David Beecker
David Beecker 1Noted events in his life were: 1. Property in 1760 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 1 In 1760, not earlier, Mr. Stites realized the necessity of providing the town with facilities for re- ligious worship, and in this year he gave lots of ground to the present Salem Lutheran and the Old Reformed church, as we shall see hereafter. On the 10th of March, 1760, he also gave deed for lot 95 to Peter Shofe,* and at this time or earlier he gave Hennerich Raade one of the lots that constitutes a part of the Salem church property He further sold lot No. 9 to David Beecker.** |
1 Schmauk, Theodore Emanuel, Old Salem in Lebanon : a history of the congregation and town (Lebanon, Pa.: unknown, 1898, 219 pgs. Online: https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?from=fhd&dps_pid=IE13459252), Page 45, David Beecker.
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