Nicolaus Neuhart
(Abt 1629-1677)
Anna Catharina Schneider
(1632-Abt 1685)
Adam Peter Klein
(Abt 1630-Aft 1668)
Anna Katherina Bley
(Abt 1637-)
Hans Christophel Neuhart
Susanna Klein
(Abt 1664-1713)
Georg Friedrich Neuhart


Family Links

1. Maria Margaretha Fraudhuger

Georg Friedrich Neuhart 1

  • Born: 4 Jul 1699, Rumbach, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU 1 2
  • Christened: 16 Jul 1699, Rumbach: Evangelisch Lutheran Church, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU
  • Marriage (1): Maria Margaretha Fraudhuger on 20 Apr 1728 in Niedersteinbach, , Alsace, FRA 1
  • Died: 29 Nov 1765, Allentown, Lehigh, PA at age 66 1 2 3
  • Buried: 30 Nov 1765, Allentown, Lehigh, PA 4

   Other names for Georg were Frederick Neuhart,2 George Frederick Newhard 5 and Friederich Newhart.2

   FamilySearch ID: 2W99-HWY.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Religion: in North Whitehall Twp.: Egypt Reformed Church, Lehigh, PA 2 From the church register notes:
13. Frederick Newhard was born in Zweibruecken in 1700. He arrived in Philadelphia with two brothers, Michael and George, on Sept. 26, 1737. He died Nov. 29, 1765, and is buried in Allentown. He had nine children. His son, Lorentz Newhard, died in Allentown on Aug. 1, 1817.

2. He immigrated on 26 Sep 1737 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 6 450 Palatines were on the ship Saint Andrew Galley, John Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, England. They arrived in Philadelphia on September 26, 1737. Among them were these families who knew each other in Rumbach and intermarried in their homeland and/or in Pennsylvania, where they lived together and attended the Egypt Reformed Church:

Johan Conrad Jost
Georg Kern
Georg Kocher
Johannes Kohler
Georg Neihart
Georg Fried. Neihart
Michael Neihart
Christopher Schaub
Johan Georg Schneider
Johannes Stohr
Phillip Stohr
Abraham Wagner.

3. Property on 1 Feb 1743 in Whitehall Twp., Lehigh, PA. 6 His land was on the Coplay Creek.

4. He signed a will on 1 Jan 1764 in Whitehall Twp., Lehigh, PA. 3 Frederick Newhard's will read as follows: The first day of January in the fourth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and in the year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred & sixty four, I, Frederick Neuhard, of Whitehall Township, in the County of Northampton, in the Province of Pennsylvania, Cordwainer, being some what infirm in Body but of sound & well disposing mind & memory, blessed be God for the same and all other of his mercies & favours confer'd upon me and being mindful of my mortality and desirous to settle my worldly affairs in the best manner I can, do make this to be my Last Will and Testament of and concerning all my temporal estate in manner following (hereby revoking all other Wills) that is to say, first, it is my will that my just debts & funeral expenses be duly paid and I do give unto my two sons Frederick and Lawrence the sum of Thirty pounds each lawful money of Pennsylvania, to be paid unto them within six months after my decease, and forasmuch as I have already advanced for my eldest son Christopher in my Life Time I do give unto him five shillings like money in full of his share or other expectancy out of my estate. And I do give unto my dear and well beloved wife Maria Margaretta and her assigns all and singular my Mesuages and Tenements and Hereditament whatsoever or wheresoever with the appurtenances to hold her my said wife Maria Margaretta and her assigns for & during all the Term of her natural Life without Impeachment of Waste. And I do will and devise that the same Premises upon the decease of my said wife shall revert and remain over unto my children namely, Frederick, Lawrence, Daniel, Peter, Juliana, the wife of Stephen Schneider of Whitehall Township, aforesaid, yeoman, Salome, Sophia and Elizabeth Barbara, Part and Share alike and to their several & respective Heirs and Assigns forever. Moreover, I do give unto her my said wife Maria Margaretta the Use and Occupation of all the rest & residue of my Goods & Chattels & Personal Estate for and during all the Term of her Natural Life and from & immediately after her Decease I' would have what is left thereof to be equally divided amongst all my before named children. My meaning is not to lay my said wife under any Restraint or to make her or her Executors or administrators responsible or accountable for anything that shall hereby come to my said wife's possession, for I will not put her under the control of any of my children. And I do nominate & appoint my trusty and much esteemed Friends, George Knauss and George Jacob Kern, to be the Executors of this my Last Will & Testament and I do hereby commit my minor children and their education unto them the said George Knauss and George Jacob Kern and the survivor of them. They may bind them out to learn Trades or Husbandry, as they in their Discretion shall think fit. In Witness whereof I the said Frederick Neuhart, the Testator, have hereunto set my Hand & Seal the Day and
Year first above written.
Fridrich Neihart. Seal.
Signed, Sealed, Published & Declared by the above named Frederick Neihart, the Testator, for and as his Last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in his Presence & at his Request have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses to the same.
Thomas Hunsick, Johannes Roth, J. Okely:
Acknowledged at Easton, May 14, 1766, Before Lewis Gordon, Deputy Register.

