Johann Georg Schultheis


Family Links

1. Anna Kunigunda Weidman

Johann Georg Schultheis 1

  • Marriage (1): Anna Kunigunda Weidman on 30 Oct 1682 in Weilburg, , Hessen, DEU 1

   Another name for Johann was Johan Jurg Schultheis.

   FamilySearch ID: MZ5F-XSJ.

  General Notes:

SOURCE: Marilyn Brien
128 Linda Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78216
Johan Jurg Schoteis was on Capt. Francois Warens' ship in 1709 with a wife and one child. He was in the 5th party (Rotterdam Lists). In 1710 he is listed with 6 persons over 10 years and 2 persons under 10 (Hunter Lists #695). In September 13,1712, he is listed next to Martin Weidman. He is listed in the Simmender Register as J.G. Schuldte with wife Anna Kunigunda and two children at Neu-Heessberg.
His daughter Anna Catherine Schultheiss married Martin Stupp.
SOURCE: Early Eighteenth Century Paliatine Emigration
A British Government Redemtioner Projet to Manufacture Naval Stores
by Walter Allen Knittle, Ph.D.
Department of History
College of the City of New York
Published Philadelphia, 1937
The New York Subsistence List
This list was comiled from the "journal" of Palatine debtors to the British government for subsistence given either in New YorkCity or in the Hudson River settlements, from their landing in 1710 to September, 1712. The list was found in the Public Record Office, C.O. 5/1230 and was corrected from the accompanying "ledger", C.O. 5/1231. As it seemed advisable toinclude some indication of the number in each family and since limitations of space forbade the inclusion of the six notations at various times given in the journal, only tow notations have been given here, that is, the first in 1710 usually and the last in 1712 normally. Thus, with Schultheis, Johann George 6-2, 6-1," the size of the family signified is 6 adults and 2 children under ten years of age; by 1712 one child had died. All children over 10 years of age were given the full allowance for adults and were therefore not distinquished from more mature members of the family. Where only one notation of family size appears, the presumption is of death, or in the case of women, of marriage.
The listing shows:
Schultheis, Johann George 6-2, 6-1
Schultheis, Johannes 1-0, 2-0
Schultheisin, Anna Barbara 1-0
SOURCE: Cheryl L. Higgins
The Stupps are from my ancestral town, Adelshofen, Baden Wuurtemburg. "Schulteiss" means Mayor, and my Weideknechts and Stupps were mayors in Adelshofen.
You will find Johann Schulteis mentioned some more as a baptismal sponsor in the Kocherthal records. The reverend also records what is probably a second marriage for him, mentioning that he is a tailor and where he comes from.
"20. Sept. 12th: Johann SCHULTHEIS, a tailor, of Gahgraebler near Kreuznach and Anna Barbara EAUTENBUSCH, widow of the late Johann RAUTENBUSCH, of Emmerich, in the Palatinate."
the complete records are in the "Book of Names" re-printed and accessed on-line at

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Residence: about 1715 in , Columbia, NY.

Johann married Anna Kunigunda Weidman, daughter of Henrich Weidman and Unknown, on 30 Oct 1682 in Weilburg, , Hessen, DEU.1 (Anna Kunigunda Weidman was born in Weilburg, , Hessen, DEU.)


1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of December 21, 2002).

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