Archibald Bright Pruitt
Mary Rebecca Blankenship
John Randolph Pruitt


Family Links

1. Barbara Beeker

John Randolph Pruitt 1 4 5 6 7 8 9

  • Born: 5 Jul 1804, , , VA 6 10
  • Marriage (1): Barbara Beeker on 22 May 1827 in , Washington, IN 1 2 3
  • Died: 31 May 1858, Milford, Iroquois, IL at age 53 4
  • Buried: Goodwine: Amity Cemetery, Iroquois, IL 4

   Another name for John was John Prewett.2

   FamilySearch ID: LC5J-Q7J.

  Birth Notes:

Event Description: Portraits and Biographical Record Iroquois County, Illinois
JAMES A. PRUITT, retired farmer now residing in Goodwine numbered among early pioneers.
Mr. Pruitt was born near Lafayette, in Tippecanoe Co., Ind., Aug. 21, 1832. His father, John R. Pruitt, was a native of Virginia, and during childhood went to Kentucky where he was reared to manhood. He learned the trade of shoe-maker with his father and in 1820 emigrated to Washington Co., Indiana, where he was married five years later to Miss Barbara Beeker.
Her grandfather was a native of Germany. In an early day he emigrated to America, locating in North Carolina, and served in the Revolutionary War under General Washington. In 1820 he emigrated to Washington County, Indiana, and seven years later went to Tippecanoe County, Indiana, where his death occurred.
Mrs. Pruitt is still living with our subject at age of 83 years.
In 1827, the parents of James emigrated to Tippecanoe Co., Indiana and located among Indians, took up Gov. Land.
In 1856, John Pruitt came with his family to Iroqubois Co., Illinois and carried on merchandising in Milford until his death on May 1, 1858. Member of Christian Church and wife member of Methodist Episcopal Church.
Children of John Pruitt and Barbara (Beeker) Pruitt.
Lucretia, wf. of Elias Laird d. in said Co.
Simeon, d. in Ind., in 1850
James A. Daniel was in 42nd. Ill. Inf. for 3 yrs. and in now a minister of Methodist Episcopal Church located in Ottowa, Iowa.
William Henry Harrison, served in 20th Ind. Inf. for nearly four yrs. now farmer in Nebr.
John B., served in 112nd Ill Inf. 3 yrs. Now living in Watseka, Ill Joseph, was also in war, now runs farm near Wellington
Randolph, a silversmith in Kansas.
Mrs. Elizabeth Brownlee living in Ellsworth, Wis.
Mrs. Jennie Crawford, lives in Kansas Mrs. Margaret Davis

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Arrival: 1820, in , Washington, IN. 11

2. Arrival: 1827, in , Tippecanoe, IN. 11

3. Census in 1830 in , Tippecanoe, IN. 12 The 1830 census recorded John Pruitt's household, living next door to his wife Barbara's father John Beeker, as follows:
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Tippecanoe , Indiana
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 2
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 4.

4. Census in 1840 in , Tippecanoe, IN. 13 The 1840 census recorded John R. Pruitt, living as neighbor to his wife Barbara's father John Beeker, with this household:
Home in 1840: Tippecanoe, Indiana
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 6
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 8.

5. Census in 1850 in Jefferson Township, Carroll, IN. 14 The 1850 census recorded John Pruett, farmer, 45, born in Kentucky, living with his family all born in Indiana: wife Barbara, 41; Allen, 17; Daniel, 14; William H., 12; John B. 10; Elizabeth, 8; Joseph, 6; Randolph, 3; and Jane, 1. John's real estate was valued at $1500.

6. Arrival: 1856, in Milford, Iroquois, IL. 1 11

7. Book: Portrait and Biographical Record of Iroquois County, Illinois, 1893. 1 10
JAMES A. PRUITT, a retired farmer now residing in Goodwine, well deserves representation in this volume, for he is numbered among its early pioneers, almost forty years having passed since he located in the county. He has experienced the hardships and privations of pioneer life, and has watched the growth of the county from the days of its early infancy almost, has seen its wild land transformed into beautiful homes and farms, while towns and villages have sprung up, indicating rapid progress and advancement.