5. Probate on 14 May 1766 in Whitehall Twp., Lehigh, PA. 7 An abstract of this will reads:
Neihart, Frederick, Whitehall. Executed 1 Jan 1766, probated 14 May 1766. Wife Maria Margaretta with children Frederick, Lawrence, Peter, Christopher, Daniel, Julian (wife of Stephen Schneider of Whitehall), Salome, Elizabeth Barbara, Sophia. Witnesses were George Knauss and George Jacob Kerm.

6. Book: History of Lehigh County, Volume III, 1914.
Note: While this history book portrays three Neuhard brothers the church registry information from Rumbach, Germany suggests George Frederick was actually a cousin of Michael and George Neuhard.

George Frederick, Michael and George Neuhard, of this family, emigrated to America in the ship St. Andrew, sailing from Rotterdam, and arrived at Philadelphia on Sept. 26, 1737 when they took the oath of allegiance to the King of England before Judges James Logan, Clement Plumsted, Ralph Asheton, and William Alien. In the following year they settled in what was then the frontier of Bucks County.

The eldest of the brothers, George Frederick, usually called Frederick, with George Kern, took up a warrant for 400 acres of land on the Coplay Creek in Whitehall Township on Feb. 1, 1743. This was divided on Nov. 30, 1744 and he received 203 acres, which he later sold to Adam Deshler, on account of the lack of spring water and the abundance of heavy timber. On Nov. 28, 1746 he purchased 250 acres along the Jordan Creek, from John Eastburn, which adjoined William Allen's land on the north. Portions of this tract are still owned by descendants, Francis J. Newhard, and the Kochler family.

Frederick Newhard was one of the principal citizens of Whitehall Township, where he was assessed £22 in 1762, one of the twelve highest rated men in the township. In 1764, he was assessed for 250 acres of deeded land and 60 acres of undeeded land. He was naturalized April 10, 1755. He was a member of the Reformed congregation at Egypt, and when the Allentown congregation was organized attended church in the new town. He built a log house on his land, near the Jordan, the foundations of which can still be seen. He died Nov. 29, 1765, in his 66th year, and was buried in the old cemetery at Allentown. In 1768, his widow, Mary Margaret, was assessed for 90 acres of cultivated land and 210 acres of uncultivated land, with two horses and two cows. His widow survived him some years and on May 27, 1771, with the other heirs, released to the two eldest sons, Frederick and Lawrence, in consideration of £5 paid to each, the entire tract of 371 acres which the father had owned.

Frederick and Mary Margaret Newhard had nine children: 1. Christopher; 2. Juliana; 3. Frederick; 4. Lawrence; 5. Salome; 6. Daniel; 7. Peter; 8. Sophia Margaret; 9. Elizabeth Barbara.

I. Christopher Newhard, the eldest son, was a farmer, and in 1761 lived on the Jennings farm along the Lehigh. In 1762 he removed to Mount Bethel Township, where he secured 250 acres of land. He enlisted in Col. Samuel Miles' Regiment of Riflemen on April 14, 1776, in the Revolution, and was killed at the battle of Long Island, Aug. 27, 1776. His estate, amounting to £60, was administered by the court on July 1, 1777. He had one child, Elizabeth, who married George Schick.

II. Juliana Newhard, the eldest daughter, married Stephen Snyder, of Whitehall Township. They both died in March, 1796. Their children were: Frederick; Henry, born 1758, died Sept. 9, 1825; Daniel, born Feb. 1, 1766; Peter; Elizabeth Barbara; Salome; and Magdalena.

III. Frederick Newhard, son of Frederick, with his brother, Lawrence, farmed the homestead, which they owned jointly, until March 10, 1789, when it was divided, the northeastern portion going to Frederick. He died in 1794, and was buried on his own land. His estate of 153 acres was valued at £1,006, and was accepted at the valuation by his eldest son, Daniel.

