Hans Jacob Neuschwander
(-Aft 1721)
Anna Maria Buehler
(1682-Aft 1721)
Johann Adam Gotz
Anna Maria
Johannes Peter Neuschwander
Anna Eva Gotz
Peter Neuschwender


Family Links

1. Eva Velt

Peter Neuschwender

  • Born: 14 Nov 1746, Lembach, , Alsace, FRA
  • Christened: 16 Nov 1746, Lembach: Lutheran Church, , Alsace, FRA
  • Marriage (1): Eva Velt on 31 May 1773 in Germantown: St. Michael's and Zion Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, PA
  • Died: 5 Nov 1795, Manheim Twp., Berks, PA at age 48

   Other names for Peter were Johannes Peter Jr. Neuschwander, Peter Neuschwander and Johannes Peter Neuschwender.

   FamilySearch ID: LZ24-Z4D.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He immigrated on the ship Hamilton in 1767 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 1 Peter Sr. and Peter Jr. arrived on the same ship. One signed Neischwenter; one signed Neuschwender.

2. He signed a will on 2 Nov 1795 in , Berks, PA. 2 In the name of the Lord Amen. I Peter Neuschwender in Manheim Township Berks County State of Pennsilvanie am I thank God well in health and by good sense, memory and meditation and am of a degree of age but remembering my mortality I am resolved to make my last will and testament and do the same now in the following manner. To wit, first I recomend my soul in the Hand of the Almighty God by the inestimable merits of my Redeemer Jesus Christ and my Body to the earth to be burried in a Christian Manner so as my Executors shall find it good. Also it is my will that all lawful debts and funerary expenses shall be paid out of my Estate before any division takes place. The rest of my Estate moveable and unmoveable of what name or denomination it may be I do give and bequeath in the following manner and it is my will that my Wife Eve shall be in posesion of all so long as she keeps my name, but if she should go to be married again then shall have her third part so as the law says. Also it is my will that my children who are not of age and had not their learning yet shall be sent to the school and the Church to learn to read and to writ german and to be instructed so they can take the holy Sacrament, further it is my will that my sons shall learn atrade if they are willing to it which they like the best, further it is my will and testament that the rest of my Estate what it may be shall be divided amongst my children so as they are named hereafter Heinrich Neuschwender, Christian Neuschwender, Jacob Neuschwender, Johannes Neuschwender, Gottfried Neuschwender, Michael Neuschwender, Eve Neuschwender, Catherine Neuschwender, and such hereditary portion the before mentioned children shall receive in equal shares for themselves and their Heirs forever. Also do I name, appoint and choose my beloved Wife Eve and my true friend and neighbor, Johannes Kerschner Executors of this my last will and testament and repeal and un do with all my Wills and Testaments maketh befort.

Peter married Eva Velt, daughter of Johann Heinrich Velt and Maria Eve Gallman, on 31 May 1773 in Germantown: St. Michael's and Zion Lutheran Church, Philadelphia, PA. (Eva Velt was born on 16 Oct 1743 in Hatten, , Alsace, FRA, died on 31 Jan 1833 in , Franklin, OH and was buried in Gahanna: Peace Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Franklin, OH.)


1 Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Edited by William John Hinke, Pennsylvania German Pioneers, A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of Philadelphia
Pennsylvania German pioneers : a publication of the original lists of arrivals in the port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808
(View online at https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/2049299), Volume 1, page 716.

2 Berks County Courthouse, Will Book A-313 & 3-232.

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