Johann Jacob Zettelmoyer 1
- Born: 7 Dec 1706, Dorf Erbach, , Hessen, DEU 1
- Christened: 10 Dec 1706, Dorf Erbach, , Hessen, DEU
- Marriage (1): Anna Margaretha Barbara Eichelbauer on 13 Aug 1726 in König, , Hessen, DEU 1
- Died: 5 Jan 1775, Hamburg: Windsor Twp., Berks, PA at age 68 2
FamilySearch ID: L8B8-GBF.
Death Notes:
These are comments from Harry Smith, the author of The Settlemeyer Page: His date of death has been generally been reported to have been 5 Oct 1775, but I believe that he died in January 1775 because the witnesses to his will appeared in court to prove the will on 20 Jan 1775 and 4 Feb 1775. Clearly he must have died between 22 Dec 1774 and 20 Jan 1775. The October date seems to be based upon his tombstone which reads: HI RUET IACOB ZETELMEIER D V OC 1775 (the grass hides the "D") The final line has been interpreted to read "Died 5 Oct 1775." The German for "here lies" is "hier ruht." I have yet to locate an explanation of the abbreviations or initials in the third line. As I examine the photograph that line may actually read "D·V·O·C· 1775." I have not been able to determine just what that means.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Occupation: shoemaker in 1726. 1
2. He immigrated on the ship Neptune on 24 Sep 1751 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 1 3 Two lists of passengers from this ship were recorded, one on 23 Sep 1751 which included Johan Engel Bucher and Johan Henrich Bucher (found elsewhere in this genealogy tree) and one on 24 Sep 1751 which included Johann Georg Zettelmeyer. The irony: in 1905 two of their descendants would intermarry in Schuylkill County as Benjamin Beacher and Bertha Snyder.
Ship Neptune September 24, 1751 Philadelphia
[List 172 C] At the Court House at Philadelphia, Tuesday the 24th September 1751. Present: William Peters, Esqr. The foreigners whose Names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Neptune, John Mason, Commander, from Rotterdam & last from Cowes, did this day take the usual Qualifications & subscribe them. By List 144. Whole Freights 300. Messrs Shoemaker.
Johannes Laurenzius Schmidt, Med. et Chirg. Doct. Joh. Pietersz Christian Armbruster Matheis Armbruster Conrad (X) Newmeyer Henderick Boors Jacob (X) Sheyer Fieliepp Klinger Jean Pierre Arnoul Abraham Pons Leonhart Mentzinger Hans Geörg Anstein Johannes Horing (umlaut over o in Horing) Johannes (+) Hering Johann Ludwig Horing(umlaut over o in Horing) Henrich (+) Lautenschlager Johan Leonhart Gotz(umlaut over o in Gotz) Johannes Adam Winckaus Johannes Saum Johanes (+) Redig Johann Adam Wirdeberger J. Adam (X) Ewig Melchior (X) Trautman Johann Georg Erhardt(umlaut over o in Georg) Bernhart (+) Jagel Adam (X) Pfeiffer Christoph (X) Cotz Jurg ( ) Klinbach, sick Michael (X) Link George (X) Crope Johan Philipp Meyer Johannes Hinsch[?] Frans Horn David (X) Maisheller Johanes Gessner Elias (X) Emminger Conradt Schmidt J. Michael (+) Kurtz Jacob Walter (X) Wagner Jacob Tritsch Jacob ( ) Cnuber, sick on board Conrad Schepfnit Johan Wilhelm Grell Johan Georg Schafer (umlaut over a in Schafer) Conrad ( ) Rawher, sick on board Balsatzar (X) Hess Georg Kimmel Johann Peter Schindel Johannes ( ) Hock, sick Johann Adam Geis Johannes Geiss Martin (MH) Hekenturm Daniel ( ) Erhart, sick on board Peter Klinger Johann Georg Eisenbeis Wilhelm Gottman (umlaut over o) Andres Druschel (umlaut over u) Andereas Miller Hans Georg (X) Heysy Hans Jerg Spohn Casper ( ) Spann, sick Johann Adam Heist Johan Georg Heist Tobias Daumiller Jacob Bogus Johann Petter Trautmann Christoph (X) Hollebach Henry ( ) Deutch, sick