. Contributed by Addie Louks Leham, Rebecca Motte Chapter, Charleston, S. C. Oath of Allegiance - Rowan Co. Salisbury District, N. C. Jacob Young's name appears in first column, twelfth name from top. CHILDREN: Frederick, b. aft. 1782, d. bef. 15 May 1816; Jacob, b. 1784-90, Elizabeth, b. 1781, m. M. Phillip Schoultz; Christina, b. 14 Jun 1790, m. John Beeker; Magdaleen, b. 1790-1800; Anna Maria, b. 1790-1800. DESCENDANT: HURLEY, Meriam Anderson, N. 589469.

Jacob married Magdaleen Molly Burkhart. (Magdaleen Molly Burkhart was born in 1762 in , Rowan, NC 11 and was buried in New Pekin: Hoffman Cemetery, Washington, IN 11.)


1 Find A Grave,

2 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 42.

3 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 43.

4 1790 United States Census, Jacob Young, Rowan, North Carolina, United States; citing p. 314.

5 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 50.

6 "Washington County, Indiana Courthouse," Deed Book A, page 346. Grantor Jacob Young, Grantee John Beker.

7 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 52.

8 1820 United States Census, Jacob Young, Washington, Indiana, United States; citing p. 223.

9 The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, IN), 21 Aug 1966, page 108. Indiana Ancestors column.

10, A Roster of Revolutionary Ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution, Page 677. Jacob Young.

11 Find A Grave,

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