Edward Horrox
Ann Lee
William Horrox
Ellen Parcell
James Wilson Horrox


Family Links

1. Mary Rowley

James Wilson Horrox 1

  • Born: 6 Feb 1885, Jacksons, Schuylkill, PA 1
  • Marriage (1): Mary Rowley
  • Died: 18 Feb 1924, Brandonville, East Union Township, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, United States at age 39 1 2
  • Buried: 21 Feb 1924, Brandonville Union Cemetery, Brandonville, East Union Township, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, United States 1

   FamilySearch ID: L69F-DSN.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1900 in East Union Township, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA. 3 The 1900 census recorded William Horrox, laborer in coal min, 41, born Mar 1859, married for 18 years to Ellen, 37, Apr 1863; living wih their children: Edward, farm laborer, 17, Apr 1883; Richard, 15, Apr 1885, James, 13, Feb 1887, Annie, 11, Feb 1889, Emma, 8, Jun 1891; and Alfred, 2, Jan 1898. William and his parents were born in England. Ellen was born in Pennsylvania and her parens in Wales. Their children were all born in Pennsylvania. William owned his home.

2. Newspaper: Philadelphia Inquirer: James Horrox Kills 10 Year Old Boy, 14 Oct 1901, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 4 TWO QUARREL; ONE IS SHOT
Special to The Inquirer. SHENANDOAH. Pa., Oct. 13.
Brandonville, a farming village located three miles north of this city, was the scene of a fatal shooting yesterday afternoon. James Horrox. aged 15 years, and Edward Ball, aged 10 years, quarreled Friday afternoon last over the respective merits of horses owned by their parents and the interference of farm hands alone prevented them from coming to blows.
Yesterday afternoon Horrox, with gun In hand, started toward the hen coop, Intending to shoot a large hawk which was hovering about. On his way he met young Ball, and it is alleged fired the contents of the gun Into his legs. Ball died at the Miners' Hospital to-day from the shock. Horrox was arrested and committed without bail charged with the shooting.

3. Newspaper: Shenandoah Evening Herald, 30 Oct 1901, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 5 Father Engaged Counsel.
William Horrox, father of James Horrox, the 14-year-old boy is jail charged with the murder of Edward Ballrushis, has engaged James J. Bell, Esq., to defend his son. This is the case in which James Horrox shot his nine-year-old companion while squirrel hunting near Brandonville, on October 12th. The Coroner's Jury impaneled to investigate the case exonerated young Horrox from all blame by rendering verdict of "accidental shooting." Friends of Ballrushis became dissatisfied with the verdict and had Horrox taken in custody.
The arrest was made on the day Ballrushis was buried, and as the funeral proceeded in one direction young Horrox was being hurried in another to jail.

