Frederick Beeker


Family Links

1. Mathala Smith
2. Natalie "Dolly" Schaefer

3. Margaret J. Shank

Frederick Beeker 2 3 4 5

  • Born: 10 Aug 1844, , , , DEU 2 6
  • Marriage (1): Mathala Smith
  • Marriage (2): Natalie "Dolly" Schaefer on 19 Nov 1871 in , Bartholomew, IN 1
  • Marriage (3): Margaret J. Shank
  • Died: 31 Oct 1934, Saint Louis Crossing, Bartholomew, IN at age 90 3 4
  • Buried: 2 Nov 1934, Hope: Moravian Cemetery, Bartholomew, IN 7

   FamilySearch ID: LRD2-JF2.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Fact: If you are a male Beeker descended from Frederick Beeker contact to learn about a free Y-DNA saliva test to prove Frederick's relation to other Beeker family lines. We wish to include Frederick in our Beeker/Beecher DNA project.

2. Arrival: 1865, in , , , USA. 8

3. Census in 1900 in Flat Rock Township, Bartholomew, IN. 8 The 1900 census recorded Frederick Beeker, farmer, 55, born Aug 1844, living with wife Margaret J., 44, Nov 1855; daughter Mary, 17, Feb 1883, single; and daughter Annie, 14, Aug 1885, single. The couple was married for 15 years and Margaret had birthed only 1 child [note: other records identify Annie as her daughter.] Frederick, his parents, and Margaret's parents were born in Germany. Margaret and the children were born in Indiana. Mary's mother was born in Germany and Annie's mother in Indiana. Their father was born in Germany. Frederick had immigrated in 1865 and was naturalized as a U.S. citizen.

Above Frederick on the same census page is Frederick's son, Landa Beeker, no age listed, single, with his daughter, Florance, 9, Nov 1890. Landa's birthplace and occupation are not filled in.

4. Newspaper: Columbus Republic: Wealthy Farmer Fights Grandson's Attempt To Name Guardian For Him, 23 Nov 1931, Columbus, Bartholomew, IN. 9 Wealthy Farmer Fights Grandson's Attempt To Name Guardian For Him
Trial of the complaint of Harry Robertson, of Jennings county, in which the appointment of a guardian is sought for Frederick Beeker, well to do farmer near St. Louis Crossing in Flatrock township, opened before a jury in circuit court this morning.

An estate valued at approximately $40,000 is involved in the action. Between 60 and 70 witnesses will be heard and it is anticipated that trial of the case will require the greater part of the week.

The plaintiff is represented by Kollmeyer and Dobbins, and Rich-man and Sharpnack, local attorneys, while A. T. Conner and Spaugh and Spaugh, are attorneys for the defendant.

The complaint filed by Robertson, who is a grandson of the defendant, alleges that Mr. Beeker is incapable of managing his own estate or his business affairs because of old age and infirmity.

Division of Property Cited.

In his opening statement to the jury Mr. Sharpnack explained that the defendant owned 234 acres of farm land in Flatrock township and had possessed $15,000 in bonds; that about a year ago he deeded the land to his two sons, John and Lewis Beeker, and gave each $5,000 in cash; that soon afterward he made a will in which it was set out that at the time of his death, $700 was to be given to the seven children of his deceased daughter, Pauline Robertson, $500 was to be given to Anna Dinkins, a daughter by his second wife, and the residue of the estate to the two sons, Lewis and John. It was charged that Lewis Beeker, since the death of his second wife a year ago, had dominated his father's affairs.

Ralph Spaugh, in the opening statement for the defendant, asserted that the defendant had earned his money and managed it and had a right to do with it as he saw fit.

In event the jury finds that a guardian should be appointed, it is probable that steps will be taken by the guardians to re-possess the property deeded by the defendant to his two sons and also the $10,000.

