Roy Boyd Smith
Doris Waddell
Sandra Ann Smith


Family Links

1. Allen Pope Beeker

Sandra Ann Smith 1 2 3

  • Born: 17 May 1946, Durham, Durham, NC
  • Marriage (1): Allen Pope Beeker on 20 Aug 1966 in Dillon, Dillon, SC 1

   FamilySearch ID: GVNV-Y8T.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Census in 1950 in Durham, Durham, NC. 4 The 1950 census recorded Roy B. Smith, operator in tobacco drying plant, 38, living with wife Doris W., 35; son Roy Smith Jr., 7; and daughter Sandra A., 3. The parents were born in Virginia and children in North Carolina.

2. Newspaper: Durham Sun: Beeker - Smith Wedding, 30 Aug 1966, Durham, Durham, NC. 2 Beeker-Smith Vows Spoken
Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Smith of Argonne Drive announce the marriage of their daughter, Sandra Ann, to Allen Pope Beeker, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Beeker, of 21 Chateau Road, on Saturday, Aug. 20, in Dillon, S.C. The bride is employed in the office of Clark and Sorrell and the bridegroom is a mechanic at Old Hickory Motors.

3. Residence: on 10 May 1988 in Durham, Durham, NC. 3

4. Residence: on 25 Oct 1997 in Durham, Durham, NC. 5

Sandra married Allen Pope Beeker, son of John Allen Beeker and Jessie Fay Pope, on 20 Aug 1966 in Dillon, Dillon, SC.1 (Allen Pope Beeker was born on 15 Sep 1944 in Durham, Durham, NC.)


1 Durham Sun (Durham, NC), 30 Aug 1966, page 6. Beeker-Smith Wedding.

2 Durham Sun (Durham, NC), 30 Aug 1966 page 6. Beeker-Smith Wedding.

3 The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), 11 May 1988, page 26. Obituary of Roy B. Smith.

4 "1950 United States Census," Roy Smith Durham NC.

5 "The Herald-Sun (Durham, NC)," 9 Nov 1997, page 66 birth of Blake Dalton Beeker.

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