on board Clementz Frey Jacob (+) Summer Ludwig Knoll Nickelaus Schey J. Adam (O) Issener Andereas (O) Reybold Friederik (X) Zimmerman Jacob (Z) Zettelmeyer Georg ( ) Zettelmeyer, on board Georg Adam (XX) Weys Aadam (++) Weys Casper (X) Kesseler Johannes Welte Jacob Nagel Johannes Schnuringer(umlaut over u) Lorentz Schniringer Johann Georg Vollert Henrich Eysenmenger Christoph Schropp Johann Michael Hag Johann Georg Heist Johannes Vetter Johan Ludwig Bilger Steffan Herth Henrich Hall Johann Jacob Gottwalt Antonias Lamprecht Johann Jacob Arzt Joh. Daniel Scharmann Johan Jacob Schneider Casper Hoffman Casper (H) Hoffman, Junior Christian ( ) Hoffman, sick on board Jacob Bucs Jacob Buchs Jacob Horn Conrat Selhoff Christoph (X) Vanterbourg J.Conrad (+) Essy Johanis Werner Georg Scholl (umlaut over o in Scholl) Martin Schankel (umlaut over a in Schankel) Andereas (X) Berlib Conrad (X) Bower Josebh Lehmann Ewald (X) Trummaner Jacob (++) Frey Albrecht (XX) Shleppy Baltes Laub Johs Jerg Must Joseph Zugmeyr Philip (X) Mallycoat Jean Couttiez George (++) Creesh Johann Lenhard Schaffer (umlaut over a in Schaffer) Conrad ( ) Shaffer, on board (umlaut over a in Shaffer) Johann Wilhelm Muller (umlaut over u) Johann Peder Klump Sigmund Copia Johann Ulrich Durr (umlaut over u in Durr) Johan George (+) Hummer Benedict (+) Ewig Henry (X) Shroder(umlaut over o) Michael Sattler Uhllerich (+) Schwenckel Ludewig Klemmer Fredeik (X) Sullinger David Kulling Jacob (X) Petermen Peter (X) Klases Hans Jeorg Stehle Michael Hahn Martin Kogel Jacob Appenzeller.
3. He signed a will on 22 Dec 1774 in , Berks, PA. 1 4 Will of Jacob Zettelmeyer, 1774, Berks Co PA This 22nd of December 1774, I Jacob Zettelmeiyer considering that Man is mortal have therefore made an Order for the Direction of my Wife and Children after my Decease as to my Estate and thereto have chosen and appointed my Wife Margaretha Barbara as Executor to administer the same according to my Last Will and Testament as follows: 1. Firstly. I Jacob Zettelmeiyer devise to my Son George Adam Zettelmeiyer my Dwelling Estate with 212 I say Two hundred and 12 Acres of Land as his Inheritance with all my Right and Title to dispose thereof as his own But out of this Dwelling Estate and above mentioned Land he must provide the necessary Support for his Mother and give therewith to his Brothers & Sisters as further follows. 2. Secondly. Jacob Zettelmeiyer will that my wife Margaretha Barbara shall have her Abode in my Dwelling House, which I dwelt in myself and devised to my Son George Adam, during her Life and further he shall give for our Support while I yet live with her every year 30 Bushels of Grain to wit 24 Bushels of Rye and 6 Bushels of Wheat so long as I live and after my Death for her only 15 Bushels 12 Bushels of Rye and 3 Bushels of Wheat. Further my Son George Adam Zettelmeiyer or whoever lives on the Place shall give her every Year Land for Potatoes that is dunged or manured 10 Rods long and 2 Rods further, the Hemp Patch by the Creek and that dunged, further shall be given my wife every Year a Milch Cow for her Use whichsoever she chooses for one Year. Further George Adam Zettelmeiyer must fit up the new Room in my Dwelling House for my Wife Margaretha Barbara and put an Iron Stove in it and bring the Fire Wood and put as much as she wants to the House and cut it as small as usual and must carry the Grain to the Mill for her and the Meal to the House again and must give her the Strip of Garden at the Front Corner of the House to the Front Corner of Stable dunged for her Use and plough and harrow the above