Peter Bucher
Peter Bucher
FamilySearch ID: 2WNW-VP3. General Notes: This Peter Bucher found taxed in Lancaster in 1782 living "Over The Mountains" is probably related to the Bucher families in Hanover Township and Fredericksburg, which in 1785 became part of Dauphin and in 1813 part of Lebanon County. Noted events in his life were: 1. Tax List: 1782, , Lancaster, PA. 1 At the end of the 1782 tax list for Lancaster County is a list of "People Over The Mountains" which probably refers to the Blue Mountain range that runs along the northern border of today's Lebanon County. On that list is Peter Bucher with 130 acres, 2 horses, 2 cattle. Taxed 1 pound 10 shillings. |
1 Egle, William Henry, editor, Pennsylvania Archives: Third Series (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania State printer, 1894-99. Description v. pl., maps. 22 cm.), Vol. XVII, page 697.
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