Howard Frengel
Myrtle K. Millhouse
Ernest J. Frengel


Family Links

1. Mary Ellen Beecher

Ernest J. Frengel 1 2 3 4

  • Born: 6 Nov 1935, Shippensburg, Cumberland, PA 5
  • Marriage (1): Mary Ellen Beecher on 2 May 1954 in Shippensburg, Cumberland, PA 1
  • Died: 23 Jun 2010, Walnut Bottom, Cumberland, PA at age 74 5

   Another name for Ernest was Ernie J. Frengel.5 6

   FamilySearch ID: L687-NLC.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1940 in Shippensburg, Cumberland, PA. 7 The 1940 census recorded at 1 South Earl Street: Howard Frengel, road construction laborer, 25, living with wife Mertal, machine operator in textile factory, 26; and son Ernest, 4. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

2. Newspaper: Shippensburg News-Chronicle: Joel Frelin and Ernie Frengel Try Out for Athletics in Camp At Savannah, 13 Apr 1954, Shippensburg, Cumberland, PA. 8 (photos of Ernie Frengel and Joel Frelin)
Joel Frelin and Ernie Frengel, former Shippensburg Area high school and American Legion pitchers, have repeated a pattern that has stood since boyhood days by signing up for a baseball tryout with the Philadelphia Athletics together.
Both boys are presently in the A's training camp at Savannah, Ga., being looked over the top scouts of that club. If they are signed up, both expect to report to a farm club at Hopikinville, Ky.
The two boys are glad to be together in the training camp, because they have been friends since they met in childhood on the baseball fields around Shippensburg.
Mrs. Myrtle Frengel, 63 East King st., Shippensburg, received a letter from Ernie describing conditions in the camp. Reporting that the temperature was in the 90's the day the pair arrived, he states:
"We live in a real nice hotel, right on the ocean, and have a television set in our room. Joel and I live in a room together, with twin beds, The first day we got here they made us run for about an hour, and that is all we did the first day.
"This place is really beautiful down here, with all the flowers and palm trees. We don't have to be in bed at any special time. We have to be in at the baseball field at 9:30 in the morning. Well, I am going to do my best down here."

3. Newspaper: Shippensburg News-Chronicle: Mary Ellen Beecher Weds Ernest Frengel, 14 May 1954, Shippensburg, Cumberland, PA. 1 Mary Ellen Beecher Weds Ernest Frengel
Ceremony Is Performed May 2 At Home of Bride
Announcement was made this week of the marriage of Miss Mary Ellen Beecher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Beecher of Shippensburg R. R. 1, to Ernest J. Frengel, son of Mrs. Myrtle Frengel of 63 East King st., Shippensburg. Rev. John A. Spindler performed the double ring ceremony at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 2 at the home of the bride. The rooms were decorated with lilacs and roses.
The bride was attired in a navy blue dress with white accessories. She wore a white orchid corsage and carried a white Bible with lilies of the valley.
Miss Joan E. Beecher, a sister of the bride, attended as maid of honor. She walso wore a navy blue dress with white accessories and an orchid corsage.
Melvin Helm served as best man.
A reception followed at the bride's home.
Mrs. Frengel graduated from Shippensburg Area high school. Mr. Frengel, who attended the same school, is employed by the bride's father.
For the present they are residing at the home of the bride.

4. Residence: on 24 Sep 1968 in Shippensburg, Cumberland, PA. 2

5. Residence: on 27 Jul 1992 in Walnut Bottom, Cumberland, PA. 4

Ernest married Mary Ellen Beecher, daughter of Samuel Arnold Beecher and Elizabeth Jane Miller, on 2 May 1954 in Shippensburg, Cumberland, PA.1 (Mary Ellen Beecher was born on 2 Sep 1935 in Hockersville, Cumberland, PA 6 9 10.)


1 Shippensburg News-Chronicle (Shippensburg, Cumberland, Pennsylvania.), 14 May 1954, page 2.

2 New Castle News (New Castle, PA), 25 Sep 1968, page 3. Howard Frengel Dies While Driving.

3 Shippensburg News-Chronicle (Shippensburg, Cumberland, Pennsylvania.), 4 Nov 1975, page 3. Golden Anniversary of Mr. Mrs. Samuel A. Beecher.

4 Public Opinon (Chambersburg, PA) (Chambersburg, Franklin, Pennsylvania.), 27 Jul 1992, page 4. Obituary of Elizabeth J. Beecher.

5 U.S. Social Security Death Index, Ernie J Frengel, 23 June 2010.

6 Carlisle Daily Sentinel (Carlisle, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania), 19 Dec 2002, Obituary of Gerald T. Beecher.

7 1940 United States Census, Howard Frengel, West Ward, Shippensburg, Shippensburg Borough, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 21-49, sheet 11A, family 283.

8 Shippensburg News-Chronicle (Shippensburg, Cumberland, Pennsylvania.), 13 Apr 1954, page 13.

9 1940 United States Census, Samuel Beecher, Penn Township, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 21-46, sheet 5B, family 81, NARA digital publication T627, roll 3479.

10, United States Public Records Index, Mary B. Frengel.

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