Thomas Joseph Cody
Mary Fallon
(Abt 1871-1930)
Mary Josephine "Mae" Cody


Family Links

1. Arthur Leroy Beechert Sr.

Mary Josephine "Mae" Cody 1 2

  • Born: 27 Jul 1902, Boston, Suffolk, MA 2 3
  • Marriage (1): Arthur Leroy Beechert Sr.
  • Died: 31 Dec 1968, , , NY at age 66

   FamilySearch ID: L6BY-LDM.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Census in 1930 in Queens, Queens, NY. 3 The 1930 census recorded Arthur Beechert, 27, born in Pennsylvania, living with wife Mae, 27, born in Massachusetts; son Arthur Jr., 4, and daughter Mary J., 1, both born in New York.

2. Letter: Letter from Boston Police re locating mother Mary Fallon Cody, 27 Jan 1938, Boston, Suffolk, MA. 4 January 27, 1938

Captain John McGrath
Division 14
Police Department
Boston, Mass.

Dear Captain McGrath:

Your communication of January 21, 1938, referring to one Mrs. Arthur Beecher, 97-27 106th St., Ozone Park, Long Island, New York, asks information about her mother.

The four Cody children mentioned by you were brought here July 10, 1908. Father, Thomas J. Cody, had been dead two years. Mother, Mary Fallon, then forty-two years of age, was in the House of Correction, serving a six months term. The children were brought here after having been adjudicated neglected and all remained in our care until they became "self-supporting."

We have had no contact with the mother since November 29, 1908. At that time she was in Nantucket, Mass. The letter written here is on stationery of the Folger Inn, where she was presumably living.

I realize this information does not give you much to work on in locating the mother at this time, but the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children on Mt. Vernon St., may have had some contact with her after the year, 1908.

3. Census in 1940 in Queens, Queens, NY. 5 The 1940 census recorded Arthur Beechert, 37, born in Pennsylvania, living with wife Mary, 37, born in Massachusetts; and their children born in New York: Arthur L., 14; Mary Joyce, 11; and John Jacob, 5. In 1935 they were living in Boonton, New Jersey.

4. Residence: 95-26 105th Street, Qzone Park, NY on 25 Mar 1946 in Ozone Park, Queens, NY. 6

5. Census in 1950 in Queens, Queens, NY. 7 The 1950 census recorded at 95-26 105th Street in an upper unit: Arthur Beechert, bartender in tavern, 47, living with wife Mary, 47; Mary Jane, office secretary in jewelry factory, 21; John J., 15; and Daniel T., 6. Arthur was born in Pennsylvania, his wife in Massachusetts and the children in New York.

Mary married Arthur Leroy Beechert Sr., son of John Jacob Beechert and Lillian C. Matz. (Arthur Leroy Beechert Sr. was born on 10 Jul 1902 in Shillington, Berks, PA 8 9 10, christened on 10 Jan 1903 in Shillington, Berks, PA 11 and died on 7 Oct 1988 in Flushing, Queens, NY 9.)


1 Daily Hampshire Gazette (Northampton, MA), 14 Feb 2015, obituary of Arthur L. "Beech" Beechert Jr.

2, Massachusetts Births and Christenings, 1639-1915, Mary Josephine Cody, 27 Jul 1902; citing Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, 14755; FHL microfilm 740,454.

3 1930 United States Census, Arthur Beechert, 1930.

4 Family Tree, Records of suzieq22456.

5 1940 United States Census, Arthur Beechert, 1940.

6, U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 ( Operations, Inc.), Arthur Leroy Beechert Jr. b. 20 Aug 1925 in Woodhaven NY.

7 "1950 United States Census," Arthur Beechert Queens NY.

8 1910 United States Census, John J Buchert, 1910.

9 U.S. Social Security Death Index, Arthur L Beechert, 7 October 1988.

10 Berks County Register of Wills (Berks County, Pennsylvania., Volume 2, Page 128, Line 30.

11 Berks History Center Library (Reading, PA) (, CR K42 Vol D. Records of Rev. William J. Kershner, Book D page 446.

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