Defendant First Witness

Mr. Beeker, the defendant, was the first witness called by the complainant. He is 87 years old and came to Bartholomew county 70 years ago from Germany. He has been a resident of Flatrock township since coming here. In the examination of the defendant, plaintiff's counsel attempted to show that Mr. Beeker was incapable of managing his business affairs and that his son, Lewis, had transacted practically all of his business in recent months.

On the witness stand the elder Mr. Beeker asserted that he knew nothing about deeding his land away or giving $5,000 to each of his sons.

Harry Robertson, the plaintiff, is one of the seven children of Pauline Robertson, deceased, a daughter of the defendant by his first wife.

Members of the jury sworn to try the cause are Granville Smith, Porter Hughes, Frank Carson, Roy Burns, Harry Thayer, Alfred Behrman Frank Lain, Albert Fiesback, George Lowe, Reed Dickie and Sylvan Carter.

5. Newspaper: Columbus Republic: Jury Finds Fred Beeker Is In Need of Guardian, 27 Nov 1931, Columbus, Bartholomew, IN. 10 After five hours of deliberation Wednesday night the jury trying the suit of Harry Robertson against Frederick Beeker, for appointment of a guardian, returned a verdict against the defendant. Judgment in the action was entered in circuit court this morning by Judge C. S. Baker and by agreement of the counsels the First national bank was named Mr. Beeker's guardian.

William G. Wissman, trust officer of the bank, appeared in court, qualified and was appointed.

It is anticipated that the next steps in the case will be for the guardian of the 87-year-old Mr. Beeker to take steps to re-possess the 234 acres of land and $10,000 given by Mr. Beeker to his sons, Louie and John Beeker.

"Contempt" Under Advisement

While no action has yet been taken concerning the alleged perjury of Louie Beeker on the witness stand, Judge Baker asserted this morning that he still had the matter under advisement.

The jury was given the case at 4:45 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. At 9:30 o'clock in the evening it was re-instructed and at 10 o'clock the verdict was returned. It is understood the jury stood 11 to 1 for the plaintiff from the start.

A dynamic and impassioned plea by Julian Sharpnack, plaintiff's counsel, to restore to the defendant "the property that has been stolen from him" brought to a close the arguments in the case late Wednesday afternoon.

Sharpnack Asks "Protection"

Frederick Beeker has had his property taken away from him, the evidence shows… Louie Beeker, his son, lied to you from the witness stand to keep you jurors from knowing his domination of the case … Louise Beeker fixed up the scheme to get this property and he fought to keep it even to the extent of perjuring himself before this court and jury … in the skae of justice Frederick Beeker is entitled to a protection against those who would have him eliminate his only daughter, born him by his second wife, and the children of his only other daughter, now deceased, from his estate."

These were some of the assertions of Mr. Sharpnack in his argument, which lent a dramatic climax to the unusual case.

Pleads for Independence

A. T. Conner, member of the defense counsel, preceded Judge Sharpnack before the jury. He charged the appointment of a guardian would be taking away the independence of Frederick Beeker. He criticized the attorneys on the other side for attacking the forgetfulness of the defendant.

"The fact that a man has a bad memory does not mean that he needs a guardian," Mr. Conner said. It's easy for a man to get mixed up on the witness stand, especially under the grilling of a shrewd attorney."

Ralph Spaugh argued for the defense immediately before Mr. Conner, and C. J. Kollmeyer made the opening argument for the plaintiff.

6. Newspaper: Columbus Republic: Frederick Beeker Surprised on Birthday, 11 Aug 1934, Columbus, Bartholomew, IN. 11 Frederick Beeker Surprised on Birthday.

Frederick Beeker, one of the oldest residents of the St. Louis Crossing community was tendered a pleasant surprise yesterday when about 30 relatives and friends called upon him unexpectedly. The occasion was his 90th birthday anniversary. A bountiful dinner was served at the noon hour and the rest of the day was spent socially.

Although Mr. Beeker has been ill for some time and is in a very weakened condition, he was able to sit up a part of the time yesterday.

Those present at the celebration included Mrs. Casper McNealy, Edith, Harold, Martha Ann and Robert Beeker, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snapp, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawkins and daughter, Dorothy May, and a number of neighbors and friends.

