Conrad Becher
(Abt 1821-)
(Abt 1810-)
Jonas Becher
(Abt 1842-)
Mary Graber
Levi Becher


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Levi Becher 1

  • Born: Mar 1871, Maximo, Stark, OH 1
  • Died: 28 Aug 1934, Louisville, Stark, OH at age 63 1

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Obituary: The Gospel Herald on 27 Sep 1934. 1 Becher. - Levi, son of the late Jonas and Mary Becher, was born near Maximo, Ohio; died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Jacob Baum, in Louisville, Ohio, Aug. 28, 1934; aged 63 y. 5 m. He lived his entire life in Stark Co., and for the past 21 yeas he was employed on the farm of Bro. and Sister C. M. Graber, near Canton, Ohio. For the last year his health was failing, but death came rather unexpectedly, due to a complication of diseases. In early life he confessed Christ and united with the First Mennonite Church of Canton, but when this church ceased to continue as a congregation in Canton, he neglected his Christian privileges and duties. May God be praised, however, that before his death he seemingly made a good confession and had a real experience with Christ as his Savior and victory in his life. He is survived by three brothers -- Aaron of Louisville, Ohio; and Jonas and Alvin, both of Canton, Ohio; five sisters -- Mrs. Emma Lutz, Mrs. Catherine Myers, Mrs. Jacob Baum, and Mrs. C. L. Whitacre, all of Louisville, Ohio; and Mrs. Clayton Hoover, of Canton, Ohio. His oldest brother, Eli, preceded him in death nearly four years. Funeral services were held at the Beech Mennonite Church in charge of Bro. 0. N. Johns. Text, Amos 4:12. Interment in adjoining cemetery.


1 The Gospel Herald (The Mennonite Church USA Archives, Scottdale, PA.
Online at, Vol. XXVII, No. 26 - September 27, 1934 - pages 562, 563.

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