Christopher Gettig
(-1790) |
Christopher Gettig 1 2 3 4Another name for Christopher was Stophel Gettig.3 FamilySearch ID: LCZM-G21. Noted events in his life were: 1. Tax List: 1774, Sunbury Twp.: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Northumberland, PA. Christopher Gettig was listed. 2. He signed a will on 28 Jun 1790 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA. 5 CHRISTOPHER GETTIG'S WILL In the name of God Amen, I Christopher Gettig of the Town of Sunbury in the County of Northumberland and Common-wealth of Pennsylvania notwithstanding bodily Infirmities, being of sound and disposing mind and memory; Do this twenty eighth day of June in the year of the Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety, make this my last Will and Testament the apportiment and division of such Worldly Estate, which God hath pleased to bestow on them manner and form following vir.t In the first place, I order and allow my funeral Expenses and all my Just debts to be paid and discharged out of my personal Estate; Secondly, I give and bequest unto my beloved wife Anna Dorothy my Messuage(?) dwelling house barn Stables, and other out Houses and Improvements now in my Occupancy where I dwell, Together with the lot of Ground on which such Improvements are built and erected, during her natural life, also my Meadow ground adjoining or near the Town of Sunbury afs.d in my tenor. And as the Lot is yet to be purchased from the Propitaries I do hereby order and Impower my Executors herein after mentioned to purchase the fame on the best terms in their power, and the payment thereof to be paid by my Executors out of the whole of my Estate, and then to be in the Occupancy of my Wife Anna Dorothy during her natural life.~ Also I Give devise and bequeath unto my said Wife Anna Dorothy, all my household furniture, Farming Utensils, Cows Horses provender provisions__ as are now about my Dwelling house, during her natural Life.~Thirdly I give and bequeath further to my said wife Anna Dorothy, all the rents issues and profits arising out of my land and Plantation now in Penns Township in tinor of Houshal, during her natural life all these bequeathments afores. I give to my said Wife Anna Dorothy, on the Express Conditions, to maintain herself, and also to maintain support and Educate my three youngest Children, to with, Christopher Catherine and Joseph, till they arrive at the full age fourteen years, when they are then to choose their Guardians, who are to put them to trades, on that they think most needful or necessary, for their good & benefit, but if it should so happen that my Wife Anna Dorothy should alter State and Marry again, Then and in that case I order and alow(?) her, only, the one third of the Rents Issues and profits of the Real and personal Estate aforesaid, as her right of Donver(?).~ Fourthly, And whereas in Consideration of the filial duty and services and affections of my Daughter Maudelena to me, I have procured her an Estate in fee simple of and in certain lot of Ground, situated in the Town of Sunbury aforesd. adjoining Nicholas Roushar and others, and known in the General ______ of the said town by the N____. I now do confirm the same unto her in fee, over and above what I give unto each of my other Children.~ Fifthly I Give devise and bequeath unto my son Frederick five pounds Good and lawfull moneys over and above what I give unto each of my other Children, to be paid when of Age.~Fifthly I give devise and bequeath unto my children, Maudelena, Barbara (intermarried with Paul Sebo), Elizabeth (intermarried with John Bucher) Frederick, Christopher, Catharine, and Joseph all the rest and residue of my Estate both real and personal after the deducting my legacies, dovirs(?), and bequests aforesd.; to have and to hold to them my said children, Maudelena, Barbara, Elizabeth, Frederick, Christopher, Catharine, and Joseph their heirs and assigns for ever in Soverathy(?) as Tenants in Common, and not as Joint Tenants, to be holden as tenants in Common___ so with my said Wife for life, _____ my said children, Maudelena, Barbara, Elizabeth, Frederick, Christopher, Catharine, and Joseph to be by them holden by them in manner aforesd. do tenants in common; and not as joint Tenants. And whereas I have purchased of a certain John Reesor a certain Estate in Land situate in Augusta Township, and in payment have given him three pounds in ____ and Bonds to the amount of one hundred pounds: but it is said that the obligee in sd. bonds has become insolvent, and other difficulties have arisen to perfect my Title to the estate last mentioned, I do hereby impower my Executors either to take measures and means for completing my title afsd. to the same.~ or when the delivery of the said Bonds, to cancel and make null my agreement with the said Reesor, and even to pay a Small Sum of money to be acquitted and discharged from my Covenants with the said Reesor, all this to be at the discretion and Wisdom of my said Executors. Sixthly, I do hereby nominate Constilate ordain and appoint my beloved wife Anna Dorothy Executrix of this my Last Will, and John Hutzel & Christian Gettig Esq. Executors of this my said last Will and Testament.