Christian Fechtig
Susannah Faulke
John Henry Fechtig


Family Links

1. Sarah Salome Beecher

John Henry Fechtig 2 3 4 5

  • Born: 14 Mar 1799, La Plata, Charles, MD 2 4 6 7
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Salome Beecher on 14 Mar 1822 in Hagerstown, Washington, MD 1
  • Died: 10 Apr 1869, Gordonsville, Orange, VA at age 70 2 4 7
  • Buried: Hagerstown: Rose Hill Cemetery, Washington, MD 4

   Another name for John was Henry Fechtig.

   FamilySearch ID: LZK3-2D2.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: The Torch Light: "Notice. I have appointed Mr. John H. Fechtig my Agent, and hereby authorise him to settle all accounts relating to the estate of the late Samuel Beecher, deceased, during my absence. Jacob Beecher, Adm'r.", 4 Nov 1823, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 5

2. Census in 1840 in Clear Spring, Washington, MD. 8 Name: John H Fechtig
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Clear Spring, Washington, Maryland
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1 (Barbara Beecher, mother-in-law)
Persons Employed in Manufacture and Trade: 2
Free White Persons - Under 20: 4
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 8
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 8.

3. Census in 1850 in Southampton Twp., Somerset, PA. 6 The 1850 census recorded Barbara Beecher, 79, living in the household of John H. Fechtig, farmer, 51 and his wife, Salone, 52 and children: Matilda, 19; Susan A., 12. John and Matilda were born in Maryland, the others in Pennsylvania.

4. Obituary: The Herald And Torch Light Newspaper on 14 Apr 1869 in Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 2 In this town, on Saturday morning last, Mr. JOHN FECHTIG, formerly for many years a resident of this town, aged 70 years and 26 days.


5. Book: History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties: John H. Fechtig, father of Dr. Samuel C. Fechtig, 1884. 9
Dr. Samuel C. Fechtig was born in Hagerstown, Maryland, in 1822. His father, John H. was born in the same town in 1800; moved to Wellersburg in 1850; followed the tinsmith's trade; died in 1869. Dr. Fechtig is the oldest of a family of six children, four of whom are living. He was educated in medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and received his diploma in 1846. In 1847 he settled at Wellesburg, where he still resides. Dr. Fechtig was the first physician in the place and has never been molested by other practitioneers. His practice is extensive and successful.

6. Book: History of Bedford, Somerset, and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania: bio of S. C. Fechtig M.D., 1884. 3

Christian Fechtig, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, came from Germany, and settled in Hagerstown, Maryland, where his son John H. was born. Arriving at manhood's estate he engaged in the labor of a tradesman. He married Sarah S., daughter of Samuel and Barbara Beecher. John H. Fechtig was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church and his wife of the Reformed church. He died while in his sixty-ninth year and the partner his life at the advanced age of eighty-four years. They were blessed with four children viz: Samuel C., Joanna A. (Hilleary), a resident of Cumberland, Maryland; Matilda A. (Miller), a resident of Richmond, Virginia; S. Athalia (Fink), a resident of Philadelphia.

Dr. S. C. Fechtig was born in Hagerstown, December 13, 1822, where he lived until twelve years of age, when he removed with his parents to Clear Springs, Maryland, which was his home until 1847.

While a resident of this place he studied medicine with Dr. J. Robert Ward of that place, and subsequently attended the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania from which he graduated April 3, 1846, and the following year removed to Wellersburg, Pennsylvania, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his profession, continuously from January 1, 1847, to the present time, in which he has been eminently successful. His practice over spreads a radius of from eight to ten from his home. In addition to his practice he has superintended farming operations successfully for the past twenty years.

In 1849 he was married to Mary J., daughter of George and Elizabeth Winter, of Allegheny county, Maryland. They are the parents of thirteen children, of whom Radie, Lewis, Ellen and Florence H. are deceased. The following still survive: Frederick, Lizzie, Tillie, Samuel C., John,George, S. Athalia, Clara Bell, Lulu Hay.

S. Athalia is engaged in school-teaching. John, who formerly engaged in school-teaching, is now attending Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College at Philadelphia. Mrs. Fechtig and all her grown daughters are members of the Lutheran church.

John married Sarah Salome Beecher, daughter of Samuel Beecher and Barbara Winterode, on 14 Mar 1822 in Hagerstown, Washington, MD.1 (Sarah Salome Beecher was born on 20 Oct 1796 in Germany Twp., Adams, PA 6 10 11 12, christened on 27 Feb 1797 in Littlestown: Christ Reformed Church, Adams, PA,7 10 11 13 died on 5 Apr 1881 in Gordonsville, Orange, VA 12 and was buried in Hagerstown: Rose Hill Cemetery, Washington, MD 12.)


1 Marriage Index, Maryland Marriages 1667-1899.

2 Herald of Freedom, Hagerstown, Maryland, Wednesday, April 14, 1869, Page 2.

3 History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania. (Chicago. Waterman, Watkins & Co. 1884.), Page 584, bio of S. C. Fechtig M.D.

4 Find A Grave,

5 The Torch Light, Hagerstown, Maryland (Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland. Published 1851 to 1863.), 4 Nov 1823, page 4.

6 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Somerset County, Southampton Township, Series: M432 Roll: 828 Page: 212.

7 Letter from Craig Bennett (On file at the Adams County Historical Society, Gettysburg, Adams County, PA.
Mar 11 1972 letter from Craig M. Bennett, 31 Meeting St, Charleston Sc 29401, to Vice Admiral William Gordon Beecher of Alexandria, VA, describing the antique hand-painted fracturs cica 1800 proving birth of Samuel to father Henry Büger in possession of Craig, a descendent., March 11, 1972.

8 1840 United States Census, Year: 1840; Census Place: Clear Spring, Washington, Maryland; Roll: 171; Page: 160; Image: 905; Family History Library Film: 0013186.

9 History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania. (Chicago. Waterman, Watkins & Co. 1884.), Page 434, John H. Fechtig, father of Dr. Samuel C. Fechtig.

10 Adams County Church Records of the 18th Century (Family Line Publications, Westminister, MD 21157. No year.), Page 81.

11 Christ Reformed Church, Littlestown, Adams, Pennsylvania.

12 Find A Grave,

13 William J. Hinke, Church Record of The Conewago Or Christ Church Congregation Near Littlestown Adams County Pennsylvania 1747-1871 (Online in Books), Page 32.

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