Mr. Beeker is one of the oldest farmers in this county. He came here from Germany when he was 16 years old. He worked by the day and saved what he earned and now he owns a large tract of land near the crossing.

Mr. Beeker was married to Miss Dolly Schaefer and to this union enjoyed their most profitable two four children were born, Mrs. Anna Dinkins. Mr. Beeker also has two step-children, Mrs. Clara Klipsch, of Petersburg, and Londa Beeker, of Eleanor, Ind. He has 24 grandchildren, 18 great- grandchildren and 12 step-grand- children.

Mr Beeker was able to do work about his farm until the last year. Now he is confined to his bed most of the time. Mrs. John Beeker and her daughter, Mrs. Casper McNealy are caring for him.

7. Obituary: Columbus Republic: obituary of Frederick Beeker on 31 Oct 1934 in Edinburgh, Johnson, IN. 3 4 ILLNESS FATAL TO FRED BEEKER OF BARTH. CO.
Well Known Resident of Flatrock Township Dies After Long Illness

COLUMBUS, Indiana October 31 - Frederick Beeker, 90, for years an outstanding farmer of Flatrock township, died this morning at 1 o'clock at his home in St. Louis Crossing. He had been ill for a long time and had been bedfast since the first of the year. Death was due to ailments attendant on old age.

Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Louis Crossing Methodist church. Burial will be made in the Moravian cemetery at Hope.

Mr. Beeker was born in Germany and came to this country when 18 years old. He came directly to this county and located on the farm where died. He engaged in farming all his life and continued in that work as long as his health permitted. He was a member of the Methodist church and a highly esteemed man.

He was married twice. His first wife was Dolly Schaefer who died many years ago, and his second wife was Miss Margaret Shank, who also preceded him in death.

Surviving are a son, Louis Beeker, of St. Louis Crossing, by the first wife and Mrs. George Dinkins of Columbus by the second wife. There are also two stepchildren, Mrs. Clara Klipsch of Pike county and Louda Beeker of Daviess county.

8. Newspaper: Columbus Republic: funeral for Frederick Beeker, 1 Nov 1934, Columbus, Bartholomew, IN. 7 Funeral services for Frederick Beeker, who died at his home in St. Louis Crossing, will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Methodist church in St. Louis Crossing. Burial will be made in the Hope Moravian cemetery. The casket is open at the home.

9. Newspaper: Edinburg Daily Courier: Claims He Is Heir To Part Of Beeker Estate, 10 Oct 1935, Edinburgh, Johnson, IN. 12 CLAIMS HE IS HEIR TO PART OF BEEKER ESTATE

COLUMBUS, Indiana Oct. 3 - An unusual action was filed in the Bartholomew circuit court today involving the $32,696 estate of the late Frederick Beeker, prominent Flatrock township farmer and land owner.

The action brought by Louda Beeker, 66-year old resident near Washington, Ind., is in the form of a petition to establish his heirship in the Beeker estate.
The petitioner claims that he is an heir and should be entitled to one-fifth interest in the estate.

The Daviess county main alleges in the complaint prepared by C. E. Custer, local attorney, that he was the illegitimate son of Mathala Smith at the time she was married to the late Mr. Beeker.

The petitioner sets out that the deceased Mr. Beeker treated him as his own son, kept him and educated him and gave him the name of Beeker.

At the time of the death of his mother, Mathala Smith Beeker, the petitioner avers, he was 14 years old, and Mr. Beeker continued to care for him the same as he did the four children born and the mother of the petitioner.
The petitioner also asks that the final settlement of the estate be withheld until action is taken on the petition to establish his heirship. The First National bank of this city is administrator of the estate.

Louda Beeker also filed in court today an action against Anna Dinkins, Edith Beeker, Gladys, David, Louis, Glen and Sara Elizabeth Beeker to quiet title to the Beeker real estate valued at approximately $20,000 for partition.

