Johann Jacob Bordner
(1721-1792) |
Johann Jacob Bordner 1
Other names for Johann were Jacob Bordner,3 Jacob Bordtner,4 Jacob Bortner 2 5 and Johann Jacob Bortner. FamilySearch ID: LZP8-LJ5. Noted events in his life were: 1. Relatives To Research: http://archive.org/details/bordnerburtnerfa00bord 2. He was naturalized on 10 Apr 1761 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 2 3. He signed a will on 22 Feb 1792 in , Berks, PA. In the name of God amen. This tenth day of December anno domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine. I Jacob Bortner of Bethel Township in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, yoeman, being at present sick and weak in body, nevertheless of sound mind, memory and understanding thanks be to God. Calling unto mind the mortality of my body and honoring that, it is appointed for all men, one to dye, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament, that is to say prinsipally and first of all recommend my soul into the hand of God who gave it and my body, recommend to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the direction of my Executor herein after named and as touching such worthy estate where with it hath pleased God to help me in this life. I give, divide and dispose of the same in the following manner and from Imprimis, it is my will, and I do order in the first place, that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid of and satisfied as soon as convieniently may be after my decease. I give and bequeath unto my elder son Jacob Bortner and to his heirs and asigns all my certain plantation and tract of land whereon I now live. Situate in Bethel Township aforesaid, adjoining land of Jacob Schneider, Daniel Schneider & Leonard Miller and others. Containing one hundred and eighty six acres. Be the same more or less to be holden by him my said son Jacob Bortner his heirs ans asigns forever, for which plantation or tract of land he shall pay the sum of six hundred and sixty pounds, in gold or silver money in yearly payments. In one year after my decease, he shall pay the sum of thirty pounds and so yearly until the aforesaid sum of six hundred and sixty pounds be fully paid and satisfied. The first payment shall be paid unto my son John, the second to my son William, the third payment again to John, and the fourth to William. The fifth payment to Daniel, the sixth to Peter, the Seventh to my daughter Mary, intermarried to Nicholas Schneider and then to begin again at John and then William, then Daniel, then Peter, then Mary and so on by rank as said above mentioned, until each of them hath received the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds, and the said two payments shall be paid unto the heirs of my daughter Barbara, deceased, and it is further my will and do hereby order that all my personal estate my executor herein after named, shall sell at suitable vender, and the money shall be distibuted in following manner.The one half thereof shall be in the hands of my beloved wife Sarah during her life, and the other half shall be equally divided to and among all my children and to the heirs of my daughter Barbara, deceased. Share and Share alike, excepting to my son Jacob, I give and bequeath the sum of five shillings, over and above his equall share for his birthright and it is further my will and do hereby order that the money I have heretofore advanced to some of my children, shall be deducted out of their part so that they may be made equal in share with each other. And it is further my will and I do hereby order that my son Jacob, shall give and deliver yearly and every year unto my beloved wife Sarah, the following enumerated articles, ten bushels of good wheat, five bushels of good rye taken to mill and the grist & bran home again, one fat hog to wey one hundred pound, thirty pound of good beaf, three pound of good wool, ten pound of hatcheted flax of the same quantity of toe, six pound tallach, one pair of shoes, firewood as much as she stands. To live in the house with my son and to have liberty in the kitchen & seller. And my son Jacob shall keep for her one good summer and winter as his own. One barrell of good syder and apels as much as she stands in need of. Fourth part of the garden potatos and cabige for her use and the fourth part of the hens. It is my will and do order that in case one oe either of my children dye without such part or share of the one dying, shall be equally divided to and among all my children aforesaid. I do hereby order that the one half of the money owing from the sale of my personal estate which I have bequeathed unto my beloved wife aforesaid, shall not come into her hands, but it shall be and remain in the hands of my executor. And he shall pay of that money unto her as she shall stand in need of or shall want. And after her decease, that money, if any yet left, shall be divided in equal shares among all of my children and the heirs of my daughter Barbaram deceased. It is my will that the above legacy given and bequeathed unto my beloved wife Sarah, shall be in full for her. I do hereby nominate and appoint my beloved son Jacob Bortner to be my executor of this my Last Will and Teastament, hereby revoking and making void all former and other will and wills and executors by me tofore made ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. 4. Book: 1967. 2 Johann married Sarah Balt. (Sarah Balt was born in 1730,6 died in 1800 in , Berks, PA 6 and was buried in Bethel: Salem Reformed Church Cemetery, Berks, PA 6.) |
1 Find A Grave, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=22945301.
2 Bordner, Howard W., The Bordner and Burtner families and their Bortner ancestors in America (Washington D.C. 1967 368pp. Online at Heritage Quest database available through most library websites and also at http://archive.org/details/bordnerburtnerfa00bord), Online at Heritage Quest database available through most library websites.
3 Bordner, Howard W., The Bordner and Burtner families and their Bortner ancestors in America (Washington D.C. 1967 368pp. Online at Heritage Quest database available through most library websites and also at http://archive.org/details/bordnerburtnerfa00bord).
Weiser, Frederick S. (translated and edited by), Records of Pastoral Acts at Christ Lutheran Church, Stouchsburg, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Part II (Birdsboro, PA: The Pennsylvania German Society, 1990
Note: Part II: Baptisms 1820-1835; Marriages 1744-45, 1748-52, 1771-1851; Burials 1748-54, 1771-73, 1811-1851; Confirmations and Communicants, 1743-1789, Other records, 1743-1758).
Weiser, Frederick S. (translated and edited by), Records of Pastoral Acts at Christ Lutheran Church, Stouchsburg, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Part II (Birdsboro, PA: The Pennsylvania German Society, 1990
Note: Part II: Baptisms 1820-1835; Marriages 1744-45, 1748-52, 1771-1851; Burials 1748-54, 1771-73, 1811-1851; Confirmations and Communicants, 1743-1789, Other records, 1743-1758), Page 44.
6 Find A Grave, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=22945311.
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