Peter Bucher
(Abt 1725-)
Christian Hartmann
Martin Booher
Catharine Hartmann
Adam Booher
(Abt 1794-Bef 1863)


Family Links

1. Constance Royston

Adam Booher 1

  • Born: Abt 1794, , , Pennylvania, USA
  • Marriage (1): Constance Royston in Jan 1831 in , Sullivan, TN
  • Died: Bef 5 May 1863, , Sullivan, TN

   FamilySearch ID: L4TC-T42.

  General Notes:

1. Jerry H. Barrett, Lansing IL
2. Will of Martin Booher [copy in file]
3. 1830 Sullivan Co. TN census
4. 1840 Sullivan Co. TN census
5. 1850 Sullivan Co. TN census
6. 1860 Sullivan Co. TN census

!BIRTH: age is estimated from censuses

!ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Source-2 Martin willed son Adam, with daughter Elizabeth Wassum, his home plantation on Sinking Creek, 500 acres, for $1504.00.

1830 Source-3 p. 318
Booher, Adam
male 30-40 [1790-1800] b. abt 1794
female 60-70 [1760-1770] Catherine Hartman?
female 20-30 [1800-1810] Constance, b, abt 1800

Note. The older female in the household is most likely Catharine Rhader as she and Adam were left property jointly in Martin Booher's will. It appears that Adam is newly married.

1840 Source-4 p. 134 image 73 next door to Daniel Booher
Booher, Adam
male 50-60 [1780-1790] Adam, b. 1794
male 5-10 [1830-1835] William, b. 1832
male 5-10 [1830-1835] Adam, b. 1835
male 0-5 [1835-1840] Jonathan, b. 1837
male 0-5 [1835-1840] Daily, b. 1839
female 30-40 [1800-1810] Constance, b. a. 1800

1850 Source-5 p. 23 #3
Booher, Andrew 55 PA
Cuwney 47 TN [could be 41]
William 18
Adam 15
Jonathan 13
Daily (m) 11
Elizabeth 9
Carson 4

Note. Adam is listed as Andrew. I feel sure that this is the right person because of the children listed in the 1860 census.

1860 Source-6 p. 3 #1071-1071 Dist 1 Holston Valley P.O.
Booher, Adam 67 farmer 6000/3300 PA
Constance 62 hk TN
Adam 25 day laborer "
Elizabeth 19 hk "
Carson 14

  Noted events in his life were:

1. He signed a will on 24 Feb 1862 in , Sullivan, TN. 2 Last Will and Testament of Adam Booher, Dec'd
I Adam Booher of the County of Sullivan and State of Tennessee being weak in body but of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of this mortal life and calling to mind the worldly property with which it has pleased God to bless me with do dispose of the same in manner and form as follows:

FIRST - I will and devise that after my decease so soon as it can be done that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid by my Executors hereafter named out of any monies that may come into the hands of my Executor after my decease.

SECOND - I will and devise to my daughter Elizabeth Booher now intermarried with Michael Peters two negro girls Mearia and Jainney, also one horse beast one cow one bed and bedding all of which property the said Elizabeth has received and which is now in her possession which property I devise to her and her heirs forever and nothing more of my estate.

THIRD - I will and devise to my son Jonathan Booher eighty acres of land which is to be land off the south west side of my farm that I now live on. Said land of eighty acres to include the dwelling house that Jonathan now lines in and will include the part of my farm adjoining the lands of John ? and Wm. ?? and to be laid off to the best advantage to the parties concerned.

FOURTH - I will and devise to my two sons Adam and Carson Booher the ballance of my land that is the farm I now live on to be equally divided between them - share and share alike. I also ? and direct that my two sons Jonathan and Adam Booher shall pay to my two sons (in the State ofMissouri) William ? Booher and James D. Booher five hundred dollars.That is Jonathan is to pay two hundred and fifty dollars and Adam two hundred and fifty dollars but in the event that my two sons now in Missouri should have joined the federal army or my hereafter joint it then and in that case the five hundred dollars divided to them shall be equally divided between my other four children. Share and share alike.

FIFTH - I further will and devise that my beloved wife Constance shal have one third of all my lands during her natural life that is one third of the lands devised to my three sons, namely Jonathan, Adam and James.The lands devised to my wife to include my dwelling house with all the out buildings. I also will and devise to my wife Constance all my household and kitchen furniture of every kind and description, all my hogs, all my sheep also all the grain of all kinds and all the meat I have on hand. I also will to my wife my old brown mare and my young sorrell mare. I further will to my wife my black boy Henry and my black girl Kizzid (?).

SIXTH - I will and devise to my son Carson Booher my two colts and I also will and devise to my son Adam Booher my Bay mare and Bay filly. I further will and devise to my wife Constance all my cattle I have on hand or own at this time, also my old black man Washington. I also further will that my Executors so soon as convenient after my desease sell my still (?) and my house and lot in the Town of Paperville on credit ofTwelve months and the proceeds arrising from the sale I will and direc tthat it be equally divided between my two sons Jonathan and Adam Booher.I further will and devise to my wife Constance my waggon also all my farming utensils of very kind and all my horse gearing. I also nominate and appoint my two sons Jonathan and Adam Booher my Executors hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me made. In witness whereofI have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th of February 1862.

Adam ?

Signed and acknowledged in our presents and at the request of theTestator we have subscribed our names as witnesses.

John Weaver, David Vance, Jr.

Prov 4th May 1865

State of Tennessee
Sullivan County

I John C. Rutledge clerk of the county court for said county hereby certify the forgoing to be a true copy of the last will and testament of Adam Booher Dec'd. as appears proven of Record in my office. Given under my hand and official seal at office in Blountville this 5th day of May 1865.
John C. Rutledge, Clk.

This certified copy of the Last Will & Testament of Adam Booher deceased is recorded in the Book of Wills filed in line of the original will in the clerks office by order of court May 5, 1884.
A.H. Bullock, Clk.

Adam married Constance Royston in Jan 1831 in , Sullivan, TN. (Constance Royston was born about 1798 in , , TN and died after 1880.)


1 Grider, Barbara M., Barbara Grider Booher Database (Louisville, Kentucky. 2008.).

2 Sullivan County TN Courthouse, Will Book, Page 427-429.

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