10. Newspaper: Columbus Republic: Beeker Family Has Reunion, 22 Jul 1941, Columbus, Bartholomew, IN. 13 Beeker Family Has Reunion.

The Beeker family reunion was held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mae Beeker at St. Louis Crossing. A basket dinner was served at one long table placed on the lawn.

Harry Beeker, president, was in charge of a business session when Glenn Beeker was chosen president, and Mrs. Elmer C. Tressler, secretary.

Games and contests were conducted during the afternoon with prizes awarded Mrs. Clara Klipsch, Landa Beeker, Mae Hawkins, Dorothy Hubble and Waldron Bellamy.

Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Daugherty and daughter, Eyelyn, Ora and Landa Beeker of Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Omer Klipsch and daughter, Joanne, Mrs. Clara Klipsch and sons, William and Louis of Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Fred David, Billy, Jack, and Joanne Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Porter, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Newsom, Misses Hazel Burns and Edith Beeker, Mrs. Rose Payne and Harry Beeker, all of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beeker and family of Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. William Ott and family of Edinburg; Misses Katherine Newsom and Maxine Beeker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beeker and Waldron Bellamy of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beeker and family, Mrs. Mae Beeker and son, Dean; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawkins and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beeker, Mrs. Madge Wertz and sons, Mr. and Mrs. George Dinkins, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Harms, Mr. and Mrs. Casper McNeally, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Beeker and son, Mrs. Arthur Andrews and daughter, Margaret, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tressler and daughter, Barbara Ann, all of near Columbus.

The reunion will be held the third Sunday in July next year, the place to be announced later.

Frederick married Mathala Smith.

Frederick next married Natalie "Dolly" Schaefer on 19 Nov 1871 in , Bartholomew, IN.1 (Natalie "Dolly" Schaefer was born on 15 Mar 1849 in , , , DEU,1 died on 28 Oct 1883 in Hope, Bartholomew, IN 1 and was buried in Hope: Moravian Cemetery, Bartholomew, IN 1.)

Frederick next married Margaret J. Shank. (Margaret J. Shank was born in Nov 1855 in , , IN,8 14 died on 16 Nov 1930 in Saint Louis Crossing, Bartholomew, IN 14 and was buried on 18 Nov 1930 in Hope: Moravian Cemetery, Bartholomew, IN 14.)


1 Find A Grave,

2 Columbus Republic (Columbus, IN), 12 Dec 1931, page 1. John Beeker Ends His Life Early Today.

3 Edinburg Daily Courier (Edinburgh, Johnson, Indiana), 1 Nov 1934, page 1. Illness Fatal To Fred Beeker.

4 Columbus Republic (Columbus, IN), 31 Oct 1934, page 1. Illness Fatal To Fred Beeker.

5 Columbus Republic (Columbus, IN), 23 Jun 1960, page 2. Lewis Beeker Stricken.

6, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 33896. Fred Beeker. Parents unknown. Informant Mrs. May Beeker.

7 Columbus Republic (Columbus, IN), 1 Nov 1934, page 6.

8 1900 United States Census, Fredrick Becker, Flatrock Township Clifford town, Bartholomew, Indiana, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 10, sheet 10A, family 200.

9 Columbus Republic (Columbus, IN), 23 Nov 1931, page 1.

10 Columbus Republic (Columbus, IN), 27 Nov 1931, page 1. Jury Finds Fred Beeker Is In Need of Guardian.

11 Columbus Republic (Columbus, IN), 11 Aug 1934, page 4. Federick Beeker Surprised on Birthday.

12 Edinburg Daily Courier (Edinburgh, Johnson, Indiana), 10 Oct 1935, page 1. Claims He Is Heir To Part Of Beeker Estate.

13 Columbus Republic (Columbus, IN), 22 Jul 1941, page 3. Beeker Family Has Reunion.

14, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 161 32969 Mrs. Margaret Beeker. Father Peter Shank born Germany. Mother Elsie Jurbrugg born Germany. Spouse Frederick Beeker. Informant Louis Beeker.

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