Balthasar Hussong
(1713-Bef 1774)


Family Links

1. Susanna Margaretha

Balthasar Hussong

  • Born: 1713, , , , Germany
  • Marriage (1): Susanna Margaretha
  • Died: Bef Jul 1774, , Frederick, MD

   FamilySearch ID: LW8F-BV6.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He immigrated aboard the ship Friendship on 3 Sep 1739 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.

2. He appeared as a sponsor at a baptism on 1 Nov 1767 at Germany Twp., Adams, PA. Balthasar and Susanna were sponsors at the baptism of granddaughters Maria Elizabetha Coblentz (Nov. 1, 1767) and Maria Margaretha Coblentz (Mar. 31, 1770) at St. John's Evangelical Luthern Church, Germany Twp., York Co., PA. As Susanna Margaret, widow of Balthasar Heison, she was sponsor at the baptism of her granddaughter Susanna Margaret Beard (Nov. 29, 1786) at Zion Lutheran Church, Middletown, Frederick Co., Md.

3. He signed a will on 5 Apr 1773 in , Frederick, MD. Written 5 Apr 1773, executed 24 Jul 1774.
In the Name of God Amen I Balser Heson of Frederick County & Province of Maryland Tanner being sick & weak of Body but of sound & perfect Mind & Memory Thanks be given unto Almighty God for his Mercies & callung unto Mind the Mortality of my Body, & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make Constitute & ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner & Form following that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God who gave it and as to my Body I recommend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christianlike decent manner at the Discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God & as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with in this Life, after all my just Debts are paid & satisfyed I give and devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and Form Item I give and bequesth unto my dearly beloved Wife Margaret Heson her maintainance during her natural life out of my Estate Viz. in Food and Raiment sufficient & decent, also to have her Choice of my Swelling House any Room or part she shall Chuse, and if it should happen that my said Wife should not chuse to live in my Dwelling plantation with my Son Balser Heson hereafter named & nominated, then my Will is that my said Wife shall have the whole of my houshold Goods Together with all & every Utensil of the Kitchen Beds & Furniture, Chests Tables & all & other Goods to me belonging. Also my said Wife to have one horse, Mare or Gelding of her Choice & one Milch Cow also of her Choice During her natural Life & at her Discease to give & dispose of the same as she should think Proper. Item I give and Bequeath to my beloved Son Windle Heson the Sum of ten pounds Common Currant Money to be paid by my Son Balser Heson in one year after my Discease. Item I give and Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Ulion the Sum of ten Pounds Currant Money in two years after my Discease. Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Son Peter the Sum of ten pounds Common Currant Money in three years after my Discease. Item I give and Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Elizabeth the Sum of ten Pounds Currant Money to be paid four years after my Discease. Item I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Modlin the Sum of ten pounds Common Currant Money to be paid five years after my Discease. Item I give & Bequeath to my beloved Son John the Sum of ten Pounds Currant Money to be paid in seven years after my Discease. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Catherine the Sum of ten pounds Common Currant Money to be ppaid in eight years after my Discease also one feather Bed or the Sum of three pounds Common Money in Lieu thereof. Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Margaret the Sum of ten pounds Common Currant Money to be paid in nine years after my Discease, also one Feather Bed or the Sum of three pounds Common Money in Lieu thereof. Item I give & bequeath unto Avoh & Michael Tanner the Sum of five pound each to be paid unto them by my Executor as they arrive at age. Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved Son Balser Heson my now dwelling Plantation Situate & lying in Fredrick County & Province of Maryland Containing by Estimation one hundred & thirty two acres & a half Called (Turkey Hill) to him his Heirs & Assigns forever, together with all my Goods Chattels Lands Tenements, He the said Baalser Heson paying performing fulfilling well and truely the Legacies herein mentioned at the Times affixed and maintaining his said mother Margaret Heson & providing for her all & every necessary of Life, but if it should happen that my said Wife should not be content to live with my said Son that then my said Son Balser shall deliver up all & singular my houshold Goods of all Kinds Kitchen Utensels, in the whole to my said Wife, also the Horse Mare or Gelding & Cow reserved of the Choice of my Stock & at that Time of Delivery my said Wife shall immediately give up all her Right & Title of Dower unto my said Estate of Lands &c & Claims therein unto my said Son Balser Heson his Heirs & Assigns forever. Item that if any of my children should die without Heirs or before they arrive at age, that their Part shall fall to my Said Wife if alive, if not, to my Son Balser Heson. Lastly I do hereby constitute & ordain my beloved Sons Windle Heson & Balser Heson Executors of This my Last Will & Testament, and do hereby utterly revoke disannull & disallow, all & every other former & other Will & Wills Legaces or Bequeaths Executors &c. by me before this Time made, Constituted or ordained Ratifying and Confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I the said Balsr Heson have hereunto set my Hand & affixed my Seal this fifth Day of April in the year of our Lord God seventeen hundred & seventy three. his Balser Heson mark Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Balser Heson to be his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers who in the presence of each other have hereunto set out Names as Evidences. Rudy Bruback. Henry Coonce. Rudy Bruback Junr.

Balthasar married Susanna Margaretha. (Susanna Margaretha died after Nov 1786 in , Frederick, MD.)

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