Johan Dietrich Bucher
Maria Sophia Zuri
Sebastian Bucher Sr.


Family Links

1. Elizabeth Keeley

Sebastian Bucher Sr. 1 2 3 4 5 6

  • Born: 13 Aug 1740, , Montgomery, PA
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth Keeley
  • Died: Jan 1778, , Montgomery, PA at age 37 1 7
  • Buried: 16 Jan 1778, New Hanover Twp.: Falkner Swamp Reformed Church, Montgomery, PA 8

   Another name for Sebastian was Bastian Bucher.1 7

   FamilySearch ID: LZV3-8TN.

  Death Notes:

The baptism record for his son, Henry, born 20 Mar 1778, lists the father as Bastian Bucher, deceased.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: Pennsylvania Gazette, 15 Mar 1770, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 9 Legal notice:
IN Pursuance of an Order of OrphanCourt, held at Philadelphia, for the County of Philadelphia, will be exposed to Sale, by public vendue, on Saturday, the 31st Day of March instant, on the Premises, a certain Log Messuage, or Tenement, Plantation and Tract of Land, situate in Douglass Township, in the said County of Philadelphia, bounded by Lands of Felty Skithter, Ludowick Pickle, Matthias Reichart, and Ludowick Herring, containing 50 Acres; late the Estate of Peter Beecher, deceased; the Sale to begin at two o'Clock in the Afternoon. GEORGE DIETER BOOCHER, SEBASTIAN BOOCHER, Administrators.

2. Property on 26 Feb 1788 in , Montgomery, PA. 10 11 An extract from Deed Book 5, p. 173 explains how Johan Dietrich Bucher's land was passed to his descendents:

Jacob Bucher, Douglass Township, Berks County, Pa., bachelor, son and heir at law of Sebastian Bucher, late of New Hanover Township, Montgomery County, conveys to Peter Steltz, New Hanover Township.

The deed recites that June 4, 1736, John Henry Sprogell sold 84 acres, 94 perches of land in New Hanover Township to John Vendel Kite. Kite and his wife Elizabeth, Jan. 20, 1743, sold this land to John Dietrich Bucher (alias John Titer Bugher).

John Inglis, city of Philadelphia, merchant, and his wife Catherine, Dec. 10, 1748, sold 101 acres, 62 perches in New Hanover Township to John Dietrich Bucher, this land adjoining land the purchaser already owned.

Thomas Preston, city of Philadelphia, Nov. 27, 1749, sold 12 acres, 128 perches in New Hanover Township to John Dietrich Bucher, adjacent to the two other tracts.

John Dietrich Bucher sold 12 acres, 128 perches to Paul Moser and retained the remaining tracts. He also acquired 50 acres in Douglass Township (now Montgomery County.)

At the death of John Dietrich Bucher his real estate passed into possession of his widow, Sophia, and three children: George Dietrich, Sebastian and Elizabeth, wife of John Geiger, and three grandchildren: John, Henry, and Catherine, the children of Conrad Bucher, deceased, a son of John Dietrich.

George Dieter Bucher, eldest son, petitioned the Orphan's Court that his father's land be divided among the heirs or valued. The court granted the request and a jury to view the land and made a return to court, Sept. 10, 1777, that it could not be divided without spoiling the whole. The jury placed a valuation of £700 on the house and land. The court confirmed the return. Sebastian, second son, then offered to take the real estate at the valuation set and pay the shares of the other heirs. The eldest son, George D., who had first choice, refused to take the land. The court confirmed the sale to Sebastian.

Sebastian Bucher died and left a widow, Elizabeth, and six children: Jacob, Conrad, Sebastian, John, Henry, and Catharine, to whom the real estate descended. The administrators of his estate, George D. Bucher and Peter Steltz, sold 24 acres of the land. Jacob Bucher, eldest son of Sebastian, now petitioned the court, March 26, 1787, for a jury to divide the land among the heirs or value it. The jury reported to court that the land could not be divided without spoiling the whole. They valued the two remaining tracts at £712, 15s. Jacob offered to take the land at this valuation, and the court confirmed it to him. He now sold to Peter Steltz for £841.

3. Newspaper: The Pennsylvania Gazette, 10 Dec 1788, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 12 Montgomery County, November 27, 1788
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, on Saturday, the 13th day of December next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the house of Peter Sweyer, in New Hanover township, A certain Plantation or Tract of 50 acres of Land, be the same more or less, situate in New Hanover township, and bounded by lands of Peter Steltz and others; taken in execution as the property of the heirs of Sebastian Bucher, deceased, and to be sold by Francis Swaine, Sheriff.

Sebastian married Elizabeth Keeley, daughter of Matthias Keeley and Eve. (Elizabeth Keeley was born on 12 Apr 1748.)


1 Falkner Swamp Reformed Congregation, New Hanover Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

2 Irish, Donna R., Pennsylvania German Marriages: Marriages and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churches (Baltimore : Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982. Description: 817 p.), Page 307.

3 Montgomery, Morton L., Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1909. Online at:, Page 528.

4 Irish, Donna R., Pennsylvania German Marriages: Marriages and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churches (Baltimore : Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982. Description: 817 p.), Page 304.

5 Falkner Swamp Reformed Congregation, New Hanover Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Page 161.

6 Falkner Swamp Reformed Congregation, New Hanover Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Page 155.

7 Humphrey, John T., Montgomery County Births (1993. Humphrey Publications.).

8 Boyer, Grim, Bucher Families (Collections of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.).

9 The Pennsylvania Gazette (Published in Philadelphia from 1728 through 1800, The Pennsylvania Gazette is considered The New York Times of the 18th century.), March 15, 1770.

10 Hocker, Edward W., The Hocker Collection at the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania (Noted genealogist Edward. W. Hocker, author of many genealogy books, and an expert in Pennsylvanian German genealogy, donated his entire research collection of surnames to the library at:
Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
215 S. Broad St., 7th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107-5325), Bucher File.

11 Montgomery County Courthouse, Deed Book 5, p. 173.

12 The Pennsylvania Gazette (Published in Philadelphia from 1728 through 1800, The Pennsylvania Gazette is considered The New York Times of the 18th century.), December 10, 1788 edition.

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