Hugh Linn
Sarah Widney
James Linn


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1. Nancy Booher

James Linn 1

  • Born: 1792, , , Pennylvania, USA 1
  • Marriage (1): Nancy Booher in 1815 1
  • Died: 1848 at age 56 1

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Book: A History of a Fragment of the Clan Linn, 1906. 1
JAMES LINN was born in the year 1792, and brought up on his father's farm until twenty years of age, when the war of 1812 with Great Britain called the yoemen of the country to arms in defense of the Nation's honor and sense of justice. He at once volunteered to enter the service and joined a company which was recruited at Concord, Pennsylvania. His father, Hugh Linn, who had imbibed the spirit of a true American patriot, accompanied his son on a two days' journey on his way to the front, and on parting with him said, "My son, be a good soldier, and never turn back a coward." The memories of the battle of the Boyne water and the spirit of religious intolerance which had been so fierce in the Emerald Isle between the "Orange" and the " Green" had been transplanted, and one day in camp he expressed himself concerning St. Patrick's followers in language more vigorous than polite. Several soldiers who were devotees of the patron saint pounced upon him and by main strength threw him into the camp fire. Being a very active man, he was immediately upon his feet, rushed to his gun and would have bayonetted his assailants had not cooler heads prevailed. They attempted to have the superior officer punish him, but when he learned the nature of the offence (being himself probably an Orangeman), he said he had done right, and should use his bayonet if attacked again. James Linn was a class leader in the Methodist Church, a position of distinction in those days. He had six sons and one daughter. Four of his sons enlisted in the service during the Civil War, and his son-in-law, Charles W. Evans, was also in the army.
Contributed by Samuel Booher Linn.

James married Nancy Booher, daughter of Casper Booher and Phoebe Shaver, in 1815.1 (Nancy Booher was born in 1798 1 and died in 1877 in Aughwick, Huntingdon, PA 1.)


1 Linn, George Wilds, A History of a Fragment of the Clan Linn (1906. University of Wisconsin, Madison. Available online through Google Book Search.), Pages 81, 92, 97.

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