Harold Raymond Beecher Sr.
Margaret C. Davidson
James Bascom Clifford Jr.
Margaret Ann Beecher
Douglas R. Clifford


Family Links

Douglas R. Clifford 1

  • Born: 15 Apr 1967, Carlisle, Cumberland, PA 2

   FamilySearch ID: GX75-P1T.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: Valley Times-Star: Births: Mr. And Mrs. James B. (Margaret Beecher) Clifford Jr., Newville R.D. 1, A boy, April 15., 19 Apr 1967, Newville, Cumberland, PA. 2

2. Newspaper: The Sentinel: James Clifford III celebrated his fifth birthday on Sunday with the following guests: Robin, Natalie and Rodger Hoover II; Thom, Dan and John Beecher, Mrs. Roger Hoover, Mr. And Mrs. James Clifford and son, Douglas., 7 Sep 1967, Carlisle, Cumberland, PA. 1

3. Newspaper: Valley Times-Star: Mr. And Mrs. James Clifford and sons, Carlisle, spent Sunday with Mrs. Clifford's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Harold Beecher. Other Sunday visitors at the Beecher home were Mr. And Mrs. Roger Hoover and family, Newville., 25 Jul 1973, Newville, Cumberland, PA. 3


1 The Sentinel (Carlisle, PA) (www.cumberlink.com), 7 Sep 1967, page 2.

2 The Valley Times-Star (Newville, PA), 19 Apr 1967, page 3.

3 The Valley Times-Star (Newville, PA), 25 Jul 1973, page 2.

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