Henry Hanshee


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Henry Hanshee 1

   Another name for Henry was Henry Henshee.2

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He signed a will on 29 Oct 1794 in Antrim Twp., Franklin, PA. 1 This 29th day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Four, I Henry Hanshee of Franklin County Antrim Township in the state of Pennsylvania being of sound mind and perfect memory thanks be to God for the same do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following.

I first bequeath my soul into the hands of the Almighty God my maker, hoping through the death and passion of my Redeemer to receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and for my body to be buried in a Christian burial at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. And as for my worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with I leave in manner following that is to say after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Barbara Hanshee and out of my personal estate two hundred pounds in manner following. 50 pounds out of the first rent off the plantation and the rest to be paid by the executors as she shall stand in need. I also allow three acres of land for her own private use and my executor shall build her a commodious log house so divided as may contain a stove room and kitchen as also a stable for her creatures. The building to be raised on any part of the plantation she shall think most convenient. I also allow unto my wife Barbara Hanshee three beds and bedsteads, a spinning wheel, all the flax, hemp, and linnen that is now in the house; also one table, one chest, two iron pots, six trenchers, two basons, two chairs, one dough trough, and one tea kettle, also one riding mare, bridle, and saddle. Two cows, three sheep as also a stove to be put in the house above named the passture is to be taken as also the other from off the plantation for the use of the creatures during her widowhood.

Secondly I allow my plantation to be rented away at the discretion of the executors until such time as my son David arrives at the age of twenty one years then my desire is that six men be chosen out of the congregation of which I am a member; three at the discretion of my executors and three by my son David to praise and value my said plantation and to the judge what dates he may be able to pay yearly to the rest of my children as is my will and desire that my son David to have have the land and that my children may have equal shares and whereas my son Henry Henshee and my daughter Barbara, my daughter Anna and my daughter Elizabeth having received amoity out of my estate, my desire is that an account being taken of the same as may be seen by my book by my executors that it may be recorded as a part of their portion that in no case my son David Hanshee nor my daughter Catherine nor my daughter Mary may lose any part of their just shares.

Thirdly my son David when he arrives at the age of 21 years he shall give unto my wife Barbara Hanshee 100 weight of pork, 50 weight of beef and 20 bushel of wheat yearly as also to fodder and pasture the mare and cows and sheep through the year. But the increase of the creatures he has not obliged to offer or pasture this to be done yearly during her widowhood and whereas my daughter Barbara is deceased my desire is that her share shall be divided among her children and if any of my children die without (lawful share), it is my desire that their shares or share may be divided among the surviving ones. I also allow my movable effects except what is reserved for my wife Barbara to be sold at public venue at the discretion of my executors and the money to be equally divided among my children.

Nevertheless I allow my executors to receive as much meat and grain as shall fully support the family till the spring. Item my desire is that the executors see that my son David Hanshee be sent to school that he may learn to read and write and cast accounts. I also do ordain and appoint my trusty and well beloved friend Henry Snively senior and my son Henry Henshee and my son-in-law John Fleckiner to be the sole executors of my last will and testament revoking all other wills and testaments.

In witness whereof I have here to set my hand and seal the day and year above first written as signed and sealed published and declared by the above named Henry Henshee and upon his request we have hereto subscribed our names as witnesseses
James Poe, Jacob Snively, Henry Röessler, William Newell.

On the 10th day of January 1795 Jacob Snively and Henry Ressler two of the witnesses to the foregoing instrument of writing appeared before me the subscribers et al and on the solemn affirmation of the said Jacob and those of the said Henry on the holy evangels doth depose and say that they were personally present and saw Henry Hanshee aforesaid (now decd.) write his name onto and seal and publish the foregoing writing as and for his last will and testament & that at the time of the doing he the said Henry Hanshee was of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding, according to the best of their knowledge and belief, that their names signed thereto is of their own hands writing and that they did see James Poe and William Newell the other witnesses sign their names also at the same time.

Jacob Snively
Henry Röessler

Affd. sworn & subscribed before
Edward Crawford, Register.

2. Book: American Revolutionary War Soldiers of Franklin County Pennsylvania, 1944. 2
Appears on Muster Rools of Lancaster Co., as pvt., under Capt. Joseph Gehr, 1778-79-81-83. He came to Antrim Twp., Franklin Co., Penna. and his will was prob. Jan. 10, 1795. His wife was Barbara; Son David not yet 21; Daus., Anna; Elizabeth; Catherine; Mary; dau. Barbara is dead; Son Henry; son-in-law John Fleckinger; Anna "Hanschly" was married to John Flickinger, Mar. 30, 1784. A descendant states that the above Henry Henshee came from Switzerland in 1740 at the age of four years, with his parents. Henry Henshing ,was taxed in Washington Twp., 1799, with . 200 ac. land, Log House, Stone Barn, small Spring House, 3 Horses and 5 Cows.
Penna. Archives 5th Series Vol. 7, p. 899, 878, 270, 263, 613.

Served as pvt., in Lancaster Co., Penna., under Capt. Joseph Gehr, 1779-78-81. Deeds show that in 1810 Henry Henshey and Barbara were in Huntingdon Co., Penna.
Penna. Arch. 5th Ser. Vol. 7, p. 878, 899, 270.


1 FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 (Images of court probate book pages online at https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1999196 .), https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G99B-RHB?i=176&wc=9PM6-7MS%3A268496901%2C273776701&cc=1999196 Franklin County Will Book A page 320, will of Henry Hanshee.

2 Virginia Shannon Fredrick, American Revolutionary War Soldiers of Franklin County Pennsylvania (American Daughters of the Revolution, Franklin County Chapter, Chambersburg, Franklin, Pennsylvania, 1944), Page 100, Henry Henshee Sr.

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