Charles Wilbur Barner
Charles Timothy Barner


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1. Reverend Janet Neisser Behringer

Charles Timothy Barner 1

  • Born: Jun 1947
  • Marriage (1): Reverend Janet Neisser Behringer on 23 Mar 1968 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA 1

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: Morning Call: Janet Behringer - C. Timothy Barner Wedding, 25 Feb 1968, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 1 Barner-Behringer Nuptials Held in St. James Church
Janet Neisser Behringer, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Henry Behringer of 2824 College Drive, Allentown, yesterday became the bride of C. Timothy Barner, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Wilbur Barner of Reading, formerly of Allentown. The ceremony was performed in St. James United Church of Christ. The Rev. Thomas Phillips and the father of the bridegroom officiated. Dr. Behringer gave his daughter in marriage. Terese Dech was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Rebecca Barner, sister of the bridegroom; and Susan Morrison. Jesse Behringer, brother of the bride, served as best man. Ushering the guests were Lewis and William Behringer, brothers of the bride; Enrique Carcia and Dennis St. Peter. After a reception at Lehigh Country Club, the couple departed on a wedding trip to Cape May, N.J. They will reside at 180 Alexander St., Princeton, N.J. Mrs. Barner graduated from Allen High School and attended Bucknell University. She will complete her studies at Muhlenberg College in January. Mr. Barner graduated from Allen High School and is a student at Princeton University. He is student manager of the undergraduate dining halls at the university.

Charles married Reverend Janet Neisser Behringer, daughter of Dr. William Henry Behringer Jr and Myra Estelle Bury, on 23 Mar 1968 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA.1 (Reverend Janet Neisser Behringer was born on 4 Nov 1947 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA 2.)


1 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 25 Feb 1968, page 77. Barner-Behringer Nupitals.

2 Beacher, Isabel Bury, Records of Isabel Bury Beacher (Her family calendar).

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