His wife, Mary Susanna, was born Feb. 12, 1746, and died Aug. 3, 1821. They had nine children:

Daniel, eldest son of Frederick, Jr., was born March 8, 1773, and died Dec. 20, 1840. He farmed the land of the homestead and was a prominent citizen of the township. He was a member of Zion Reformed Church and married, Aug. 1, 1796, Catharine Burger, who was born Dec. 22, 1774, and died Sept. 23, 1825. They had twelve children: 1. Jonathan, born Aug. 13, 1797, died unmarried, June 10, 1864. 2. Daniel, born July 26, 1798, died young. 3. Charles, born Aug. 9, 1799, died Nov. 23, 1883, who married Mary Ann Laury and had children; Monroe; Lavinia; Charles; Emily, wife of Morris F. Scheirer and Mary Newhard. 4. Abraham, born Nov. 7, 1800, died Oct. 14, 1872, unmarried. 5. Elizabeth, born Nov. 28, 1801, died young. 6. Henry, of whom below. 7. Anna, born July 17, 1804, died Sept. 7, 1864, married John Marcks and had children: James, married Amanda Grammes; and had one daughter, Anna, married John Geisler; Tilghman, married Emma Heberly; Levi, married Louisa Kuhns, and had one son, John, married Lizzie Bastian; and Matilda, married William Schmoyer, and had a daughter, Laura, married James Geisinger. 8. Catharine, born Aug. 18, 1806, died July 6, 1887, unmarried. 9. James, of whom below. 10. Levi, born Jan. 30, 1810, died young. 11. Reuben, born Nov. 29, 1813, died Aug. 18, 1882, married Catharine Kline, and was the father of Ephraim R. Newhard, who was born April 17, 18491 and died June 2, 1901. 12. Edwin, born Jan. 17, 1817, died Aug. 12, 1821. Henry Newhard, son of Daniel, was born April 24, 1803, and died Feb. 15, 1888. He was a blacksmith, as well as farmer, and when the Lehigh Canal was constructed, sharpened the tools for the workmen, located at Siegfrieds. He was supervisor of the township several years and also was elected school director as a Democrat. He was a member of Zion Reformed Church and later of Salem's, and served as deacon and elder. He died Feb. 15, 1888. His wife, Sarah, was a daughter of the Reformed clergyman, Rev. John Gobretcht and was born Feb. 25, 1808, and died Aug. 12, 1881. They are buried on Union cemetery. They had five children: Carlotta L., born Nov. 14, 1834, died Aug. 6, 1907, who married Edward P. Reichard, and had children: Wm. H., of Allentown; Oscar D., of Philadelphia; Maria S.; Charles N.; Rev. F. E.; and Nathaniel P.; Angelina C., born 1836, died 1837; Adelina C., married Jacob Ritter; Rebecca Susanna, born March 27, 1843, of Philadelphia; and Francis James.

Francis J. Newhard, of Whitehall Township, proprietor of the Newhard stone crusher and quarry on the Egypt Pike, was born on the homestead, March 27, 1843, one of twins. He was reared on the farm and engaged in farming until 1890, when he embarked in his present business, in which he employs twelve people. Mr. Newhard owns 67 acres of the original tract purchased by his great-great-grandfather in 1746, now in the family for 168 years. His father built the present house in 1849 and the barn in 1854. On the tract is also a small log house, built by a Tollman over a century ago. In 1908, Mr. Newhard erected a fine cement block residence on the pike, where he resides. He has served as a school director in the township for six years and as assessor for two years, as a Democrat. He is a member of and has served as deacon of the Reformed congregation at Mickley's Church. He is a member of the executive committee of the Newhard Family Reunion and served several years as treasurer. Mr. Newhard has rare natural ability in sketching and cartooning and is a free hand drawer and fine penman, as well as a skillful woodworker. He married, in 1869, Alice M., daughter of Abraham and Maria (Erdman) Mickley. They have no children, but have an adopted daughter, Maggie J., daughter of Charles Newhard, who married Frank T. Merkle, a grocer, at Eighth and Chew streets, Allentown, and has two children: Ralph F. and Esther L.

James Newhard, son of Daniel, was born Oct. 25, 1808, and died April 5, 1892. He located at Egypt and married Salome Kline, who was born July 9, 1815 and died Feb. 13, 1894. They had eight children: Alfred H., born Jan. 10, 1839. died Jan. 9, 1899, married Louisa E. Sieger and had children: Willis, of Chicago, Dallas, and Kate; Frank H., who married Fianna Miller and had children: Laura M., wife of H. J. Dehnhardt, Emma C., wife of Edward Jones, Reba, wife of C. H. Shaw, Harvey L., of Oak Grove, Delaware, Carson, of the 46th U. S. Regiment, and Walter F., deceased; James D.; Pauline E., wife of Lewis Kohler; Lewis; Elmina S., wife of Cyrus A. Kuhns; Chester H.; and Willoughby H.