mentioned Land which she has in Use. Further, George Adam Zettelmeiyer shall allow my Wife at all Times during her Life the 4 rows of Apple Trees from the Hill with their Fruit. Further, He shall give her every Year 3 Pounds of Wool. Further, He shall give her every Year 100 and 50 Hens Eggs. Further, I Jacob Zettelmeiyer give to my Wife Margaretha all the Household Goods what Iron & Pewter Utensils there are to her Use so long as she lives and all Casks and Tubs that are here. Further, my Son George Adam Zettelmeiyer shall give to my wife a Fat Hog at one hundred Weight more one Bushel of Salt yearly. Further, I bequeath her the Chest and what is therein and if my Wife should be sickly or bedridden my Son George Adam or whoever lives on the Place shall give her proper Attendance. Whereas in this Devise or rather Sale to my Son George Adam Zettelmeiyer I Jacob Zettel-meiyer have sold him the 2 hundred and 12 Acres with the House and Land and all my Right & Title Therefore my Son George Adam Zettelmeiyer must provide the above mentioned Maintenance for me & his Mother on the aforementioned House & Land and also pay 70 I say seventy Pounds to his Brothers & Sisters as follows. 1. Firstly. My Son George Adam Zettelmeiyer must pay £ 10 I say ten Pounds to his Mother as Executor the 27th Day of November in the Year 1776. 2. George Adam Zettelmeiyer must pay £ 15 I say fifteen Pounds on or before the 27th Day of November in the Year 1777 to his Mother. 3. Thirdly. George Adam Zettelmeiyer must pay £ 15 I say fifteen Pounds on or before the 27th Day of November in the Year 1778 to his Mother. 4. Fourthly. George Adam Zettelmeiyer must pay £ 15 I say fifteen Pounds on or before the 27th Day of November in the Year 1779 to his Mother. 5. George Adam Zettelmeiyer must pay £ 15 I say fifteen Pounds on or before the 27th Day of November in the Year 1780 to his Mother. 6. My Son Jacob Zettelmeiyer has an hundred Acres off my Land which I Jacob Zettelmeiyer his Father sold him for £ 30 I say thirty Pounds lying towards Heinrich Bolender and he must still, after Deducting his Portion, pay his Mother ten Pounds on the 27th day of November in the Year 1776. This is my last will and Testament in good Understanding and witnessed with my own Hand and Seal. Done this 22 December 1774 s/ Henrich Bolender s/ Martin Rousch 1. The Children shall be thus provided for - John George shall receive his Share from his Mother in the Year 1776 the 27th November 22 Pounds and this is his whole Portion. 2. Martin Zettelmeiyer shall receive 20 Pounds in the Year 1777 the 27 November of his Mother. 3. Elisabetha Zettelmeiyer shall receive 20 Pounds on the 27 Day of November in the Year 1778 of her Mother. 4. Godfrey Zettelmeiyer shall receive 20 Pounds the 27 Day of November in the Year 1779 of his Mother. 5. Anna Maria Sebolt is bequeathed by her Father in the Will an English Shilling. .
Johann married Anna Margaretha Barbara Eichelbauer, daughter of Johannes Eichelbauer and Unknown, on 13 Aug 1726 in König, , Hessen, DEU.1 (Anna Margaretha Barbara Eichelbauer was born on 26 Jan 1698 1.)
Marriage Notes:
Jacob married in Bad König on 13 Aug 1726 to Anna Margaretha Barbara Eichelbauer. The marriage record tells that he was a master shoemaker. It also mentions that the father of each had already died: On 13 Aug 1726 Master Johann Jacob Zettelmeyer, shoemaker in König, legitimate son of the deceased Beysitzer Georg Zettelmeyer in Dorf Erbach, and Anna Margaretha Barbara, legitimate left-behind daughter of Johannes Eichelbauer deceased, formerly a miller and citizen here in König. 1