Jacob D. Blasser


Family Links

1. Harriet Leader

Jacob D. Blasser 1 2

  • Born: 9 Dec 1837, Lower Mahanoy Twp., Northumberland, PA 1
  • Marriage (1): Harriet Leader on 25 Aug 1857 in Chillisquaque, Northumberland, PA, United States 1

   FamilySearch ID: K4P2-VH7.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Residence: in Herndon, Northumberland, PA. 2

2. Book: Genealogical & Biographical Annals of Northumberland County, 1911. 1
BLASSER. The Blasser family has been settled in Northumberland county for about a century, and the brothers Abraham D. and Jacob D. Blasser, of Herndon, Pa., now living retired, are worthy representatives of a name which has been respected throughout that period. They are grandsons of John Blasser, who was one of three brothers (another being Abraham) who came from their native country, Switzerland, and settled along the Susquehanna river in Union township, Snyder Co., Pa.

In 1812 John Blasser crossed the river into Northumberland county, settling in Lower Mahanoy township with his wife and one child, a daughter, Betzy. He was a farmer, a man of good business ability and highly successful, and was an influential citizen, prominent in public matters as well as in the interest of his private concerns. He owned seven hundred acres of land, a large part of which he obtained by warrant from the State, and profitably operated Blasser's Fishery on the Susquehanna, at what is now known as Dalmatia. He caught shad by tons, single fish often weighing as much as nine pounds, and as the river then abounded with fish this business was very lucrative.

He served as general supervisor over the roads of five townships, making his trips over the roads of which he had charge on horseback. In religious faith be was a Mennonite, and attended services at a meetinghouse in Snyder county, though most of the meetings at that time were at the homes of those interested.

John Blasser died about 1850, at the age of seventy-four years, and was laid to rest in a private burial ground on his farm, but in 1876 he was reentered in the cemetery of the Stone Valley Union Church.

His wife, Susanna Riegel, died in 1861, aged seventy years. They had three sons and one daughter: Betzy, who married Henry Latsha; John, who died aged twenty-one years; Jacob, at one time a resident of Lower Mahanoy township, who moved out to Indiana in 1858 and died there (he was a farmer); and Abraham. Abraham Blasser, son of John, was born April 10, 1816, in Lower Mahanoy township, and was a lifelong farmer there, dying April 7, 1876, on the farm where he was born. He was a man of high worth and held the confidence of his fellow citizens, who chose him to a number of township offices, in all of which he gave faithful service. Like his father he was a Mennonite in religion. He married Anna Mary Daniel, daughter of John Adam and Rosina (Wagner) Daniel, and they are buried at the Stone Valley Church. They were the parents of three sons and three daughters: John died unmarried; Abraham D. and Jacob D., twins, are mentioned below; Mary married, David Wetzler; Sarah married John Seal; Susanna married Andrew Star.

ABRAHAM D. BLASSER, son of Abraham, was born Dec. 9, 1837, on the Blasser homestead farm in the upper section of Lower Mahanoy township, this county, a large and valuable tract containing nearly five hundred acres, which he and his twin brother Jacob D. Blasser own in partnership. It is nearly two miles long, and is the largest single farm in Northumberland county. The brothers were reared to farming, which they continued to follow successfully throughout their active years, cultivating the farm in partnership and making many improvements on the property, which is in excellent condition. Both lived there, there being two dwelling-houses, two large barns and two sets of buildings on the land.

Upon his retirement from active work, in 1891, Abraham D. Blasser settled in Herndon, of which place he has since been a much esteemed citizen. He was instrumental in the organization of the borough, was one of the first councilmen, continuing to hold that office six years, and has done much to further the best interests of the place, where he is recognized as a man of intelligent public spirit.

While living in Lower Mahanoy township he served as a member of the school board. On May 14, 1860, Mr. Blasser married Elizabeth Lenker, daughter of Adam and Sallie (Messner) Lenker, and to them were born two daughters: Sarah D., born in 1863, died in 1866; Mary Agnes, now the wife of Capt. Jacob F. Hoffman, received her education in the local public schools and at Allentown (Pa.) Female College, meantime, before she entered college, teaching in the public schools of Lower Mahanoy township and at Berrysburg, Dauphin county. Mrs. Hoffman has marked artistic talent, and has a gift for painting, doing creditable work as a scenic artist and china decorator; she is also a musician of rare attainments, holding several diplomas and medals of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Blasser live on Main street, in the borough of Herndon, their home being next door to that of his brother. They are members of the Reformed Church. He is a Republican in political opinion.

JACOB D. BLASSER, twin brother of Abraham D. Blasser, has practically the same history, the brothers have always lived together on the home place until they retired. Jacob D. Blasser, however, did not remove to Herndon until 1893. They have always been on terms of ideal brotherliness, and their homes in Herndon are side by side.

On Aug. 25, 1857, Mr. Blasser married Harriet Leader, daughter of Marks and Sallie (Wolf) Leader, of Jackson township, and granddaughter of John and Susanna (Marks) Leader of the same township; Susanna Marks was a native of Berks county. Sallie Wolf was a daughter of Michael Wolf. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Blasser; (1) Julius Frank, whose home is at Millersburg, Pa., married Minerva Emerick, and they have eleven children (including two sets of twins), Charles and John (twins), Mabel, Mary, Jacob, Hattie, Naomi, Julius and Alice (twins), Ray and Moses. (2) Sarah A. married Andrew Bucher, and they resided at Mahanoy, where she died May 23, 1895, at the age of thirty-two years. They had one son, Charles. (3) Maggie D. married John Schwab, of Elizabethville, Pa., and died July 2, 1909, aged forty- one years, the mother of three children, Dory F., Mary E. and Erma. Mr. and Mrs. Blasser are new Reformed members of the church at Herndon. While in Lower Mahanoy township they were identified with the Stone Valley Church, of which Mr. Blasser was an elder for three Years. He is a Republican in politics, but he has always refused to run for public office.

Jacob married Harriet Leader on 25 Aug 1857 in Chillisquaque, Northumberland, PA, United States.1


1 Floyd, J.L., Genealogical & Biographical Annals of Northumberland County (Published 1911
Read it at https://archive.org/details/genealogicalbiog00floy), Page 740.

2 Floyd, J.L., Genealogical & Biographical Annals of Northumberland County (Published 1911
Read it at https://archive.org/details/genealogicalbiog00floy), Page 226.

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