Nicholas Shaver Jr.
Casper Booher
Phoebe Shaver
John Booher Sr.


Family Links

1. Barbara

John Booher Sr.

  • Born: 25 Dec 1780, Shirley Twp., Huntingdon, PA 1
  • Marriage (1): Barbara on 22 Oct 1805
  • Died: 20 Sep 1833, Shirley Twp., Huntingdon, PA at age 52

   Other names for John were Jonathan Booher and Jonathan Bucher.

   FamilySearch ID: LHD8-H64.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1820 in Shirley Twp., Huntingdon, PA. 2 Two Boohers are listed together on the 1820 census in Shirley Township:

Casper Booher is listed with:
Males (born)
45 & over (<=1775) = 1 Casper
Females (born)
Under 10 (1811-1820) = 1 granddaughter
26-44 (1776-1794) = 1 daughter
45 & over (<=1775) = 1 wife

John Booher is listed with:
Males (born)
Under 10 (1811-1820) = 3 sons
16-25 (1795-1804) = 1 son
26-44 (1776-1794) = 1 father John
Females (born)
Under 10 (1811-1820) = 2 daughters
10-15 (1805-1810) = 1 daughter
16-25 (1795-1804) = 1 daughter
26-44 (1776-1794) = 1 wife.

2. He signed a will on 5 Oct 1833 in , Huntingdon, PA. 3 Last Will and Testament of John Booher, deceased: In the name of God Amen. I John Booher of Shirley Township, Huntingdon County, being of weak body, though sound in mind, memory and understanding (thanks be to Almighty God for the same) being mindful of my mortality do make and institute this my last will and testament. First and principally I recommend my immortal spirit to God who gave it in hopes of a joyful resurection and my body to the earth (when it shall please God to seperate my soul and body) to be buried decently at the discretion of my executors according to the rites ?. And as to such worldly estate where with it hath pleased God to bless me, I give and dispose thereof as follows: 1st, I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Barbara and my two sons, Samuel Booher and John Booher all my real and personal estate with all my moneys, dues, and demands by them paying my just debts and raising my family and schooling the same and paying the dues there respective legacies as will be here after described, but and if my wife should past live to see this my children of age she shall remain on this my farm with those my ? and as above mentioned and further it is my will that if my wife Barbara if decease my two sons above named shall have all my real and personal property with all my moneys, dues, and demands by their paying of my just debts and should remain unpaid and paying the legacies their respective legacies that remain unpaid as will be hereafter described if any should remain unpaid at my wifes decease. 2nd, I will and bequeath that my wife and two sons afore named shall have fifteen years after my decease to pay my just debts and the girls and my remaining three sons their ? out ?, which will be to the girls when they are married as will be hereafter named, it is also my will that the girls remain at home with their mother and brothers til they do marry. I will that my son Casper Booher shall go to a trade at the age eighteen; son Daniel Booher if he does not wish to go to a trade at the age of eighteen, but wishes to remain on the farm with those my two sons Samuel and John Booher they my two sons shall ? him comfortable working and pay him twenty dollars per each year till he arrives at the age of eighteen. 3rd, I will and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Buckley seventy five dollars one year after the above term of fifteen years has elapsed being her legacy in full as I have given her her outset. 4th, I will and bequeath unto my three daughters that is at home with me Catherine Booher, Nancy Booher, and Mary Booher when they are married an out set amounting to about one hundred and fifty dollars each ?, and seventy five dollars per each as described hereafter those my three daughters shall wait with my two sons above named there perpective legacies as follows, after their outset, Catherine one year after Elizabeth has been paid off; Nancy one year after Catherine has been paid; Mary one year after Casper has been paid his legacy, as will hereafter describe. 5th, I do will and bequeath unto my three sons, Casper Booher, Daniel Booher, and David Booher one horse ? and saddle worth one hundred dollars to each one of these my three sons when they arrive at the age of twenty one and a further legacy of one hundred and twenty five dollars to each as described hereafter to my two sons before named Casper to be paid his legacy of one hundred and twenty five dollars one year after Nancy Booher has been paid off; Daniel to be paid his legacy of one hundred and twenty five dollars one year after Mary Booher has been paid off; and David Booher to be paid his legacy of one hundred and twenty five dollars the year after Daniel has been paid off. 6th, And further it is my will ? off my children should die without ?, there legacy should be equally divided amongst my surviving children, share and share alike. I do nominate and appoint my wife ? ? of this my last will and testament until my two sons Samuel Booher and John Booher when they arrive to the age of Twenty one, they shall ? my ? with their ? of this my last will and testament. I publish and declare this and none other to be my last will and testament. In witness where of I ? ? set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty three. Signed: John Booher; Signed and sealed in prescence of Henry Snyder and David Copenhaver.
LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION: Huntindgon County, Before me the subscriber Deputy Register for the probate of will and granting Letters of Administration in and for said county personnally appeared Henry Snyder and David Copenhaver who on their solemn affirmation take according to law do depose and say that they were personally present and saw and heard the ? named the ? named John Booher sign, seal, execute, publish, pronounce, and declare the written and foregoing instrument of writing as for his last will and testament and that they the said Henry Snyder and David Copenhaver did sign their names thereto as witness in the presence of each other and in the presence of the said testator and at his instance and request and that he the said testator was at the time of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief. Signed Henry Snyder and David Copenhaver; Affirmed and subscribed the 5th day of October, 1833 before William Hewartm Deputy Register.
MEMORANDUM: Barbara Booher acting Executor of John Booher, deceased: Letters Testamentary were this day granted to Barbara Booher the acting executor named in the last will and testament of John Booher late of Shirley Township, dec'd. Inventory to be exhibited within one month and a just and true account calculation and reckoning of his said administration within one year. Given under seal of office the 5th day of October A.D. 1833. signed William Stewart, Deputy Register.

John married Barbara, daughter of Daniel J. Booher and Elizabeth, on 22 Oct 1805. (Barbara was born on 7 Oct 1786 in , Beaver, PA and died in 1845 in Shirley Twp., Huntingdon, PA.)


1 Huntingdon County Courthouse, Pennsylvania, Will Book 3, Page 342. Will of Casper Booher.

2 1820 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Huntingdon County, Shirley Township, Series: M33 Roll: 104 Page: 24.

3 Huntingdon County Courthouse, Pennsylvania, Will Book 3, Page 416.

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