John Cownover
Caty Covert
(Abt 1751-1822)
Garret Cownover


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Garret Cownover

  • Born: 28 Jul 1790, Mount Joy Twp., Adams, PA
  • Died: 12 Jun 1874 at age 83

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler: Orphan's Court Notice for John Cownover, 23 Oct 1832, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 1 At an Orphan's Court, Held at Gettysburg, for the county of Adams, on the second day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two -- before John Reed, Esq. and his Associates, Judges &c. assigned, &c.
The Court Grant a Rule
on all the heirs and legal representatives of
deceased, to wit: William cownover, Garrett Cownover, Mary, intermarried with Daniel Stag, Hannah, intermarried with John Coshun, Jane, intermarried with Abraham Houghtelin, who both died before the said John, leaving heirs, Maria, intermarried with Daniel Diehl, John C. Houghtelin, and Catherine Houghtelin, of whom George Brinkerhoff is Guardian, Emily, intermarried with Wm. Ferguson, John Cownover, who died before the said Intestate, leaving issue, David Cownover, a minior whose Guardian is William Cownover, Catherine, intermarried with Joshua Bercaw, Letty, intermarried with Robert McKinney, Betsy, intermarried with David Chamberlain, who died before the said Intestate, leaving issue, Mary Ann Chamberlain, and Hannah Chamberlain, or the Guardians of such of them as are minors -- to be and appear at the next Orphan's Court, to be held at Gettysburg, for the county of Adams, on the 26th day of November next, to accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased, at the valuation made thereof, agreeably to the Intestate Laws of this Commonwealth.
By the Court,


1 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 23 Oct 1832, page 3. Probate notice for John Cownover.

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