John Beecher III
Susan Schmidt
Jacob Noll
Margaretha Rebecca Keller
Cornelius Beechert
Sarah Alice Noll
George Henry Beecher


Family Links

1. Emily Sallie Schaeffer

George Henry Beecher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  • Born: 1 May 1873, Host, Berks, PA 2 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • Christened: 29 Jun 1873, Tulpehocken Twp.: Host Church, Berks, PA 13
  • Marriage (1): Emily Sallie Schaeffer on 15 Sep 1894 in Reading, Berks, PA 1 2
  • Died: 8 Jul 1966, Reading, Berks, PA at age 93 7 8 12
  • Buried: 12 Jul 1966, Bern Twp.: Epler's Church Cemetery, Berks, PA 7 8

   Other names for George were George Beacher,11 George Henry Beechirt 14 15 and George Henry Buchert.16

   FamilySearch ID: 96D3-7Y3.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1880 in Tulpehocken Twp., Berks, PA. 11 Cornelius Beacher, farm laborer, 34, was living with wife Sarah, 35; Katie, 14; George, 7; Charles, 5; Sallie, 4; Clara, 2; and John, 8 months. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

2. Residence: in 1894 in Leinbachs, Berks, PA. 1

3. Occupation: machinist in 1894 in Leinbachs, Berks, PA. 1

4. Census in 1900 in Reading, Berks, PA. 14 The 1900 census recorded George H. Beechirt, machinist, 27, born May 1873, living with wife Emie S., 24, Feb 1876; and Luther M. 5, Jun 1895. The couple had been married 6 years and given birth to 2 children, 1 still alive in 1900. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

5. Newspaper: Reading Times: Before The Courts: George Beecher Seeks Damages from Accident, 19 Oct 1905, Reading, Berks, PA. 17 Before The Courts

Conflicting Testimony

Judge Endllch heard the case of George Beecher vs. Albert Mellert, an action for injuries to a bicyclist by a team driving into him. It happened on July 12. 1902, on Schuylkill avenue, between West Green and West Buttonwood streets. A dislocated left shoulder was the result, for which damages are asked. It was claimed that the injury to the plaintiff is permanent. There was a dispute between the two as to the right of way and it was a question of turning out.

Mr. Beecher, the plaintiff, testified that Mr. Mellert exclaimed, "Get out of the way or I'll drive over you," and then he urged on his horse with the lines. On the east side of Schuylkill avenue was a pile of pipe. Mellert was driving south. "I was not knocked off the wheel. I had to get off. No, I did not quarrel with him, but asked him politely to turn out. I did not grab the bridle or try to strike the horse or Mr. Mellert. I had the right of way. When he urged on his horse I was between the horse and the pipes, and my shoulder was dislocated when I threw up my arms to protect myself. I had the doctor two weeks and lost $41 in wages. After the accident I demanded two weeks' wages, $32.50. from Mr. Mellert. The demand was made through Alderman Yarnell. He and his lawyer said they would fight it to the bitter end."

Charles Beecher, a brother, who was also out bicycle riding, testified the two were on the east side of the street car tracks going out, and the team was coming toward them. "My brother and the team could not pass at that point because of a mud hole. Mr. Mellert was told he was on the wrong side of the street and he should turn out, but he declined and said he would drive over my brother. There was nothing to prevent Mr. Mellert turning over to the other side of the street."

Dr. Frank W. Seidel, who reduced the fracture and examined it this week, said the injured shoulder is smaller than the other; there is hesitation in raising it, and he did not think the arm was as strong as before. "The displacement may happen again, and he is apt to have pain and stiffness of the joint."

Mr. Rourke asked and was given permission to have the plaintiff examined by a physician employed by the defense.

Edward Leinbach testified that Mr. Beecher asked Mr. Mellert to turn out; he refused and threatened to drive over him, when Mr. Beecher tried to strike Mr. Mellert.

The defense contends that Mr. Beecher was the cause of the accident, and that he dislocated his shoulder while striking at the horse and not by being driven over by the team.