~ and lastly. I do hereby Ratify and confirm all and Singular the legacies Bequests & dovices contained in this my last Will and Testament revoking and annulling all other & former Wills by me heretofore made.~ In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.~ Christopher G Gettig his mark (seal) Signed sealed published, pronounced and declared by these. Christopher Gettig as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who in the presence of the's.Testator and in the presence of each other have hereunto Subscribed our names as witnesses to the Execation of the said Will and Testament at his Request, Daniel Witmer, John Witmer, Nicholas Schreinor.~ Northumberland County Js: Before me the Subscriber Register General for the County aforesaid on the twelfth day of July an: Dom. Personally appeared Daniel Witmer and Nicholas Schreinor, two of the Subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will or Instrument of writing and made Oath on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God, that they saw Christopher Gettig subscribe with his own hand his mark to the same, and heard him publish & declared to be his last Will and Testament, and that they together with John Witmer Subscribed their names as witnesses to the same, that this Happened in the sickness of the Christopher Gettig, and that he was at the time of so doing of sound and disposing mind and memory, In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my Hand the day and Year first above Written~ I. Simpson Reg. Be it Remembered~ That on the twelfth day of July in the year of our Lord 1790, before me was proved and approved the Last Will and Testament of Christopher Gettig, deceased, of which the foregoing Record is a true coppy and Letters I found in due and common Form of Said to Anna Dorothy, John Wetzel and Christian Gettig, Executors, therein named on the same day Witnesses Month, Same Day and Year. I. Simpson Reg. 3. Book: Annals of the Buffalo Valley, 1877. 6 4. Book: Annals of the Buffalo Valley, 1877. 7 5. Book: Annals of the Buffalo Valley, 1877. 8 6. Book: History of Northumberland County, 1891. 9 7. Book: History of Northumberland County, 1891. 8. Book: History of Northumberland County, 1891. 3 Christopher married Anna Dorothy. (Anna Dorothy died in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA.) |
1 Bell, Herbert C., History of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania: including its aboriginal history; the colonial and revolutionary periods; early settlement and subsequent growth; political organization; agricultural, mining, and manufacturing interests; internal improvements; religious, educational, social, and military history; sketches of its boroughs, villages, and townships; portraits and biographies of pioneers and representative citizens etc, etc. (Chicago, Ill.: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers. 1891).
2 Gerberich, Albert Henry (1864-, Gerberich Collection (The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, has the notes of genealogist Albert H. Gerberich, Ph.D, collected over many years.).
3 Bell, Herbert C., History of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania: including its aboriginal history; the colonial and revolutionary periods; early settlement and subsequent growth; political organization; agricultural, mining, and manufacturing interests; internal improvements; religious, educational, social, and military history; sketches of its boroughs, villages, and townships; portraits and biographies of pioneers and representative citizens etc, etc. (Chicago, Ill.: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers. 1891), Chapter 14, pages 444-514, Part A: Sunbury.
4 Gearhart, Heber G., Heber G. Gearhart Collection (Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.).
5 Northumberland County Courthouse, Northumberland County, PA.
6 Linn, John Blair, Annals of the Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania, 1755 - 1855 (Harrisburg, Pa.: Lane S. Hart, Printer and Binder, 1877. First edition. With Introduction and Index. 73 chapters; 621 pages.), Page 102.
7 Linn, John Blair, Annals of the Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania, 1755 - 1855 (Harrisburg, Pa.: Lane S. Hart, Printer and Binder, 1877. First edition. With Introduction and Index. 73 chapters; 621 pages.), Page 124.
8 Linn, John Blair, Annals of the Buffalo Valley, Pennsylvania, 1755 - 1855 (Harrisburg, Pa.: Lane S. Hart, Printer and Binder, 1877. First edition. With Introduction and Index. 73 chapters; 621 pages.), Page 24.
9 Bell, Herbert C., History of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania: including its aboriginal history; the colonial and revolutionary periods; early settlement and subsequent growth; political organization; agricultural, mining, and manufacturing interests; internal improvements; religious, educational, social, and military history; sketches of its boroughs, villages, and townships; portraits and biographies of pioneers and representative citizens etc, etc. (Chicago, Ill.: Brown, Runk & Co., Publishers. 1891), Port of Sunbury.
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