Kirsten Bobbitt Miller
(1962-2015) |
Kirsten Bobbitt Miller 1 2 3 4
Noted events in her life were: 1. Newspaper: Durham Sun: K. Miller, Beeker wed in Oklahoma, 20 Jul 1982, Durham, Durham, NC. 1 LAWTON, Okla. \emdash Kirsten Bobbitt Miller and 2nd Lt. Edward Carr Beeker were married July 9 in a 7 p.m. ceremony at First Baptist Church. The bride is the daughter of Hazel James Miller of 3200 Myra St., Durham, N.C. and the late Charles William Miller. Parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carr Beeker of 604 Colgate St., Durham. Given in marriage by her mother, the bride wore a gown of voile trimmed in antique lace. She wore a circlet headpiece of silk rosebuds and stephanotis and carried a matching bouquet. The Rev. Rick McEntlre performed the ceremony. Penny G. Wright was matron of honor. Her husband, 2nd Lt. Jeffrey H. Wright was best man. The Wrights gave a reception at their home in Lawton following the ceremony. The bride attended Durham Technical Institute and is a graduate of Jordan High School. Her husband is stationed temporarily at Ft. Sill, Okla. with the U.S. Army. He graduated from Davidson College where he was a member of the Army ROTC, the National Society of Scabbard and Blade and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. When Beeker completes his training, the couple will move to Germany for three years. 2. Residence: on 10 May 2009 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg, SC. 2 3. Residence: on 6 Feb 2014 in Spartanburg, Spartanburg, SC. 4 4. Obituary: The Herald Sun: obituary of Kirsten Beeker on 30 Jul 2015 in Durham, Durham, NC. 5 SPARTANBURG, SC - Kirsten Beeker, 52, of Spartanburg, SC, passed away on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at Spartanburg Medical Center after a long struggle. Born in Richmond, VA on November 23, 1962 to Hazel James and Charles William Miller, she grew up in Virginia Beach, VA and Durham, NC, graduating from Jordan High School. A devoted and wonderful wife of 33 years to her High School sweetheart, Ed, and a loving mother to 26 year-old Will, she has touched the lives of thousands over the course of her short years with us. Kirsten married Capt. Edward Carr Beeker II, son of Edward Carr Beeker and Nancy Carolyn Whittington, on 9 Jul 1982 in Lawton, Comanche, OK.1 |
1 Durham Sun (Durham, NC), 20 Jul 1982, page 6. Miller-Beeker Wedding.
2 Durham Herald-Sun (Durham, NC), 12 May 2009, obituary of Edward Carr Beeker.
3 Clements Funeral Service (Durham, NC) (Durham, Durham, North Carolina.), http://www.clementsfuneralservice.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=977767 obituary of Nancy Carolyn Beeker.
4 Clements Funeral Service (Durham, NC) (Durham, Durham, North Carolina.), http://www.clementsfuneralservice.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=1235431 obituary of Hazel James Miller.
5 Durham Herald-Sun (Durham, NC), 30 Jul 2015, obituary of Kirsten Beeker.
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