Charlie Will Jones
Jennie May
Wilford Beecher
Mary Belle Jones
Kevin Reynard Beecher


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Kevin Reynard Beecher 1

  • Born: 16 Oct 1962, Gettysburg, Adams, PA 2

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: Evening Suns: Adams Births: Mrs. And Mrs. Wilford Beecher, Aspers R.D. 1 Announce the birth of a son this morning at the Annie M. Warner Hospital, Gettysburg., 16 Oct 1962, Hanover, York, PA. 2

2. Residence: on 10 Jul 1978 in McKnightstown, Adams, PA. 1

3. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times, 5 Jan 1989, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 3 Kevin R. Beecher, 26, of 3 Chambersburg St., Gettysburg, is also scheduled to appear for a preliminary hearing on Jan. 24. The charges against Beecher stem from an Aug. 10 incident at 1:30 a.m. along Racehorse Alley, in which police say he delievered two pieces of cract to the agent for $90.

4. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times, 21 Mar 1990, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 4 Parole denied to drug offender
Kevin Beecher of Gettysburg will have to wait another month before he can be considered eligible for parole on his illegal drugs conviction, it was decided Tuesday.
Beecher, 26, formerly of a Chambersburg street address, was sentenced by President Judge Oscar F. Spicer on Nov. 21 of last year to serve from four to 23 months in the Adams County Prison.
He was found guilty Oct. 25 of violating Act 64, Pennsylvania's Controlled Substances Act.
Beecher's entanglement with Pennsylvania's drug laws began on August 10, 1988, when a man he knew casually approache dhim in the bar of a local deli and asked if he knew where he could buy some crack, the powerful cocaine derivative.
According to testimony, Beecher said that he could proivde "Keith" with some crack and introduced him to his companion, known only as Duncan.
Unfortunately for Beecher, "Keith" was actually an undercover name for Gregory A. Stone, an 18-year state police veteran and a member of the Region III Strike Force, assigned to drug enforcement since March of 1983.
Kevin Beecher was arrested on Dec. 8, 1988.
Ironically, police have been unable to capture "Duncan," who actually performed the crack sale, for which Kevin Beecher received a $10 tip.
According to a member of his family, Beecher's involvement in a fight recently gave rise to his failure to qualify for parole. The scrap supposedly arose when a man from whom Beecher had won a pair of running shoes in a gambling game refused to give them up.

5. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times, 5 Apr 1990, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 5 Kevin Reynard Beecher, McKnightstown, was charged with disorderly conduct, and served five days in the Adams County Prison in lieu of payment of fine.


1 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 13 Jul 1978, page 14. Wedding of Miriam Theresa Beecher and Trevor Lloyd Andrade.

2 The Evening Sun (Hanover, Pennsylvania) (Hanover, York, Pennsylvania.), 16 Oct 1962, page 2.

3 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 5 Jan 1989, page 3.

4 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 21 Mar 1990, page 3.

5 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 5 Apr 1990, page 10.

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