Peter Wolf Sr.
Margaret Anna Strine
Peter Wolf Jr.


Family Links

1. Sarah Ann Eyster

Peter Wolf Jr. 1

  • Born: 19 Feb 1822, West Manchester Twp., York, PA 1
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Ann Eyster
  • Died: 28 Aug 1880, West Manchester Twp., York, PA at age 58 1
  • Buried: 31 Aug 1880, West Manchester Township: Saint Paul's Wolf's Evangelical Covenant Cemetery, York, PA 1 2

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Obituary: The York Daily: DIED. WOLF.--On the 29th inst., at his residence, in West Manchester township, Peter Wolf, aged 58 years, 6 months and 10 days. Funeral to-morrow, Tuesday morning, at 6 o'clock, at Wolf's church. On 30 Aug 1880 in York, York, PA. 3

2. Obituary: The York Daily: Funeral of Peter Wolf. On 31 Aug 1880 in York, York, PA. 2 The funeral of Peter Wolf, of West Manchester township, whose death was announced in the DAILY of yesterday, will take place at the house at 9 o'clock, this (Tuesday) morning, and will proceed to Wolf's church, where services will be held.

3. Newspaper: York Daily: Sale of Real Estate of Peter Wolf, 23 Sep 1881, York, York, PA. 4 On Thursday, Oct. 14th, the executors of the estate of Peter Wolf, late of West Manchester township, will sell at public sale a lot of ground, situated on South Queen street, on which is erected a two story frame house with two story back building.
At the same time the executors of the estate of Elizabeth Eyster, late of York Boro., will sell a house and lot situated on West Market street, adjoining property of Mrs. A. Winter and Albert Smyser. The advertisements will appear to-morrow.

4. Newspaper: York Daily: Public Slae (ad), 24 Sep 1881, York, York, PA. 4 Public Sale.

On Friday, Oct 14th, 1881,

The undersigned executrix of the estate of Peter Wolf, late of West Manchester township, deceased, will offer at public sale at Eyster's Hotel, York, the following property:
A lot of ground in York Borough, No. 20 South Penn street, fronting on said street 31 feet 3 in., and extending back 100 feet to a private alley, with right to private alley on the West.
The improvements are two story frame house, with two-story backbuilding, and other out buildings.
Sale to commence at 7 o'clock p. m.
SARAH WOLF, Executrix

At the smae time and place the undersigned executors of the estate of Elizabeth Eyster, late of York boro, deceased, will offer at public sale, a certain house and lot of ground, on the south side of West Market street, York Boro., adjoining property of Mrs. A. Winter, on the east, public alley, on the south property of Albert Smyser, on the west, fronting on Market street,22 feet 6 inches and extending back 230 feet. At the Allay it is 30 feet 6 inches wide.
The improvements are a two story brick house, with two story back building and frame stable.
Terms at sale by

5. Newspaper: York Daily: Letters Granted. Yesterday Register Bowman granted letters of administration on the estate of Peter Wolf, late of West Manchester, to Peter J. Wolf and William H. Bott., 24 Dec 1885, York, York, PA. 5

6. Newspaper: York Daily: Executors Notice., 15 Jan 1886, York, York, PA. 6

Estate of Peter Wolf, late of West Manchester township, York county, Pa., deceased. Letters de bonis non cum testament annero on the Last Will and Testament of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned residing in said West Manchester township.


7. Newspaper: York Daily: Sale Index: February 24, 1886, Wednesday. Live stock and household goods of Peter Wolf, deceased, on Gettysburg pike, West Manchester township, about 4 miles from York. M. Diehl, auctioneer., 20 Jan 1886, York, York, PA. 7

8. Newspaper: York Daily: Sale Index: August 21st, Saturday.-- In West Mancheseter township, about 4 1/2 miles from York. A tract of land with improvements, property of Peter Wolf, deceased. Martin Diehl, auctioneer., 20 Jul 1886, York, York, PA. 8

9. Newspaper: York Daily: Auditor's Notice., 2 Jun 1887, York, York, PA. 9 Estate of Peter Wolf, deceased. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court, of York county, Pa., to distribute the balance on the account of William H. Bott and Peter J. Wolf, administrators d. b. n. c. t. a. of the estate of Peter Wolf, later of West Manchester township in said county, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment on Wednesday, the 29th day of June, A. D. 1887, at 10 o'clock a. m. in the grand jury room, in the court house in the borough of York, when and where all persons interested may attend if they see proper.
W. F. BAY STEWART, Auditor.

Peter married Sarah Ann Eyster, daughter of John Eyster and Elizabeth Hoke. (Sarah Ann Eyster was born on 28 Nov 1823 in , York, PA,10 died on 28 Nov 1885 in , York, PA 10 11 and was buried on 1 Dec 1885 in West Manchester Township: Saint Paul's Wolf's Evangelical Covenant Cemetery, York, PA 10 11.)


1 Find A Grave,

2 The York Daily (York, PA), 31 Aug 1880, page 1. Funeral of Peter Wolf.

3 The York Daily (York, PA), 30 Aug 1880, page 1. Obituary of Peter Wolf.

4 The York Daily (York, PA), 23 Sep 1881, page 1.

5 The York Daily (York, PA), 24 Dec 1885, page 1.

6 The York Daily (York, PA), 15 Jan 1886, page 3. Executor's Notice.

7 The York Daily (York, PA), 20 Jan 1886, page 2.

8 The York Daily (York, PA), 20 Jul 1886, page 2.

9 The York Daily (York, PA), 2 Jun 1887, page 3.

10 Find A Grave,

11 The York Daily (York, PA), 30 Nov 1885, page 1. Obituary of Mrs. Sarah Wolf.

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