Mr. Pruitt was born near La Fayette, in Tippecanoe County, Ind., August 21, 1832. His father, John R. Pruitt, was a native of Virginia, and during childhood went to Kentucky, where he was reared to manhood. He learned the trade of a shoe-maker with his father, and in 1820 emigrated to Washington County, Ind., where he was married five years later to Miss Barbara Beeker. Her grandfather was a native of Germany. In an early day he emigrated to America, locating in North Carolina, and served in the Revolutionary War, under Gen. Washington. [Research Note: this would be her maternal grandfather Jacob Young.]
In 1820, he [John Pruitt] emigrated to Washington County, Ind., and seven years later to Tippecanoe County, where his death occurred. Mrs. Pruitt is still living with our subject at the age of eighty-three years.
In 1827, the parents of James emigrated to Tippecanoe County, and located among the Indians. He there followed his trade and took up Government land, on which he developed a farm. The city of La Fayette was not yet founded.

In 1856, John Pruitt came with his family to Iroquois County, and carried on merchandising in Milford until his death on the 1st of May, 1858. He took quite a prominent part in public affairs, and was honored with a number of local offices. With the Christian Church he held membership, and his wife was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics, he was a Whig. Their children were as follows: Lucretia became the wife of Elias Laird, and died in this county; Simeon died in Indiana in 1850; James A. is the next younger; Daniel was in the Forty-second Illinois Infantry for three years, and is now a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, located in Ottawa, Iowa; William Henry Harrison, who served in the Twentieth Indiana Infantry for nearly four years, is now a farmer in Nebraska; John B., who wore the blue as a member of the Forty-second Illinois Infantry for three years, is now living in Watseka; Joseph, who was also in the war, owns a fine farm near Wellington; Randolph is a silversmith in Kansas; Mrs. Elizabeth Brownlee is living in Ellsworth, Wis.; Mrs. Jennie Crawford makes her home in Kansas; and Mrs. Margaret Davis completes the family.

Mr. Pruitt's earliest recollections are of a pioneer home upon a new farm, the Indians being numbered among their neighbors.

8. Evidence: Deposition of James A. Pruitt in the Civil War pension file of brother Joseph Pruitt, 30 Jul 1913, Goodwine, Iroquois, IL. 15 JOSEPH PRUITT - Civil War., Co,, E, 135th Indiana Inf. Rank: Private
File No. c-2569-726 Original on file at National Archives.
JAMES A. PRUITT and JOSEPH PRUITT were brothers of DANIEL PRUITT, all of whom were sons of JOHN R. PRUITT and his wife BARBARA (BEEKER) PRUITT. Photocopy of original deposition filed with Supplemental D.A.R. application of JACOB YOUNG lineage.
A Case of JOSEPH PRUITT No. 684,203
On this 30th day of July, 1913, at GOODWINE, County of IROQUOIS, State of Illinois before me W. S. Bridges, a special examiner of the Bureau of Pensions, personally appeared JAMES A. PRUITT, who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during this special examination of aforesaid claim for pension, deposes and says:

I am 80 11/12 of age; my post-office address is Goodwine, Ill. JOSEPH PRUITT claimant herein is my brother; he was 70 years of age last March 16th. I was old enough to remember his birth; he was born in Tippecanoe Co., Ind. I was going on 11 years of age when he was born. I have here a record of the names and dates of births of all the children born to my father, JOHN R. PRUITT, and my mother BARBARA BEEKER PRUITT.
My father died May 28, 1858; and this record was made by him on or about 1854 and it has been in my possession ever since. The original record in Family Bible was taken to Kansas by my mother and when she returned here she did not bring it and I presume it was left in the hands of some of the younger children out there. My mother died here in 1896. I do not know whether the original Bible record is in existence. According to the record I have here the following are the names of dates of births of all the children born to my father and mother.
Lucretia Pruitt 4 March 1828
Simeon Pruitt 3 April 1830
James A. Pruitt 21 August 1832
Daniel Pruitt 7 September 1834
W. H. H. Pruitt 31 January 1837
John B. Pruitt 26 January 1839
Mary R. (or B.) Pruitt 7 June 1841
Joseph Pruitt 16 March 1843
Randolph Pruitt 10 June 1846
Jane Pruitt 4 October 1848
Margot Pruitt 16 April 1852.