6. Newspaper: Reading Times: Before The Courts: Damages Awarded, 20 Oct 1905, Reading, Berks, PA. 18 BEFORE THE COURTS . DAMAGES AWARDED. The jury in the $5000 damage suit of George Beecher against Albert Mellert awarded Mr. Beecher $700 for his dislocated shoulder blade. The plaintiff received his injury while passing the carriage of the defendant on Schuylkill avenue near Green street, on July 12, 1902. He was riding a bicycle and claimed that Mr. Mellert wedged him between his carriage and a pile of pipes which lined the gutter.

Mr. Beecher alleged that the defendant was driving on the left side of the car tracks and insisted on compelling the plaintiff to clear the way for him although the proper course of Mr. Mellert would have been to turn out by the unobstructed wav to the right.

The defendant suffered a dislocated shoulder blade while attempting to push himself from horse which was driven forward Mr. Mellert. A new trial will asked by the defendant.

7. Census in 1910 in Reading, Berks, PA. 19 The 1910 census recorded at 306 Front Street in Reading: George H. Brecher [indexed wrong, handwriting looks like Beecher], 36, proprieter automobile shop, living with wife Emily S., 36 and their son Luther M., 16. They were married for 15 years and birthed 2 children, 1 still alive in 1910. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

8. Newspaper: Reading Times: Ad: "For Sale A six-cylinder, 7-Passenger Acme Automobile. Price $800. Geo. Beecher, 611 N. 3rd St.", 30 Sep 1911, Reading, Berks, PA. 20

9. Residence: 306 N. Front St., Reading, Pa on 29 Jan 1915 in Reading, Berks, PA. 21

10. Newspaper: Reading Times: "Repair work of automobiles is a specialty with George H. Beecher, 611 North Third street, who has had 15 years experience in the business. Mr. Beecher guarantees all work and his services are constantly in demand.", 7 Jul 1915, Reading, Berks, PA. 22

11. Residence: 306 N. Front St., Reading, Pa. On 29 Apr 1918 in Reading, Berks, PA. 3

12. Alt. Name: George signed his name Beecher on his WWI draft registration, although his father and brothers began using surname Beechert., on 12 Sep 1918, in Reading, Berks, PA. 23

13. He was described as medium height, medium build, gray eyes, brown hair on 12 Sep 1918 in Reading, Berks, PA. 9

14. Residence: 306 N. Front in Reading. On 12 Sep 1918 in Reading, Berks, PA. 23

15. Occupation: auto repair shop owner at 611 N. 3rd in Reading on 12 Sep 1918 in Reading, Berks, PA. 23

16. Newspaper: Reading Times: Ad: Corbit Bros. Garage, 21 Jun 1919, Reading, Berks, PA. 24 Corbit Bros. Garage
Formerly Geo. H. Beecher's
611 N. Third St.
We have purchased entire stock, fixtures and machinery. Also employing all former mechanics. We intend continuing the same efficient service and using only high-grade material. Mr. Beecher will supervise all work, in addition to carrying a complete line of tires.

17. Newspaper: Reading Times: Ad: Beecher & Reeser Auto Repair Station. Fisk Tires and Accessories. 400 Penn Avenue West Reading Bell phone 2717, 18 Dec 1919, Reading, Berks, PA. 25

18. Census in 1920 in Reading, Berks, PA. 26 The 1920 Census recorded at 225 5th St. in Reading: George H. Bucker, occupation tires automobile, 46, living with wife Emily S., 45; son Luther M., tires automobile, 25; his wife Ada, 26; and their son Kenneth G., 1 year 3 months. Ada, her parents, and Kenneth were born in England. Everyone else and their parents were Pennsylvanian.

