Nicholas Shaver Jr.
Casper Booher
Phoebe Shaver
Nancy Booher


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1. James Linn

Nancy Booher 1

  • Born: 1798 1
  • Marriage (1): James Linn in 1815 1
  • Died: 1877, Aughwick, Huntingdon, PA at age 79 1

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Book: A History of a Fragment of the Clan Linn, 1906. 1
NANCY (BOOHER) LINN, youngest child of Caspar Booher, was born in Huntindon County, Pennsylvania, in 1798, and married James Linn 1st in 1815. Her father was a class leader in the Methodist Church, and she became a member of the church in the year she was married. Her father lived to see all his children members of that church, and long afterward his daughter could say with him, "I have lived to see all my children follow my example." The day was never too warm nor too cold to attend divine service. When the infirmities of age came to her, her chief companion was the Bible, and it was her daily study. Of a truth she was a good woman, and when her work in life seemed done she was anxious to depart and be with Christ. She slept in peace in the year 1877.

Nancy married James Linn, son of Hugh Linn and Sarah Widney, in 1815.1 (James Linn was born in 1792 in , , Pennylvania, USA 1 and died in 1848 1.)


1 Linn, George Wilds, A History of a Fragment of the Clan Linn (1906. University of Wisconsin, Madison. Available online through Google Book Search.), Pages 81, 92, 97.

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