9. Book: Biography and Personal History of Rev. Alonzo Pruitt, 1957. 11
Taken from an original letter "Biography and Personal History of Rev. Alonzo Pruitt." This letter is from A. Pruitt, Smithland, Iowa to Mrs. Will Widney, Shenandoah, Iowa 606 S. Center St., mailed Feb. 25, 1942.
(reproduced in book by Grace Widney Brown, see source note)

I was born in the little town of Milford, Ill., Iroquois County, June 22, 1858 of hardy pioneer stock. My grandfather John R. Pruitt was born in Virginia on July 5, 1804. Moved with the family to Kentucky. Here he grew to manhood. In 1820, moved to Indiana, Washington Co., seven years later to Tippecanoe county near now LaFayette. It was not yet founded. In 1825, he was united in marriage to Miss Barbara Beeker. It was near the Battleground of Tippecanoe and Tyler where most of the family were born. In 1856 with his family he came to Milford, Ill., Just a trading post and engaged in the mercantile business until his death May 31, 1858. To this union were born 7 boys and 4 girls. Lucretia, Simeon, James A., Daniel, William Henry Harrison, John B., Joseph, Randolph, Elizabeth, Jane, and Margaret. My Grandmother, Barbara Beeker, born in North Carolina, Oct. 17, 1809. Her grandfather served as a soldier under General George Washington in the Revolutionary War. One brother Lem Beeker served under General Tyler in the battle of Tippecanoe, Indiana. Daniel Pruitt, son of John R. and Barbara (Beeker) Pruitt born September 7, 1834. Daniel was my father. In the winter of 1872, at a Methodist revival held at the Harness school house 2 miles south of Milford, Illinois, was converted and became a powerful minister of the gospel of the old school and Theological type. My mother, Sarah Ann (Willson) Pruitt, born in Ohio, February 15, 1837 daughter of Eliza (Tatman) and John Wilson, her husband. Sarah Ann's father was killed in Ohio in the summer of 1840, while he was working in the field by the Indians. Daniel Pruitt and Sarah Ann Wilson were joined in marriage September 17, 1857. To this union were born 3 boys and 1 girl as follows: Alonzo; Viola; J. B. McPherson and Edward.

John married Barbara Beeker, daughter of John Beeker and Christina Young, on 22 May 1827 in , Washington, IN.1 2 3 (Barbara Beeker was born on 16 Sep 1809 in Salisbury Township, Rowan, NC,16 died on 12 Mar 1896 in Goodwine, Iroquois, IL 16 17 and was buried in Goodwine: Amity Cemetery, Iroquois, IL 16.)


1 "Portrait and Biographical Record of Iroquois County, Illinois" (Chicago, Lake City Publishing Co., 1893.), Biography of James A. Pruitt.

2 Indiana State Library (315 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202.), Barbara Beeker and John Prewett 22 May 1827 Washington IN.

3 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 16.

4 Find A Grave,

5 Biographical record and portrait album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana (Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1888. 826 pages.), Page 678. Biography of Daniel Beeker. Online

6 "Portrait and Biographical Record of Iroquois County, Illinois" (Chicago, Lake City Publishing Co., 1893.), Page 255. James A. Pruitt.

7 "Portrait and Biographical Record of Iroquois County, Illinois" (Chicago, Lake City Publishing Co., 1893.), Biography of Joseph Pruitt.

8 "Iowa Marriages, 1809-1992" (, Maggie Pruitt in entry for W. P. Williams, 1892.

9, "Iowa, U.S., Marriage Records, 1880-1945," Maggie Davis (father John Pruitt, mother Barbara Beeker) m. 2 Mar 1892 to W. P. Williams.

10 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 23.

11 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 11.

12 1830 United States Census, John Pruitt, Tippecanoe, Indiana, United States; citing 107.

13 1840 United States Census, John R Pruitt, Jefferson, Tippecanoe, Indiana, United States; citing p. 256.

14 1850 United States Census, John Pruett, Jefferson, Carroll, Indiana, United States; citing family 241.

15 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 18.

16 Find A Grave,

17 Grace Widney Brown, "Grace Widney Brown, wife of Winfred A. Brown : 1104 South Elm St., Shenandoah, Iowa, revolutionary ancestory Jacob Young (Jung), N.C." (Proof for Daughters of the American Revolution Application prepared in 1957 by Thelma K. Frazee, Genealogist, Washington D. C. - View online at, Page 27, Parentage of Barbara Beeker.

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