George B. Stalcup


Family Links

1. Mary Buckner

George B. Stalcup 1 2

  • Born: 6 Jun 1813, , , NC 1 2
  • Marriage (1): Mary Buckner in Aug 1834 1
  • Died: 31 Oct 1880, , Greene, IN at age 67 1

   FamilySearch ID: KVKY-W2N.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He has conflicting birth information of 6 Jun 1813 and , , TN. 2

2. Census in 1880 in Highland Twp., Greene, IN. 2 Jacob Bucher, farmer, 40, was living with wife Mary C., 36; George B., 13; Anabell, 11; Edward P., 5; and Jacob, 2. Also with them: George B. Stalcup, retired farmer, 66 and his wife Mary, 66. Jacob was born in Ohio, his father in Pennsylvania, and his mother in North Carolina. His wife and children were born in Indiana. Mary's father was born in Tennessee, mother in North Carolina.

3. Book: Biographical Memoirs of Greene County, Indiana, 1908. 1
James Stalcup, deceased, who became widely known in the early history of the township, was a son of Isaac, and was born August 22, 1786, in the same county as his father. While in Tennessee in 1812, he married Margaret Marline, and in 1819 came to Greene County, this State (what was then Greene County), and settled first near the present site of Worthington, but afterward removed to Highland Township, where, by his honorable conduct and neighborly ways, he acquired many warm and steadfast friends. He was a hard working and economical citizen and a credit to the township. He died in 1872, followed by his widow a year later. They were the parents of this family: George, Catherine, Isaac, Elizabeth, Rebecca, William B. H., Maria L., and Elvira J. Of these, the following named are deceased: George, Elizabeth, Rebecca, and Maria L.

George B. Stalcup, of the above, and the oldest child in the family, was born June 6, 1813, in North Carolina, and came with his parents to Indiana; was married, in August, 1834, to Mary Buckner, who was born June 6, 1813, in North Carolina, and came with her parents to Greene County when yet a small child.

Of the fourteen children born to them, only two daughters are survivors. These are Mary (Mrs. Jacob Bucher) and Josephine (Mrs. Thomas C. Owen). George B. Stalcup died October 31, 1880, and his widow November 12, 1883.

George married Mary Buckner in Aug 1834.1 (Mary Buckner was born on 6 Jun 1813 in , , NC 1 2 and died on 12 Nov 1883 in , Greene, IN 1.)


1 Biographical Memoirs of Greene County, Indiana with Reminiscences of Pioneer Days (B.F. Bowen & Co., Indianapolis, IN, 1908.), Page 421.

2 1880 United States Census, Indiana, Greene County, Highland Township, Series: T9 Roll: 280 Page: 23.

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