Catherine Saylor


Family Links

1. Bernard Eisenhuth

Catherine Saylor 2 3

  • Born: 9 May 1767, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 2 3 4
  • Marriage (1): Bernard Eisenhuth in 1780 in , Berks, PA 1
  • Died: 20 Jan 1849, Mahanoy City, Schuylkill, PA at age 81 2 3 4
  • Buried: Ringtown: St. Paul's Old White Church Cemetery, Schuylkill, PA 2

   Other names for Catherine were Cartharine Sayler and Catharina Magretha Seiler.5

   FamilySearch ID: LHS4-79P.

  General Notes:

Possible father would be John or Jacob, the following sons of Daniel Saylor/Sayler Sr. who was born on 15 Jun 1708 in Sembach Germany, immigrated in 1730 to Lancaster County, PA, and died 1789 in Frederick County, MD. Daniel married Hanna Gerber and their children were born in Lancaster Co., PA:
Catherine Sayler b: 27 JUL 1736
John Sayler b: 6 MAY 1738
Jacob Sayler b: 19 MAR 1740
Christian Sayler b: 8 MAR 1742
Daniel Sayler b: 6 NOV 1744
Julia Sayler b: 19 JAN 1746
Mary Sayler b: 30 AUG 1748
Daniel Sayler b: 30 DEC 1749

Sons Christian and Daniel do not have a match to Catherine born 1767. The book doesn't cover the descendants of John and Jacob, who are the possible fathers.

--- Other possible leads

Peter Sayler immigrates on 28 Aug 1733 on the Ship Hope of London, from Rotterdam but last from Cowes. Strassburger page 120. Eighty four Palatines who with their families, making is all Two hundred & twenty six persons, were imported here in the Ship Hope, of London, Daniel Reid, Master, from Rotterdam but las tfrom Cowes."

Felix Sailor (*) and Jacob Seiler immigrate 15 Sep 1749 on the ship Phoenix, John Mason, master, from Rotterdam last of Cowes. Strassburger Page 406 (Jacob) 407 (Felix).

Photocopy of Deed Abstracts of Lancaster County shows a John Saylor.

Photocopy of Maytown Reformed in Lancaster shows a Friederich Sayler wife Eva and their children's baptisms.

<> 6

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Census in 1840 in Haines Township, Centre, PA. 7 The 1840 census recorded Barnard Eisenhood with this household:
ree White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Persons Employed in Manufacture and Trade: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 4
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 6
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 6.

2. Cause of Death: She died in a fire. She got too close to the fireplace grate because she was blind., 20 Jan 1849, Mahanoy City, Schuylkill, PA. 8

3. Relatives To Research: 22 May 1985, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. From the Lebanon Press and Journal, May 22, 1985 in Brossman's "Our Keystone Families" column:

Sehler - Sahler - Seiler - Saylor Family.

William D. Saylor of 627 State Drive, Lebanon, Pa. 17042 has found more information on his family and desires help to clear up unknown factors.

Last fall while visiting his ggg-grandfather's grave, Philip Sehler, b. 6 Jun 1726 d. 8 Sep 1797 he had the good fortune of discovering a buried sandstone broken from its base which was covered with earth and grass. This was adjacent to Philip's grave.

After removing the stone and washing it down, he was able to decipher some of the German inscriptions on both sides of the stone. A great deal of the inscription is gone due to the erosion but the information on the front appears to read as follows:

"Hier Ruhen Die Gebeine Von Philip Geboren Oct 11, 1701, Gestorben 1776"
Translation: Here rests the bones of Philip born Oct 11, 1701, died 1776.

In view of the location he velives this was his gggg-grandfather, Philip's father, and may very well be the Philip Heinrich Soller (List 8B) which left Deal, England 15 Jun 1728 (the voyage took 88 days). Also on this same ship was Hans George Seyler (List 8A) and Hans Seyler (List 8B).

Does anyone have any information from church records, the Reading Adler, or other sources, which would provide a notice of death or burial for the year 1776 of Berks County which might list the name Sheler, Soller, Seler, Seller, Soeller, Sahler, Seiler, etc. or a close derivative thereof?

On the reverse of the tombston the following words are discernible:

Ich Bin Gewiss dass Dieser Lieb Im Grab Verbleiben Tag von ___ Ewigen ____.
Translation :I am assured that this body in the grave remains day of ____ eternal ________.

Since some of the older tombstones tend to have similar inscriptions, poems, etc. can anyone tell him what the missing words might be?

Catherine married Bernard Eisenhuth, son of Henrich Eisenhuth and Unknown, in 1780 in , Berks, PA.1 (Bernard Eisenhuth was born on 10 Mar 1755 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA 4 9, christened on 16 May 1755 in Lebanon: Lutheran Church, Lebanon, PA,1 4 died on 22 Jun 1866 in New Castle Twp., Schuylkill, PA 1 4 9 10 and was buried on 23 Jun 1866 in Ringtown: St. Paul's Old White Church Cemetery, Schuylkill, PA 9 11.)

  Noted events in their marriage were:

1. They have conflicting marriage information of 1780 and Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 12

  Marriage Notes:

Bernard Eisenhuth's obituary published in the newspaper said he was married to Catherine Saylor in Berks County, not Lebanon County as other sources report.


1 Pottsville Standard, 6/30/1866 Obituary.

2 Find A Grave,

3 Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (Online register at, Lineage Book : NSDAR : Volume 137 : 1917-1918, Page 309, Mrs. Sara Miller Ruth #136982.

4 Family Records of Phyllis Osborne, great granddaughter of Margaret Anna Eisenhuth, who passed family records to her. (Email from, Email dated 28 Jul 2003.

5, Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950, Catharina Margretha Seiler, 09 Nov 1767; citing reference , FHL microfilm 1312257.

6 Sayler, James Lanning, A History of the Sayler Family : being a collection of genealogical notes relative to Daniel Sayler of Frederick County, Maryland, who came to America about 1725-1730, and his descendants (Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell's Sons, 1898, 186 pgs.), Pages 1-22.

7 1840 United States Census, ( Barnard Eisenhood, Haines Township, Centre, Pennsylvania, United States; citing p. 78.

8 Family Records of Phyllis Osborne, great granddaughter of Margaret Anna Eisenhuth, who passed family records to her. (Email from

9 Find A Grave,

10, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1669-2013, PA > Schuylkill > Ringtown > St. Paul's Lutheran and Reformed Union. Barnet Eisenhuth b. 16 May 1754 d. 22 Jun 1866 112 years 1 monoth 6 days.

11 Pottsville Standard.


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