Heinrich Garner
(Abt 1714-1786)
Philip Garner Sr.


Family Links

1. Barbara Elizabeth Winkler

Philip Garner Sr. 2 3

  • Born: 1740, , , , Luxembourg 2 4
  • Marriage (1): Barbara Elizabeth Winkler about 1760 in Rowan, North Carolina, British America 1
  • Died: 6 Sep 1814, , Davidson, NC at age 74 2 4
  • Buried: Denton: Tom's Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Davidson, NC 2

   FamilySearch ID: LZ6F-HMG.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He was buried at a cemetery. This cemetery was lost to farming, and all stones removed from the site. It was located in Emmons Township, on the north side of Bombay Road (NC Hwy 47), about 1/2 mile east of the Gallimore Road/Klopman Road intersection.

2. Tax List: Henry and Philip Gardner appear on the tax list in Rowan County taken by John Ford., 1768, , Rowan, NC. 5

3. Deeds in 1778 in , Rowan, NC. Rowan County Deed Grantees Index
FHL Microfilm 007517715 Page 624 Image 153
1778 84 Gardner Philip from State of NC - Grant Book 9 page 440 Abbotts Creek 300 Acres
1787 90 Gardner Philip from State of NC - Grant Book 11 page 794 Lick Creek 300 Acres
1793 95 Gardner Philip from State of NC - Grant Book 13 page 325 Lick Creek 150 Acres
1798 99 Garner Philip from Roe John - Deed Book 16 page 208 Lick Creek 200 Acres
1801 04 Gardner Philip from McConnel John - Deed Book 18 page 568 Lot on Main St in Lexington
1811 14 Garner Philip from Lanier Wm - Deed Book 22 page 9 recorded 1811 but was actually purchased 28 Jan 1791 212 acres adjacent to Garner's land, probably on Lick Creek

Rowan County Deed Grantors Index
FHL Microfilm 007517711 Page 624 Image 147
1807 1811 Garner Philip to Boss Peter - Deed Book 20 Page 400 or 406
1814 1817 Garner Philip to Garner Henry "Heis of" - Deed Book 23 Page 16
1814 1817 Garner Philip to Lanier Benj Elizabeth & John - Deed Book 23 Page 58
1814 1817 Garner Philip to Garner Jacob - Deed Book 23 Page 91
1814 1817 Garner Philip to Garner Philip - Deed Book 23 Page 94
1814 1817 Garner Philip to Snider Lewis - Deed Book 23 Page 105
1814 1817 Garner Philip to Lanier Benj. Elizabeth & John - Deed Book 24 Page 191
1817 1819 Garner Philip to Thomasen George David - Deed Book 26 Page 349


4. Phillip Gardner was issued 300 acres of land on 10 Oct 1783 in Rowan County, located "On both sides of Abbets Creek". This was recorded in Land Patent Book 51 page 34 as Rowan County Grant # 287. On 10 Oct 1783 in , Rowan, NC. 6 Phillip Gardner was issued 300 acres of land on 10 Oct 1783 in Rowan County, located "On both sides of Abbets Creek". This was recorded in Land Patent Book 51 page 34 as Rowan County Grant # 287. The original request for this land was entered on 04 Aug 1778 and assigned Rowan County Entry # 739. It took 5 years and 2 months to issue the grant.
State of North Carolina No. 287
To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of fifty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted. paid into our treasury by Philip Gardner have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Philip Gardner a tract of land containing three hundred acres, lying and being in our County of Rowen on both sides of Abbits creek Beginning at a white Oak corner to Ephraim Gross and runs with his line North twenty five Degrees East twenty eight chains to a black Oak North Eighty five Degrees East nine chains to an heap of stones by Burkhart line West along his line twenty nine Chains a gum North twenty one Degrees West twenty three Chains to a stake West crossing the creek and a branch thirty five chains to a white Oak South Eighty Chains to a Post Oak East four Chains and fifty links to the Beginning as by the Plat hereunto anexed doth appear: together with all Woods Waters Mines Minerals Hereditaments and appurtenances to the said land, belonging or appertaining: to hold to the Said Phillip Gardner his heirs and assigns for ever; Yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our General Assembly from time to time may Direct. Provided Always that the said Philip Gardner Shall cause this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office of our said County of Rowan within twelve months from the date hereof, otherwise the same shall be void and of no Effect In Testancay whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and our great seal to be here unto affixed. Witness Alexander Martin Esquire our Governor Captain General and Comander in Chief at Hillbro the tenth day of October in the Eighth year of our Independence and in the year of our lord one thousand and seven hundred & Eighty three
By His Excellys Comd.
Alex Martin (the great seal of the State of N. C.)
J. Glasgow, Secretary
Philip Gardner , 300 Acres Rowan County
Recorded in the Secretary's Office
A Pearce P. Sec.

5. NC Land Grant #1774 Book 71 page 86 300 Acres both sides Lick Creek N of Yadkin River: view http://www.nclandgrants.com/grant/?mars= on 18 May 1789 in Denton, Davidson, NC.

6. NC Land Grant #2157 Book 80 page 465 585 acres Lick Creek http://www.nclandgrants.com/grant/?mars= on 24 Oct 1793 in Denton, Davidson, NC.

7. He signed a will At the time of his death, he was in Rowan county, but his land became Davidson county in 1822. On 6 Sep 1812 in , Rowan, NC. 7 Last Will of Philip Garner

May Session [probably the scribe] (1814 )

In the name of God, Amen. I, Philip Garner of the County of Rowan, being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God; calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament, in manner and form following:

Item: First of all I recommend my soul to God that gave it, and my body to the ground, to be buried in a Christian-like and decent manner, at the discretion of my executors hereafter named.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son, John Garner, the tract of land whereon he now lives, containing a three hundred acres, to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give to my son, Henry Gamer, three hundred acres of land lying in both sides of Lick Creek, including my saw mill, to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give to my son Philip Gamer the land and plantation whereon he now lives on Abbots Creek, three hundred acres, to him and his heirs forever

Item: I give to my son David Gamer my plantation and land whereon I now live, containing two Hundred acres, also one hundred acres adjoining (being part of a tract I bought of William Lanier), to him and his heirs forever.