James D. Newhard, son of James, received his education in the Egypt schools and was engaged on the farm until the age of seventeen. He then spent two years in learning the coachmaker's trade with Frederick Becker, of Catasiuqua. In 1871 he removed to Allentown and engaged in carriage-making with Wolf & Neligh, on North Seventh Street. Later the business was extended on South Seventh Street as Neligh & Newhard. Mr. Neligh subsequently sold his interest in the business and removed to West Point, Nebraska. Meanwhile, Mr. Newhard had engaged in the livery business on North Hall Street, and since 1898 has been located on North Church Street, where he stables 35 horses. He is the oldest liveryman in the city and does the largest business. His stables have been recently renovated and are models of neatness, with all modern appliances.

Mr. Newhard is a member of Jordan Lodge, No. 673, F. & A. M., Allentown Lodge of Elks, Knights of Malta, Knights of Pythias, Knights of the Golden Eagle, Knights of the Mystic Chain, Jr. O. U. A. M., and of Salem Reformed Church. He has been, in politics, a life-long Democrat. He married, in 1871, Eliza A., daughter of William Bachman, and has three children Dr. Irwin C., of Ashland, who married Jennie; Annie, widow of William H. Sherer, and Lillian, wife of Jacob Reiff.

Henry Newhard, son of Frederick, Jr., was born Sept., 18, 1774. He married Salome Yund, born March 20, 1778, and removed to Monroe County. He had children: Hannah, born Oct. 21, 1803, who married (first) Mr. Buskerck, (second) Jacob Storm; Jonas, born 1806, died 1885, .who married Sarah Metzgar, born 1815, died 1891, and had children: Thomas, of Stroudsburg; George H., of Bartonsville; Caspar, of Stroudsburg; and Abraham, deceased, who had a son, Owen, of Snydersville, all of whom spell their name Neyhart; Sarah, married Jacob Shoemaker; Lydia, married Abraham Metzgar; and Henry, deceased, of lthaca, N. Y. Peter Newhard, third son of Frederick, Jr., was born Aug. 11, 1776. He removed to Monroe County. Catharine, eldest daughter of Frederick, Jr., born Jan. 23, 1781, married Jacob Strauss, and removed to Monroe County. George Adam Newhard, fourth son of Frederick, Jr., was born March 2, 1783, and died June 21, 1846. He married, in 1805, Juliana Margaret Yund, born Jan. 21, 1786, died Feb. 21, 1852. They had five children: Judith, born 1806, died 1825; Esther, born 1809, married George Albright; Elizabeth, born 1811, married Michael Minnich; Appolonia, born 1815, married Solomon George; and Lydia, born 1817, married Daniel George. The two latter removed to Indiana.

Elizabeth Newhard, second daughter of Frederick, Jr., was born March 12, 1787, and died, unmarried, Sept. 6, 1834. She was buried at Friedensville.

Abraham Newhard, born 1789, and John Frederick, born Sept. 14, 1792, sons of Frederick, Jr., removed to Ohio.

John Newhard, youngest son of Frederick, Jr., was born March 12, 1794. He was a tobacconist and served in the War of 1812. He removed to Milton, Montour County, where he died in 1858. He married, April 23, 1818, Eva Reber, who died at the age of 94 years. They had eight children r Charles, who had a son, William G., of Milton; Isabella, Edwin, Cyrus, William, Rebecca, Alavesta, and Katharine.

V. Lawrence, or Lorentz Newhard, third son of Frederick, the first, was born in 1740 and baptized John Michael Lorentz, on Sept. 23, 1740, named after two of his sponsors, Lorentz Guth and Michael Newhard. In the division of his father's land with his brother Frederick, Lawrence secured the southeastern portion of 168 acres, which he subsequently added to by purchasing 130 acres. In 17901 he built a stone grist-mill on the tract, which is still in use, called Strauss' mill, and which he operated about twenty-five years. He was a member of Zion Reformed Church, Allentown, and at his death bequeathed £50 to the congregation and £50 to the poor of the township. His land was divided among his children, John and Daniel receiving the mill and nine acres. He died Aug. 1,1817, and was buried at Allentown. His wife, Mary Magdalena, whose surname is said to have been Eckert, was born in 1746 and died Nov. 1, 1815. They had eleven children, ten of whom grew to maturity:

1. Frederick Newhard, born March 13, 1768, married, Aug. 11,1795, Eva Catharine Yund, who was born Dec. 22, 1771. He remained in the vicinity until shortly after his father's death, when he sold his portion and removed to the West. He had five children: George, born April 18, 1796; Sarah, born Oct. 25, 1798, died Dec. 26, 1881, married Peter Roth; Jonas, born Nov. 7, 1802; Leah, born Aug. 8, 1807; and Charles, born Oct. 4, 1816.

