(Abt 1798-)
Jacob Miller
(Abt 1808-)
(Abt 1811-)
Noah Bucher
(Abt 1822-1883)
Belinda Miller
(Abt 1833-)
Rev. William J. Bucher


Family Links

1. Rosa Alice Ehrhart

Rev. William J. Bucher 1 2

  • Born: 29 Aug 1863, Hampstead, Carroll, MD 1 2
  • Marriage (1): Rosa Alice Ehrhart on 1 Sep 1897 1

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1870 in Hampstead, Carroll, MD. 2 Noah Bucher, farmer, 50, was living with wife Belinda, 38; Mary E., 15; Susannah, 14; Fannie, 12; Thomas H., 10; Noah W., 8; William J., 7; David M., 5; Diannah V., 3; and twins Ulysses G. and Florence A., 7 months, born in Nov. 1869. Noah's real estate was worth $800 and personal estate $400. His neighbor is David Bucher, farmer, 48, living alone. His real estate is $800 and personal estate $200. Everyone was born in Maryland.

2. Census in 1880 in Hampstead, Carroll, MD. 3 Noah Bucher, farmer, 60, was living with wife Belinda, 48; Mary E., 25; Susan R., 24; Fannie, 22; Thomas H., 20; Noah W., 18; William, 16; David M., 14; Dianna V., 12; Ulisses G., 10; and Florence A., 10. Next door is David Bucher, farmer, 57, living alone. Everyone and their parents were born in Maryland.

3. Book: Commemorative Biographic Record, 1891. 1
Rev. William J. Bucher, who has recently com among the people of Clarion as pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, is a scholarly gentleman, and possesses qualities which have made him successful in the past, and a career of usefulness in the pastorate of the Church here seems assured.

Rev. Bucher is a Southern gentleman by birth. A native of Maryland, he was born August 29, 1863, at Upperco, in Baltimore county, where his parents also were born, educated and lived lives of usefulness, the mother still residing in the house to which she was brought a bride in 1854, and among the people of her girlhood, and the descendants of the friends of her ancestors. Noah Bucher, the father of the clergyman, in early life followed carpentering, but latterly he engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was a man of good parts, led an upright life, and exerted an influence of good in the community in which he moved. He died on March 22, 1883. His widow, who, before her marriage, was Miss Belinda Miller, is a most estimable woman. Their ten children are all living, named as follows: Mary E., Susan R., Fannie, Thomas H., Noah W., William J. (our subject), David M., Jennie D., U. S. Grant and Florence A.; the last two are twins.

Rev. William J. Bucher received a liberal education. He was brought up on a farm, and in early boyhood attended the schools of Baltimore county, which has an excellent public-school system. At twenty he began teaching school, and was engaged in this noble calling some three years. In 1886 he entered Pennsylvania College, at Gettysburg, Penn., taking a classical course, and was graduate in the class of 1890; then that fall he entered the Theological Seminary, at Gettysburg, and was graduated in June, 1893. Immediately afterward he accepted the pastorate of the Kellersburg charge, and located at New Bethlehem, Clarion county, Penn. He very acceptably and successfully served this charge for three years and seven months, when he received a call to Grace Lutheran Church, at Clarion, taking charge in February, 1897. Grace Church was organized in 1890, and it is now in a flourishing condition.

Socially, Rev. Bucher is a member of the F. and A. M.; also of the I. O. O. F. While not active in politics he performs his duty in advocating such measures as have for their object the elevation of his fellowman. His family in Maryland are identified with the Republican party, which in National affairs receives his support.

On September 1, 1897, Rev. Bucher was married to Miss Rosa Alice Ehrhart, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ehrhart, prosperous farmers of Baltimore county, Md. Mrs. Bucher, together with her brother, Earl, have been given exceptional intellectual and social advantages. She was a member of the class of 1891 at the Maryland State Normal School; she stood at the head of the class from the public schools. For three years she was a principal in the schools of her native county; thus her experience well fits her to be a worthy helpmeet in her husband's field of labor.

Although yet young in the Lutheran ministry, Rev. Bucher has left his impress upon the Church, being most pronounced in his love for his denomination, but yet having a word of encouragement for all true Christians.

4. Occupation: minister in 1893 in New Bethlehem, Clarion, PA. 1

5. Occupation: minister in Feb 1897 in Clarion: Grace Lutheran Church, Clarion, PA. 1

William married Rosa Alice Ehrhart, daughter of Henry Ehrhart and Unknown, on 1 Sep 1897.1 (Rosa Alice Ehrhart was born in , Baltimore County, MD.)


1 Commemorative Biographical Record of Central Pennsylvania including the counties of Centre, Clinton, Union and Snyder (J. H. Beers Company. 1898. Chicago, Illinois.), Page 1571.

2 1870 United States Census, Maryland, Carroll County, Hampstead District, Series: M593 Roll: 582 Page: 563.

3 1880 United States Census, Maryland, Carroll County, Hampstead District, Family History Library Film 1254507, NA Film Number T9-0507, Page 521B.

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