4. Newspaper: The Miners Journal, 19 Nov 1901, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 6 BOY ON TRIAL FOR MURDER
James Horrox on Trial For the Killing of Edward Ball Last Month.
The case of James Horrox, who is charged with the murder of Edward Hall is on trial before Judge Shay in court room No. 2. The case was called at 2.30 o'clock, and at 3.30 o'clock the work of empanelling the jury had been completed. In addressing the jury Deputy District Attorney Noecker explained that the Commonwealth would not ask for a verdict of murder in the first degree and for that reason no questions relating to conscientious scruples against capital punishment had not been asked the jurymen.
The Story of the Crime
The story of the alleged crime is as follows - The defendant was out gunning on Saturday, October 12th, and while near the house of Joseph Ball, it is alleged called to Edward Ball to come out into the woods. The little fellow went, and after refusing to get a.piece of bread for the defendant was shot in the right leg and afterward died from the effects of the wound.
Dr. Ressler, of Ringtown, testified to having been called to dress Edward Ball's leg and described the wound to the jury as having affected the middle third of the right leg. In his opinion the wound had been caused by a shot gun which had been discharged in close proximity to the leg. After dressing his wound, Dr. Ressler said he had sent him to the hospital and afterward heard that he had died there.
He demonstrated in a practical way the manner in which he thought the parties must have stood when the shooting occurred. On cross-examination, Messrs. Bell and Durkin, for the defense, tried to show that death was due to hemorrhage, which the boy underwent before he received medical attendance. He thought that on the day in question, the coagulation of blood would have been favored by the chilly atmosphere.
The Brother Testifies.
Joseph Ball, the brother of the dead boy, remembered the day the shooting occurred, and the subsequent events connected with the tragedy. He told how he found the brother; he was very pale, and there was a great deal of blood about. The injured boy thought he was going to die and told how Horrox shot him. Horrox had not told him that he had shot the boy for about an hour and a half after the deed was committed. On cross examination he stuck to his story which the defense could not shake.
The parties are all from Union township, and the prosecution is in the hands of Deputy District Attorney Noecker and H. O. Bechtel.
The following is a list of the jurors: Stephen Reese, Ashland; John H. Messerschmidt, Rush; John J. Lauer, Ashland; John Lugan, Pottsville; Wm. McHale, Cass; Thos. Haughney, Mahanoy City; John F. Stoudt, West Penn; Joseph Herb, Mt. Carbon; Jos. Campbell, Porter Twp.; E. L. Shissler, Minersville; Fred D. Bushar, Pottsville; Isaac T. Lewis, Mahanoy City.

5. Newspaper: Shenandoah Evening Herald, 20 Nov 1901, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 7 James Horrocks Is Acquitted
Not Guilty of the Murder of Young Ball.
Pottsville, Nov. 20 -- The jury in the case of James Horrocks, the Brandonville youth charged with the murder of Edward Ball, of the same place, last evening at 7:25 o'clock found a verdict of not guilty. The case occupied the entire day. Messrs W. B. Durkin and James J. Bell made a successful fight in behalf of the defendant, the latter addressing the jury in a forceful manner. The commonwealth was represented by Deputy District Attorney Noecker and H. O. Bechtel.
The Commonwealth having asked for a verdict in the second degree, Judge Shay in his charge laid down the law as to homicide and manslaughter. The jury was out about four hours. The youthful prisoner, after thanking his attorneys, left for his home at Brandonville to-day.

6. Cause of Death: angine pactoras, 3 years, 18 Feb 1924, East Union Township, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA. 1

7. Occupation: miner on 18 Feb 1924 in East Union Township, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA. 1

8. Obituary: Shenandoah Evening Herald on 19 Feb 1924 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 2 ==his surname was mispelled==
James Harrox.
James Harrox, about 32 years old, employed, as assistant foreman at Knickerbocker colliery, died suddenly at his home in Brandonville last night. He had been working every day but about midnight Sunday suffered a heart attack. He steadily grew worse and died last evening. He was well known and enjoyed a large circle of friends. His wife died nine months ago. He leaves four children to survive.

James married Mary Rowley. (Mary Rowley was born about 1884 in , , Pennylvania, USA, died on 31 May 1923 in Hazleton, Luzerne, PA 8 9 and was buried on 4 Jun 1923 in Brandonville, East Union Township, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, United States 8 9.)


1 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 13561 James Horrix b. 6 Feb 1885 d. 17 Feb 1924 E Union Twp father Wm. Horrox mother Ellen Parson informant Joseph Horrox.

2 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 19 Feb 1924, page 6, obituary of James Horrax.

3 1900 United States Census, William Horrox, East Union Township, Schuylkill, PA.

4 Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA), 14 Oct 1901, page 9.

5 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 30 Oct 1901, page 1.

6 The Miners Journal (Pottsville, PA), Nov 1901, page 1.

7 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 20 Nov 1901, page 1.

8 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Mary Harros (mispelled), b. abt 1884, d. 31 May 1923 Hazelton PA, father John Rowley, mother Margaret Mooney.

9 "The Record American (Mahony City, PA)," 2 Jun 1923, page 6.

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