2. Christian Newhard, second son of Laurence, was born Oct. 5, 1769. He removed to Centre Township, Columbia County, where he farmed a tract of land until his death, May 18, 1847. He married, Sept. 2, 1798, Elizabeth Saeger, born Sept. 2, 1773, died Aug. l, 1823. They had nine children: Solomon; Lydia, born Aug. 9, 1800, died Oct. 8, 1867, married John Defrehn, of Ogell County, Illinois; Anna Maria, born Oct. 22, 1802, married Samuel Drescher, and had a son, Stephen, of Stillwater, Columbia County; Esther, born March 22, 1804; Susanna, born Feb. 2, 1806, died June 27, 1854; Veronica, born Aug. 1, 1807, married Benjamin Haman, and had a son, James P. Haman, of Berwick; David, born June 15, 1809, married Sarah Siegfried, and had children: Agnes, Susan and Amanda; Daniel, born Feb. 8, 1811, married Mary Shellhammer, and had a son, John, who married Priscilla Herring and had children: Charles, William, and Emma; Hannah, married David Herring; John, married (first) Lavinia Evans, and (second) Hester Fleckenstein, and had children: Mary, Agnes, Amos, William, Isaiah, and Salome, born in 1817, died in 1831. Solomon Neyhard, son of Christian (which branch spell the name Neyhard, was born May 8, 1799 and died Jan. 10, 1879. He married Sarah Achenbach and had a son, Samuel, born June 24,1833, a surveyor, of Bloornsburg, who married Henrietta, daughter, of Reuben Newhard, and had nine children: Solomon D., born Dec. 30, 1857; Reuben F., born March 13, 1859 married Keturah J. Yohe; Mary M., born Feb. 25, 1861, married B. I. Price, of Denver, Col.; Sarah E., born Feb. 21, 1864, married Mr. Sterling; Emma A., born May 30, 1867, married F. M. Everitt; John R., born Aug. 29, 1869; Christian F., born Aug. 13, 1872; Cora B., born Nov. 18, 1874, married B. R. Henrie, of Pittsburgh; and B. Waller, born Feb. 26, 1881, married Carrie Scott.

3. Elizabeth Newhard, eldest daughter of Laurence, born Aug. 27, 17711 married John Moll, and had children: John, born 1796, died 1883, married Elizabeth Ueberroth, born 1802, died 1897; Peter, born 1799; and Jacob, born 1803.

4. Mary Margaret, born April 19, 1774, died young.

5. John Jacob Newhard, born Nov. 21, 1776, married, April 12, 1801, Susanna Burger. He removed to Indiana with his eleven children: Hannah, William, Mary Anna, Moses, Edward, Magdalena, Elizabeth, Aaron, Euphemia, Owen, and Matilda.