19. Occupation: Ad in Reading City Directory: Beecher George H. (Emily S.), auto tires, 319 N 5th, h. Fairview, Hyde Villa in 1924 in Reading, Berks, PA. 27

20. Book: Reading and Berks County, Pennsylvania, a history: bio of George Henry Beecher, 1925. 2
George Henry Beecher --- Automobile repair and various other lines of mechanical activity, have for some years engaged the constructive attention of George H. Beecher, of Reading, whose success has carried him to more than usual prominence and whose worth endeavors are recognized by the people. A man of energy and ability, who has always given to his work the element of constructive endeavor, Mr. Beecher has won outstanding rank in local advance in his chosen realm. He is a son of Cornelius Beecher (q.v.), a venerable and honored citizen of Shillington.

George H. Beecher was born in Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, May 1, 1873. His education was received in the local public schools and as a young man, he learned the trade of machinist in the plant of the Orr & Sembower Company, of Reading. Remaining with that concern as an apprentice for about three years, he thereafter followed his trade as journeyman in the employ of leading concerns in this section until 1909. Then, foreseeing the ultimate importance of the automobile industry which even at that time had reached very large proportions, Mr. Beecher established his own shop in which he was active for about ten years. He then for a time conducted a tire store and vulcanizing enterprise at No. 228 North Fifth Street. He has since developed the interest to include also every branch of automobile repair, further dealing in accessories and handling a general automobile business. He is now located at No. 319 North Fifth Street and meets every demand of the motoring public. He is a Republican in his political convictions, but never a leader in party affairs. Mr. Beecher is a member of the Kiwanis Club, and attends the Reformed church.

George H. Beecher was married in 1894, in Reading, Pennsylvania, to Emily S. Schaeffer, daughter of Aaron Schaeffer, of Bern Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, the Rev. Mosser performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Beecher are the parents of one son: Luther M., born in the year 1895, now active with his father.

21. Census in 1940 in Alsace Twp., Berks, PA. 28 The 1940 census recorded George Beecher, laborer in hotel, widowed, 67, living as a lodger in the hotel of Paul E. Roedel, 55, who was born in Germany. George was born in Pennsylvania.

22. Census in 1950 in Reading, Berks, PA. 29 The 1950 census recorded at 142 Elm Street: George H. Beecher, auto mechanic in garage machine shop, widowed, 76, living as a lodger in the home of George C. Houck, 79.

23. Newspaper: Intelligencer Journal: Reading man, age 90, not ready to call it quits, 11 Jul 1963, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 30 -----
Reading man , age 90, not ready to call it quits
READING, Pa. (AP) When a man reaches 90 its expected that hell call it a working day and let others get on with the job. But to George H. Beecher, who entered the nonagenarian circle last May 1, that doesnt make sense. Beecher is a machinist, still going to work every day for at least four hours. His boss, Donald M. Davis, president of the Davis Auto Equipment Co., says youll go a long way to find a better man. Beecher, a widower for 30 years, not only stays on the payroll but lives alone, looks after himself, and is a model of self-reliance.


"A mans health age, not his calendar age, determines his ability," he says. I dont want to sit around and gaze at the sun and stars. Besides, work keeps me out of mischief." Since he works in the afternoons, Beecher has perfected his program for personal well-being. He seldom goes to bed before midnight, and he enjoys sleeping late in the morning.
If there is any formula for I mg life, Beecher believes, it is based on a proper diet. He says: "Forty years ago I decided I was going to eat to live, not eat to die." To that end, he resolved to eat no more than his body needed to keep fit. He touches no pork, white sugar, pepper or salt; in fact, no condiments at all. Carrying 135 pounds on his 5-foot-7 frame, he has never had a weight problem.


"I take a lot of vitamins as well, and I believe they are one of the chief reasons why I am never sick, he said. For 10 years he ran his own automotive repair shop, making all his own parts for use in his business. He has been with the Davis company since 1942, one of his specialties being shock absorber reconditioning. "The guys fantastic, says Davis. "You should see the work he does. He does some things the big companies cant do for themselves." Now and then, Beecher visits with his son, Luther, a granddaughter, grandson and two greatgrandchildren.

