Johannes Knerr
Maria Catharina Hartman
John Knerr Jr.
(1772-Abt 1855)
Catherine Bachman
Reverend Georg Knerr


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Reverend Georg Knerr

  • Born: 23 Jun 1818 1
  • Christened: 19 Jul 1818, Rebuck: Himmel's Church, Northumberland, PA 1

   Another name for Georg was George Knerr.2

   FamilySearch ID: 2WN5-2VP.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Book: Anniversary History of Lehigh County, Volume II, 1914. 2
Rev. George Knerr, was born June 23, 1818. He married, Feb. 6, 1838, and had 10 children: Rev. Isaiah E. Knerr, born Nov. 28, 1838, married, Feb. 11, 1860, and had five children; Rev. Josiah K. Knerr, born Dec. 10, 1840, had five children; Levina, born Sept. 30, 1842; Rachel, born Oct. 1, 1844; William H„ born Dec. 11, 1846; Henry A., born July 5, 1848; Emma, born Sept. 3, 1852; Alice, born March 1, 1857; Jane R„ born Oct. 17, 1859; Charles B„ born Oct. 17, 1863.

Rev. George Knerr and his sons, Isaiah E. and Josiah K., and his grandson, George, a son of Rev. Isaiah E., became ministers of the United Evangelical Church, and the Evangelical Association, and jointly served actively in the ministry for more than 140 years.


1 Himmel's Church Baptismal Records (

2 Roberts, Charles Rhodes, History Of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Volume II (Allentown, Pa., Lehigh Valley Pub. Co., 1914. 3 volumes, illustrated, maps. Prepared by a committee appointed by the Lehigh County Historical Society; chapters contributed by various writers.).

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