Henry Beeker Sr.
Barbara Garner
(Abt 1767-1840)
Philip Beeker
(Bet 1801/1810-Abt 1848)
Elizabeth Beula Shoultz
Mary M. Beeker
(Abt 1846-)


Family Links

1. Unknown

Mary M. Beeker 1 2

  • Born: Abt 1846, , Davie, NC 2
  • Marriage (1): Unknown

   FamilySearch ID: L5V7-7PZ.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Fact: It appears Mary's children were born out of wedlock. Her children's death certificates name her but not a father. She remained in the Jerusalem area most of her life.

2. Census in 1850 in , Davie, NC. 3 The 1850 census recorded Mary Beaker, 6, who was an orphan, living in the home of Joseph Deadmond, farmer, 27, and his wife Anna, 18. Anna was born in Davidson county, the others in Davie county.

[Note: Joseph Deadmon (1821-1852) was the son of Thomas Griffin Dedmon (1763-1845) and Nancy Tatum (1782-1844). On 14 Nov 1847 he married Anna A. Snider (1832-1912). After Joseph died Anna married William Alexander Deadmon, and Mary Beaker is found in 1860 living with them.

The are buried in the Deadmon Cemetery in Mocksville. Other Deadmon family members marry into the Beeker family.].

3. Probate: After father Philip's death his 7 children petitioned the court to sell his land, in 1853, in , Davidson, NC. 1 1 State of North Carolina
Davidson County

In Equity
To Fall Term 1853

To The Hon. The Judges of the court of Equity of Davidson county.

This petition of John C. Beeker, Philip S. Beeker of full age, and Henry J. Beeker, Barbara M. Beeker, George W. Beeker, Solomon Beeker & Mary M. Beeker infants who sues by their next friend & brother John C. Beeker.

Hereby petitioning
Show unto your honor your petitions aforesaid that in the year 1838 Henry Beeker made a deed of conveyance in fee simple of the lands below described to the "bodily heirs of Philip Beeker" decd, that your peititioning John C. Beeker, Philip S. Beeker who are of full age, and Henry J. Beeker, Barbara M. Beeker, George W. Beeker, Solomon Beeker & Mary M. Beeker who are infants, are the only children & bodily heirs of said Philip Beeker decd and are tenants in the said land lying in the county aforesaid on the waters of Lick Creek adjoining the lands of Philip Snider, Wesley Snider, James Williams & Marshall Nance containing two hundred acres more or less.
Your petitioners would further show to your honor that, on account of the great inequality of the value of the various parts of said land, the same could not with any sort of equality justice be divided among your petitioners, and that the land is becoming from year to year of less value and the improvements getting out of repair so that it cannot be sorted out to any advantages to your petitioners, and that a sale of the same would essentially immaterally promote the interests of all the parties concerned and especially said infant petitioners.
Lo the end therefore that your petitioners may be relieved in the premises, may it prove your Honor to grant an order & decree of sale of said lands upon such terms and conditions as to your Honor may seem just and proper and all such further orders as the nature of the case may require
And as induly bound will ever pray.

D. A. Starbuck
Sol for Petitioners.

4. She witnessed the probate of Philip Beeker in 1854 in , Davidson, NC. 1 1 John C. Beeker Ex Parte

In Equity
Spring Term 1854

To the Honorable the Judge of the Court of Equity in and forsaid County.

In obedience to a decree of this Court of Equity made at the Fall Term 1853 -- after due advertisement I proceeded to sell the lands mentioned in the petition, at public sale on a credit of twelve months, on the the premises, when William Cox became the purchasor, at the sum of five hundred and seventy five dollars and fifty centers - which I report to be a fair price; all of which is respectfully submitted - at office April 4th 1854.

James A. Long, C M C.

5. Census in 1860 in Liberty District, Davie, NC. 2 The 1860 census recorded Geo. Beeker, laborer, 20, living in the household of T. J. Deadman, farmer, 49; Caroline, 42; C. A. Haden, domestic, 19, female; C. B. Davis, domestic, 31, female; Louis Clark, 11, male; and J. A. Davis, laborer, 45, male. Everyone was born in North Carolina. George could not read or write. The post office was Jerusalem. Deadman's land was valued at $5000, a large farm. On the same census page is Mary Beeker, 14, domestic, living in the household of W. A. Deadman, 30, and his wife Ann, 26, with their children.

6. Census in 1870 in Jerusalem, Davie, NC. 4 The 1870 census recorded Mary Beker, 24, living with son George, 8 months old when the census was recorded on 21 Jun 1870. They were born in North Carolina.
Their neighbor is Ann Deadman, 59, living with her daughter Rebecca, 24. Next to them is farmer John Deadman, 20.
[Note: other members of the Deadman family intermarry with Beeker families.]
Mary's other daughter, Bettie Beeker, age 2, is found in 1870 census living in Jerusalem in the home of John Kindley, 66, and Millie Kindley, 63. They were neighbors to William Deadman, 40, and his family.

7. Census in 1880 in Jerusalem, Davie, NC. 5 The 1880 census recorded Mary M. Beeker, farm laborer, 34, living with daughter Sarah E., 12; and son George W., 10. They and their parents were born in North Carolina.

Mary married.


1 Ancestry.com, North Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998, Estate of Philip Beeker. 1854. Online images 4288-4301.

2 1860 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MD67-VZ3 Geo Beeker in entry for T J Deadman. Liberty District, Davie, North Carolina.

3 1850 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M4BM-5YX Mary Beaker in household of Joseph Deadmond, Davie county, Davie, North Carolina, United States; citing family 745. Image https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-XXZ7-HV6?i=98&cc=1401638.

4 1870 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MWZR-NB9 Mary Beker, North Carolina, United States; citing p. 8, family 65.

5 1880 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MC6G-S3K Mary M Beeker, Jerusalem, Davie, North Carolina, United States; citing enumeration district ED 56, sheet 411A.

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