Thomas Wesley Bucher
Lucinda K. Bell
Hugh M. Buchanan
Louisa Maude Bucher
Homer Buchanan


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Homer Buchanan 1

   FamilySearch ID: KH5V-Q28.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He served in the military. Homer was a Sgt with the 12th AAF Marauder Bomber Group.

Newspaper clipping: "With a 12th AAF Marauder Bomber Group -- Sgt Homer Buchanan, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Buchanan of Lenox, Iowa is entitled to wear the Distinguished Unit Badge, mark of the highest citation that is awarded units of the American Armed Forces.
His AAF B-26 Marauder bomber group in the Mediterranean theater has been cited by the War Department for "outstanding performance of duty in armed conflict with the enemy." During aerial operations which preceded and supported the Allied breakthrough at Cassino, Marauders displayed extraordinary accuracy bombing numerous targets.
On May 12th, in direct support of the French Army drive towards Rome, the group achieved spectacular results in an aerial attack on heavily defended enemy troop concentrations, including the famed 15th Panzer Division., Despite numerous planes damaged and crew members wounded, the unescorted Marauders released almost 4,000 fragmentation bombs on the target. Irreplacable casualties and destruction were piled on the already hard-pressed enemy, smashing key reserves and aiding the Allied drive northwards.
The group was cited for "results which set it above and apart from other units, typical of the continuosly superior precision bombing made possible through unstinted effort and superlative performance of duty by every member of the organization. Though their unsurpassed courage, skill in combat and steadfast devotion to duty, the personnel of the group have reflected great credit upon themselves and the Military Service of the United States."
Marauders from the group have flown more than 350 missions during the African, Sicilian, Italian and France campaigns. The group has also received the Croix de Guerre from General Degaulle and the provisional French government.
Sgt Buchanan is an aerial gunner with his Marauder squadron."


1 Ufford, Kathy, Records of Kathy Bucher Ufford (Descendant of Hans Martin Bucher).

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