Martha Mac Elhose
(1922-) |
Martha Mac Elhose 1
Another name for Martha was Martha MacElhose. FamilySearch ID: GVL3-SQJ. Noted events in her life were: 1. Newspaper: Journal and Courier: John Parks - Martha Mac Elhose Wedding, 10 Jun 1944, Lafayette, Tippecanoe, IN. 1 The marriage of Miss Martha Mac Elhose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving H. Mac Elhose, of Morgan avenue, Schenectady, N. Y., to Dr. John Morris Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris R. Parks, of West Lafayette, was solemnized Thursday evening at 8, at Union Presbyterian church in Schenectady. Rev. Willard E. Rice officiated before an altar decorated with palms, springa, white peonies and lemon lilies, flanked with lighted candles. An organ recital was given by Henry W. Stewart. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Attendants were Miss Jean Mac Elhose, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, and Miss Martha Sprenger, Miss Mary Lou Mac Elhose, of Schenectady, and Miss Dorothy Spencer, Delmar, as bridesmaids. Lieut. Robert W. Parks, of West Point, served his brother as best man. Ushers were D'orville Doty, Ernest F. Nippes, and Albert Muller, of the faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. A reception followed the ceremony in the church parlors. Following a wedding trip to Washington, Williamsburg, Va., and Lafayette, the couple will reside at 207 Pawling avenue, Troy, N. Y. Mrs. Parks is a member of the 1945 class at Russell Sage college. Dr. Parks was graduated as a chemical engineer from Purdue university and from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y, with master's and doctor's degrees in metallurgical engineering. He is now a member of the faculty in the department of metallurgy at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Guests for the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Parks and Robert Parks, of West Lafayette. 2. Census in 1950 in La Grange, Cook, IL. 2 The 1950 census recorded John M. Parks, mechancial research, 32, born in Indiana, living with wife Martha M., 27, born in New York; Robert E., 4, born in Ohio; and Lorinda R., 3, born in Illinois. Martha married John Morris Parks, son of Morris Randlett Parks and Ruby Mildred Beeker, on 8 Jun 1944 in Schenectady, Schenectady, NY.1 (John Morris Parks was born on 16 Jul 1917 in Lafayette, Fairfield Township, Tippecanoe, Indiana 3 4 and died on 26 Feb 2001 in Kent, King, WA 4 5.) |
1 "Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)," 10 Jun 1944 page 3, Martha MacElose - John Morris Parks Wedding.
2 "1950 United States Census," https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6X1L-KTY2 John M. Parks La Grange IL.
3 U.S. Social Security Death Index, John M. Parks b. 16 Jul 1917 d. 26 Feb 2001 Kent WA.
4 FamilySearch.org, Washington Death Index, 1965-2014 (https://www.digitalarchives.wa.gov/Collections/TitleInfo/472 .), https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QLWM-N13T John M Parks, 26 Feb 2001, King, Washington.
5 U.S. Social Security Death Index.
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