24. Newspaper: Racine Journal Times: Photo of George H. Beecher: Still Works at 90, 11 Jul 1963, Racine, Racine, WI. 31 AP Wlrephoto STILL STILL WORKS AT 90 -- George H. Beecher, who has turned 90, paused at his lathe in a Reading, Pa., machine shop to explain that he plans to continue working as long as his health continues. "I don't want to sit around and gaze at the sun and stars," Beecher said, "and besides, work keeps me out of mischief." He works for an auto equipment company and his boss says "the guy's fantastic, you should see the work he does."

25. Cause of Death: carcinoma of the prostate, 8 Jul 1966, Reading, Berks, PA. 8

26. Occupation: machinist on 8 Jul 1966 in Reading, Berks, PA. 8

27. Residence: 518 Buttonwood St., Reading, PA on 8 Jul 1966 in Reading, Berks, PA. 8

George married Emily Sallie Schaeffer, daughter of Aaron H. Schaeffer and Angeline H. Grubb, on 15 Sep 1894 in Reading, Berks, PA.1 2 (Emily Sallie Schaeffer was born on 23 Feb 1874 in Bern Twp., Berks, PA,5 32 died on 7 Apr 1933 in Wernersville, Berks, PA 5 6 32 and was buried on 10 Apr 1933 in Bern Twp.: Epler's Church Cemetery, Berks, PA 5 32.)


1, Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991, George H. Beecher and Emily S. Schaeffer, 1894.

2 Fox, Cyrus T., Reading and Berks County, Pennsylvania, a history (New York: Lewis Historical Pub. Co., 1925, 1315 pgs.), Page 270, biography of George Henry Beecher.

3, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 44265, Stillborn Beecher. Father Geo Beecher, mother Emily Schaeffer.

4 Reading Eagle (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania.), 27 May, 1928, page 2. Obituary of Cornelius Beecher. Veteran of the civil War: Was Active in Road Making Operations and Farming.

5, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 34755. Emily S. Beecher. Father Aaron Shaffer. Mother Angelina Grubb.

6 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 8 Apr 1933, page 17. Death of Mrs. Emily Beecher.

7 Find A Grave,

8, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 66683. George H. Beecher. Father Cornelius Beecher, mother Sarah Alice Noll, spouse Emily Schaeffer, informant Mrs. Mary Fisher.

9 United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, George Henry Beecher, 1917-1918.

10 1880 United States Census, FHL Film 1255100; National Archives Film T9-1100; Page 330A.

11 1880 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Berks County, Tulpehocken, Family History Library Film 1255100, National Archives Film Number T9-1100, Page 330A.

12 U.S. Social Security Death Index, George Beecher, Jul 1966; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).

13, Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950.

14 1900 United States Census, George H. Beechirt, 1900.

15, FHL Microfilm 387834, Item 1 Epler church records and gravestone inscriptions : with the registers of Rev. J. Sassaman Herman, Charles G. Herman and Alfred J. Herman, 1727-1934.

16, Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950, Cornelius Buchert in entry for George Henry Buchert, 29 Jun 1873.

17 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 19 Oct 1905, page 5.

18 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 20 Oct 1905, page 2.

19 1910 United States Census, Year: 1910; Census Place: Reading Ward 6, Berks, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1314; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 0063; FHL microfilm: 1375327.

20 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 30 Sep 1911, page 7.

21, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 4964, Margie Beecher. Father Geo Beecher, mother Emily S Schaeffer.

22 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 7 Jul 1915, page 3.

23 United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, George Henry Beecher, 1917-1918.

24 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 21 Jun 1919, page 13.

25 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 18 Dec 1919, page 8.

26 1920 United States Census, George H Bucker, 1920.

27, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1924 Reading City Directory, printed page 181, image 102 of 718.

28 1940 United States Census, George Beecher, Alsace Twp. Berks Co. PA.

29 "1950 United States Census," George H Beecher Reading PA.

30 Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, PA), 11 Jul 1963, page 25.

31 The Journal Times (Racine, WI), 11 Jul 1963, page 3. Photograph of George H. Beecher of Reading, Pa.

32 Find A Grave,

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