Henry Hill Beeker
Addie Mae Gilbert
John Floyd Allen
Alice Retha
Jan Thomas Beeker Sr.
Peggy Louise Allen
Sonja Mae Beeker


Family Links

1. Frank M. Smith
2. Terry Wayne Washington

Sonja Mae Beeker 1 2 3 4

  • Born: 18 Apr 1957, Durham, Durham, NC 3
  • Marriage (1): Frank M. Smith
  • Partnership (2): Terry Wayne Washington
  • Died: 29 Jul 1986, Durham, Durham, NC at age 29 3 4
  • Crem.: 31 Jul 1986, Raleigh, Wake, NC 3 4

   FamilySearch ID: G9G4-3FY.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Residence: on 29 Jul 1986 in Leland, Brunswick, NC. 3 4

2. Obituary: The Herald-Sun: obituary of Mrs. Sonja Mae B. Smith on 31 Jul 1986 in Durham, Durham, NC. 4 Mrs Sonja Mae Beeker Smith, 29, of Rt. 5, Box 155, Lot 18, Lealand, died Tuesday evening in Durham County General Hospital after a brief lllness. She was born and reared in Durham and had been a resident of Durham for most of her life. Surviving are her husband, Frank M. Smith; her father, Jan Beeker of Durham; her mother, Mrs. Peggy Guthrie of Charleston, S.C.; two daughters, Miss Lisa Dawn Beeker and Miss Krista Lea Beeker, both of the home; two sisters, Miss Janet Lynn Beeker and Miss Patricia JoAnne Beeker, both of Durham; and two brothers, Jan Thomas Beeker Jr. and Steven Hill Beeker, both of Durham. The body has been cremated. Clements Funeral Service was in charge of arrangements. Instead of flowers the family requests that memorial contributions be made to assist the family, c/o Jan Beeker, P.O. Box 35, Hamlin Road, Durham, N.C., 27701.

3. Newspaper: News and Observer: Escheats: Sonja M. Beeker, 1111 Alma St., $100. -- FYI Escheat is property returned to the state when there are no legal heirs.), 26 Dec 1991, Durham, Durham, NC. 5

Sonja married Frank M. Smith.

Sonja had a relationship with Terry Wayne Washington.


1 Clements Funeral Service (Durham, NC) (Durham, Durham, North Carolina.), http://www.clementsfuneralservice.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=1464929 obituary of Jan Thomas Beeker.

2 FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Birth Index, 1800-2000, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VHFB-RF9 Lisa Dawn Beeker, 14 Oct 1977 father Terry Wayne Washington, mother Sonja Mae Beeker.

3 FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Deaths, 1931-1994, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FGHL-XV7 Sonja Mae Beeker Smith, 29 Jul 1986; citing Durham, Durham, North Carolina, certificate #28829.

4 "The Herald-Sun (Durham, NC)," 31 Jul 1986, page 23. Obituary of Mrs. Sonja Mae B. Smith.

5 News and Observer (Raleigh, NC), 26 Dec 1991, page 67.

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