6. Anna Maria, born Oct. 20, 1778, married Daniel Yundt, born Feb. 1, 1776, died Oct. 5, 1851. They had no children.

7. Peter Newhard, fourth son of Laurence, was born Feb. 7, 1781. He was a blacksmith and had his shop in the stone building still standing on Summer Avenue, Allentown, and in later years at the southwest corner of Seventh and Liberty streets. He was a member of Zion Reformed Church, deeply religious, but stern in character. He died March 13, 1844, at 318 North Seventh Street, and is buried in Union Cemetery. He married Anna Margaretha, daughter of John and Charlotta Elizabeth (Shankweiler) Diefenderfer. She was born June 9, 1783, and died Aug. 29, 1859. They had ten children: 1. Louisa Newhard, born Feb. 9, 1805, died June 4, 1862, married Joseph Lehr, born March 29, 1807, died Jan. 12, 1864, and had five children: Charles, who married Eliza Paul, and had two children: Harry, deceased, and Grace L., wife of Howard W. Dennis; Colonel Samuel D. Lehr, who married Elizabeth S. Engelman, and had one daughter, Cora, wife of Arnon P. Miller; Horace, who married Mary S. Knappenberger and had children: William C. and Sarah E.; Christiana M., who married Ephraim Roth and had children: Rosa, Walter, Charles, Maggie, Jennie, and Ida, and Henry Lehr, married Sarah Whetstone and had sons: John, of Easton; and William, of Stockville, Ind. 2. Apollonia Newhard, born June 6, 1806, married Joseph Fatzinger, who was born Nov. 16, 1805, and died in 1887, at Bethel, Missouri, where he had removed. They had ten children: Mary Ann, wife of John Geiger; Susanna, wife of Henry Mest, whose children are: Charles F.; Andrew F.; Jerusha, wife of Victor Heiberger; Ellen, wife of Wm. Spohn; Mary, wife of Geo. Kiefer; and Sarah, wife of Daniel Shur; Aaron, whose sons are John and James; Esther D., wife of Jonas Mest; Andrew; Peter S.; Isabella; Lewis; Charles; and Mrs. Lucretia Hoxworth. 3. Reuben Newhard, eldest son of Peter, was born Oct. 19, 1807, and died in 1893 in Columbia County. He married Mariana Gross and had nine children: Daniel, born 1823, died 1897 a Mexican War soldier, who married and had children: Mary, Susanna L., Lucinda A., Emeline J., wife of Abraham Fretz, Margaret E., Wm. E. H. H., and Sarah A. E.; Charles Tilghman, who married Sarah Bernhard; William P.; Ellenora M.; George M. D., of Milton, who married Mary Dotts, and had children: Margaret, Samuel, Cyrus, and Charles H.; Amanda, wife of Alien Brader; Rebecca, wife of John Richard, of Los Angeles, Cal.; and Henrietta, wife of Samuel Neyhard. 4. Keren H. Newhard, daughter of Peter, was born July 25, 1810, and died Oct. 7, 1880. She married, April 3, 1831. Stephen Rhoads, of Allentown, and had ten children: Emmeline M.; Emmanuel P.; Mary A. B., wife of Jonas Mest; Sarah C., wife of Wilson Lightcap; Elleft L., wife of Wm. F. Hendricks; Augustus G.; Lavinia J., wife of Rev. Tobias Kessler Senia S., wife of Charles Richter; Edwin A., and Alice S., wife of Moses Roberts, whose son, Charles R. Roberts, is the writer of this history. S. Charlotte Newhard, born Feb. 6, 1812, died July 1, 1837. married William Miller. They had one child, Susanna L., born 1837, died 1860, who married Noah Trumbor, born 1832, died 1872, and had two sons: William and Morris. 6. Melitha Newhard, born July 27, 1815, married John Fatzinger, and had children: Eli, Walter, Maggie, and George. 7. Laurence Newhard, born Sept. 11, 1816, died young. 8. Thomas Newhard, born June 20, 1818, died April 28, 1894. He was a blacksmith and resided many years at South Bethlehem. He married, first, Lydia Fetzer, born April 7, 1820, died Nov. 20, 1855, and had five children: Sarah M., who married Henry Moritz and had children: Lila L., wife of Thomas B. Binns, Minnie, wife of E. J. Rasbridge, and George; Emmeline; Rosa A. M.; Maine D. 1., born 1851, died 1853; and Druses, born 1855, died 1891, who had one daughter. He married, second, March 25, 1856, Mrs. Mary A. Kerschner, nee Snyder, and had four children: Maine, deceased; Oscar L.; Newton G.; and Montgomery. 9. Emmanuel Newhard, youngest son of Peter, was born March 1, 1821, and died Aug. 4, 1893. He married Eliza Swartz, who died in 1909, aged 88 years. They had nine children; Allen P. J.; Mary, married Willard Ruger; William; Stephen H., born 1857, died 1882; John; Ella, deceased; Clara, wife of James T. Cooley; Ida L., married Charles W. C. Forstler, born 1869, died 1898, and had children; Emma S., Mary E. Florence L, and Harry G. Newhard. 10. Henriette Newhard, born March 18, 1824, died July 31, 1826.

8. John Newhard, fifth son of Laurence, was born May 1, 1783, and died Aug. 5, 1850. With his brother, Daniel, he received the grist-mill built by his father and in 1834, Daniel sold to him his interest, and he conducted the mill until his death. He married, first, Margaret Shoener, who died March 9, 1830, and had two sons: Paul and Joseph. He married, second, Mrs. Lydia Yundt, nee Biery, born Oct. 28, 1799, died April 28, 1875, and had four daughters; Caroline, born Dec. 28, 1833, died Jan 28, 1884, married Jonas Geore; Ellenora, married William Miller; Deborah, born Feb. 7, 1812, married Thomas Clark; and Eliza, born May 8, 1822, married Tilghman Butz.

Paul Newhard, son of John, was born Feb. 2, 1808, and died Jan. 21, 1858. He married Deborah Burkhalter, born Dec. 24, 1811, died Jan. 19, 1887, and had two children: Franklin J., and Lewis P., born Sept 10, 1838.