Item: I give to my daughter Barbara Beeker one tract of land lying on the waters of Lick Creek which I bought of William Lanier and David Gamer, containing two hundred acres more or less; none if the before mentioned William Lanier and David Garner shall redeem this tract of land I've mentioned, by payment of Two Hundred Dollars during my life, then the two hundred dollars to go to my daughter Barbara Beeker.

Item: I give to my daughter Mary Boss one tract of land containing one hundred and fifty acres whereon she now lives, to her and her heirs forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Christina Lanier one tract of land adjoining John Garner and Jesse Harris, containing two hundred acres, being part of the original tract my saw mill stands on.

Item: I give to my daughter Anne Snider one house and lot in Lexington. I give to my daughter Mary Boss fifty dollars in cash.

My will is further that all the rest of my estate be equally divided among all my children: namely John Garner, Henry Garner, Philip Garner, David Gamer, Barbara Beeker and Anne Snider, Mary Boss and Christina Lanier.

Lastly I appoint my worthy friend, Ransom Harris and my two sons, Henry Garner and Philip Garner executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the 6th day of September in the year of our Lord 1812.

Signed, sealed, published and dictated by the above named Philip Gamer to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his bequest, and in his presence have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the same.

Philip Garner (His mark: "F")

J. Harris Sr. by Jesse Harris son (His mark, a large: "X").

8. Newspaper: HIgh Point Enterprise: Snider-Garner Reunion, 19 Sep 1967, High Point, Guilford, NC. 8 DENTON -- A Snider-Garner reunion took place at Tom's Creek Primitive Baptist Church on Sunday. During the event those present voted to make it an affair on the third Sunday in September. Guests were descendants of the Rev. Lewis Snider and Phillip Garner, both of whom immigrated from Germany in the 1700s by way of England. According to records they landed in Pennsylvania and settled around Lick Creek in Denton.
The Rev. Lewis Snider married Phillip Garner's daughter, and the couple had 11 children. Some moved to Winston-Salem, others to High Point and still others to Churchland.
Mrs. Jerry Culler is planning to establish the family tree and is compiling information. She resides at Rt. 5, Thomasville.

9. Newspaper: News and Record: Snider-Garner Family Reunion, 9 Sep 1968, Greensboro, Guilford, NC. 9 The Snider-Garner Family Reunion will be Sunday, Sept. 15 at the Tom's Creek Primitive Baptist Church located near Denton off N.C. 109. This year's celebration will focus on the descendants of Lewis Snider Sr. and Phillip Garner. The Rev. Glenn Snider of Ellerbee will be guest speaker.
In the middle 1700s, Lewis Snider Sr. and Phillip Garner, German and English immigrants respectively, settled near Denton. Before their deaths, they came into possession of thousands of acres of land bordering Lick Creek. The two families became related when Lewis Snider Jr. married Phillip Garner's daughter.

10. Book: Davidson County Bicentennial 1822-2022, 2022. 10
Southern Davidson
Philip Garner who was born in Luxembourg in 1740 was another early arrival in the area, appearing on the 1772 tax list. He married Elizabeth Winkler, born in Luxembourg in 1744, who was a daughter of Luwick (Lewis) Winkler who also settled in this area with his wife Christina Catharine Dietz. Philip and Elizabeth settled on a 200 acre tract of land one mile north of where downtown Denton is now and raised a family of four sons and four daughters. In the same area also appearing on the 1772 tax list we can find Francis Winkler, son of Ludwick Winkler, and Philip Boss. Peter Boss, presumably a son of Philip Boss, married Mary Garner, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Winkler Garner.

Philip married Barbara Elizabeth Winkler, daughter of Ludwig "Lewis" Winkler and Catherine Dietz, about 1760 in Rowan, North Carolina, British America.1 (Barbara Elizabeth Winkler was born in 1744 in Easton, Northampton, PA,4 11 died in 1811 in , Davidson, NC 4 11 and was buried in Denton: Tom's Creek Missionary Baptist Church, Davidson, NC 11.)


1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch," database, FamilySearch (http://new.familysearch.org : accessed 23 Oct 2023), entry for Philip Garner, person ID LZ6F-HMG.

2 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=55043071.

3 Ancestry.com, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, U.S., Mennonite Vital Records, 1750-2014, Phillip Garner (c1740-1814) m. Elizabeth Winklerr (c1744-).

4 David H. Garner, A Garner family's heritage of love : Hyrum Elihu Garner and Mary Virginia Bigler (David H. Garner, 2004. Online in Family Search Books https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/), pages 11-21.

5 Rowan County Courthouse (Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina.), https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/687836 Historical Records Kept by Register of Deeds.

6 Rowan County Courthouse (Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina.), https://www.nclandgrants.com/grant/?mars=

7 Rowan County Courthouse (Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolina.), Will Book G, page 314. Will of Phillip Garner, written 6 Sep 1812, probated May 1814.

8 The High Point Enterprise (High Point, NC), 19 Sep 1967, page 6.

9 Greensboro News & Record (Greensboro, NC), 9 Sep 1968, page 22.

10 Dewey L. Snider, "Davidson County Bicentennial 1822-2022" (https://www.co.davidson.nc.us/DocumentCenter/View/7154/Davidson-County-Bicentennial).

11 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=55043107.

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