Franklin J. Newhard, was born July 24, 1837, and died Feb. 20, 1891. He was a farmer and owned a farm near Helfrich's Springs, now owned by Wilson Butz. He was a Democrat and served as justice of the peace of Whitehall Township for may years; was clerk of Quarter Sessons of Lehigh County, secretary of the Lehigh Mutual Fire Insurance Company and was actively and prominently identified with a number of organizations. He was married to Christianna Schaadt a daughter of Henry and Magdalena (Knauss) Schaadt, and they had children as follows: Preston, who died in infancy; Annie M. D., who married Osville sterner; Henry P.; Edward J., of Fullerton, and Ella M., who married George P. Diefenderfer.

Henry P. Newhard, superintendent and secretary of the Dent Hardware Company, of Fullerton, son of Franklin J. Newhard, was born in Whitehall Township, Nov. 29, 1862. He received his early education in the public schools of his native township, and in 1883 graduated from the Allentown Business College. Later he learned the machinist trade and was employed in the Lehigh Car Wheel and Axle Works, the Bethlehem steel Company and the Allentown Hardware Company works. Through his skill as a machinist and his superior ability in dealing with working men he was promoted to the position of foreman of the Allentown Hardware Works, which position he filled two years. In 1894 he formed a partnership with Charles W. Kaiser, Henry P. Dent, George Brightbill and Charles Wackernagel, under the firm name of dent Hardware Company, for the purpose of manufacturing hardware specialties and refrigerator trimmings. They began business on a small scale, employing only thirty men. The now employ about 500 men. In 1895 the company was incorporated under the laws of PA, with a capital of $25,000. Mr. Brighthill and Mr. Wackernagel retired from the firm in 1898. The Dent Hardware Company is one of the principal industries of Lehigh County. They manufacture about ninety per cent of the cold storage and refrigerator trimmings of the country, and their product is sent to all parts of the globe. The plans for the large brass and iron foundries, machine shop and boiler house were prepared by him and the buildings were constructed under his supervision. He has charge of the manufacturing end of the works.

In politics Mr. Newhard is a Democrat. In 1905 he was elected commissioner of Whitehall Township and this office he filled very satisfactorily for six years. He is an active member of St. John's reformed church of Fullerton, having served as trustee for a number of years. He took a very active interest when the chapel was erected in 1886, and when improved in 1911. He is a member of the Fullerton Beneficial Association and the B. P. O. E. Lodge, No. 130, of Allentown.

In 1886, Mr. Newhard was married to Agnes A. Rhoads, a daughter of Robert and Mary (Henninger) Rhoads. In the same year he built his present place of residence at Third and Chestnut Streets. They have one son, Miles R.

Miles R. Newhard, son of Henry P. Newhard, was born in Fullerton, where he received his early education. In 1904 he graduated from the township high school and the following year from the American Business College of Allentown. He is the bookkeeper of the Dent Hardware Company. He is a member of St. John's Reformed Church, at Fullerton, and has been a member of the choir for a number of years; also a member of the Masonic fraternity. He was married to Blanche Hartman, a daughter of Thomas H. and Sarah C. (Radeline) Hartman. They have one son, Henry Thomas.

Joseph Newhard, son of John, was born Feb. 12, 1810, and died Aug. 27, 1868. He carried on the mill for some years, with his brother-in-law, Tilghman Butz, and then sold it to Peter Roth. He married Elizabeth Burkhalter in 1836. She was born Jan. 21, 1819, and died Jan. 8, 1900. They had two children: Susan E., and William, who was born Oct. 3, 1840, and died April 22, 1858. Susan E. was born Nov. 10, 1837 and died Dec. 21, 1898. She married Franklin Koehier, who owns a large portion of the original Newhard tract. They had six children: Joseph H., Wm. A., Emma J., Mrs. Lyman H. Howe, of Wilkes-Barre, Robert A., and Mrs. J. Thomas-Schantz.

9. David Newhard, sixth son of Laurence, was born Aug. 3, 1785, and died in 1816, at Hamburg. He married, first, Catharine Lehr, and second, Christina Hauser, and had children: Magdalena, born 1809; Enoch, born 1811, died 1889, married, Dec. 2, 1833, Deborah Steckel, born 1814, died 1889, and had a son, David, whose children are; William Newhard, Emma D., wife of Harry S. Jacoby, and one deceased, Mary A., born 1861, died 18991 wife of George Wetherhold; Mrs. Esther Siegfried; Eliza, born 1820, died 1904. married Daniel Guth; and Mrs. Catharine Butz.

10. Salome, daughter of Laurence, was born Jan. 19, 1789, and died Feb. 3, 1860. She married George Yundt and had seven children: David, born April 5, 1807; Paul, married Anna Maria Helfrich; Francis; Magdalena, married Reuben Helfrich; Rebecca, married Reuben Wenner; Thomas, married Eliza Marcks; and Elizabeth, married Nathan Eberhard. II. Daniel Newhard, youngest son of Laurence, was born May 7, 1791, and died June 13, 1851 He married, Aug. 2, 1811, Elizabeth Bischoff. It was he who first erected clapboard fences around his house, near the mill, from which the place, inhabited mainly by Newhards, became called "Clapboardtown." He had seven children: Manasses; Mrs. Lucinda Beers, born 1815, died 1895; Edwin C. D., who married Elvina Hartzell and had sons: Franklin H. D., and Charles E.; Menoni; Ervin, born April 19, 1823; Mrs. Daniel Bachman; and Laurence J., born Nov. 4, 1841, who married Matilda Kahler, and had children: L. Edwin, J. F. Alien, and Harry D. Newhard.

5. Salome. Newhard, second daughter of Frederick, the emigrant, married John Mathias Albert. She died about 1774, leaving six children: Margaret, born 1766; Susanna, born 1767; Magdalena, born 1769; Catharine, born 1770; Abraham, born 1771; and Elizabeth Barbara, born 1772.

VI. Daniel Newhard, fourth son of Frederick, the emigrant, was never married and lived upon a tract of 125 acres situated south of Mickley's, bounded by the Knauss, Eberhard, Roth, and Kolb tracts. He died in 1801, and his estate, valued at £9371 was accepted at its valuation by George Shick, in right of his wife, Elizabeth, only daughter of Christopher Newhard, eldest brother of Daniel.

VII. Peter Newhard, fifth son of Frederick, was born May 26, 1750. He purchased jointly with Abraham Sterner a tract of land along the Lehigh on Jan. 1, 1776, and on Jan. 20, 1785, sold his interest to Sterner and removed to Salisbury Township, where he resided in 1790. He subsequently removed to Monroe County. He married Elizabeth Stierner and had children: Salome, born April 17, 1778; John George, born April 29, 1780; John, born Sept. 5, 1784; Daniel, born March 12, 1787, died March 12, 1869, near Stroudsburg; and Henry, born Aug. 9, 1795.

VIII. Sophia Margaret Newhard, daughter of Frederick, married, Aug. 18, 1772, Caspar Hauser, who died in 1800, leaving nine children: Henry, Elizabeth, Susanna, John, Margaret, Veronica, Maria, Daniel, and Frederick. IX. Elizabeth Barbara, youngest daughter of Frederick, was born April 3, 1753, and died July 24, 1838. She married John Adam Rornig, born 17411 died 1798, and had nine children: Elizabeth, married John Henry Wint; Jacob, born 1782, died 1801; Susanna, married John J. Mory; Magdalena; Anna Eva, married Jacob Newhard; Daniel; Sarah, married Peter Newhard; Samuel; and Thomas.

Georg married Maria Margaretha Fraudhuger on 20 Apr 1728 in Niedersteinbach, , Alsace, FRA.1 (Maria Margaretha Fraudhuger was born on 4 Aug 1707 in Schönau, Germany 1 and died on 1 Sep 1781 in , Lehigh, PA 1.)


1 Kastens, Dennis A., Nothweiler Families 1500-1850 (160 pages. (C) 2001 Dennis A. Kastens
Dennis A. Kastens, 5101 Kings Park Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129 USA
(314) 892-0888

2 Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 6, Egypt Reformed Church Records 1734-1807 (
"Baptismal Record of the congregation on the Lehigh, in which are recorded the names of the children baptized, the names of their parents, and also the names of the sponsors. Commenced March 22, 1739."
J. Henricus Goetschius, M. Helvetico Tigurinus.).

3 Burgert, Annette Kunselman, Eighteenth Century Emigrants from the Northern Alsace to America (Camden, Maine: Picton Press, 1992.), page 381.

4 Hinke, Wm. J. (Vol. 1) /// Transcribed by Rev. A.S. Leiby, Pen Argyl, PA (Vol. 2), Zion Reformed Church Records, Allentown Lehigh Co., PA (1938, Allentown, PA).

5 Roberts, Charles Rhodes, History Of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Volume III (Allentown, Pa., Lehigh Valley Pub. Co., 1914.
3 volumes, illustrated, maps.
Prepared by a committee appointed by the Lehigh County Historical Society; chapters contributed by various writers.).

6 Burgert, Annette Kunselman, Eighteenth Century Emigrants from the Northern Alsace to America (Camden, Maine: Picton Press, 1992.), page 290.

7 Eyerman, John, Will Abstracts of Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 1752-1802 (c February 1982, Closson Press, 1935 Sampson Dr, Apollo, PA 15613), Page 50.

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