John William Beecher
Hannah Rebecca Heiser
William Franklin Harrison
Mary Elizabeth Gerry
William Fleming Beecher
Nellie Mae Harrison
Verna Mae Beecher


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Verna Mae Beecher 1 2 3

  • Born: 19 Feb 1917, Traer, Tama, IA 1 2
  • Died: 11 Oct 1939, Denmark, Lee, IA at age 22 1 2
  • Buried: 14 Oct 1931, Traer: Buckingham Cemetery, Tama, IA 1 2

   FamilySearch ID: L61G-WT1.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Census in 1920 in Traer, Tama, IA. 4 The 1920 census recorded William Beecher, manager dry goods, 41, living with wife Nellie, 40; Mary, 13; Ruth, 6; and Verna, 2 years 4 months when the census was recorded on 15 January 1920.

2. Obituary: Traer Star Clipper: obituary of Verna Mae Beecher on 16 Oct 1931 in Traer, Tama, IA. 5 Miss Verna Mae Beecher, 22-year old Traer girl serving her first year as a teacher in the public schools of Denmark, Iowa lost her long and valiant fight for life when she succumbed about 2:30 p. m Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alvin H. Boettcher, in Denmark, after several weeks' illness of flu and pneumonia.

Miss Beecher had first been stricken with flu about nine weeks before then suffered a relapse which left her in a weaken condition. She resumed her teaching duties for a few days then developed pleurisy. She was bedfast with pneumonia and under the care of a nurse for about four weeks before her death. Her father and sister called from Traer nearly two weeks ago when her condition became critical, but last week she rallied and there was some hope for her recovery. Just when it appeared that pneumonia might be conquered, her weakened heart refused longer to function under the strain. After lying in state in the Congregational church at Denmark of which the decedent's brother-in-law, Rev. Mr. Boettcher is pastor. The body was brought to Traer and the funeral service was held here Wednesday afternoon at Riley Congregational church at 2 o'clock with Rev. G. W. Crosby in charge. Mrs. Harold Mohler sang "The Prayer Perfect" and Miss Ruth Thomas was at the organ. Burial was in Buckingham cemetery. Casket bearers were Carl Webster, A. L. McCarroll, John T. Ames, Paul Thomas and Albert Detje all of Traer, and George Holden of Missouri. Flowers were cared for by Mrs. John Steffen, Mrs. Roy Kern, Mr. O. O. Owens and Mrs. G. W. Crosby.

Verna Mae whose mother died several years ago was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Beecher and was born in Traer on February 19, 1917. She was graduated from Traer High School with the class of 1934 and is the second of the thirty-two members of that class to be taken by death within a short space of less than five years, the other being Miss Annie Vokoun.
In 1935, Miss Beecher completed a primary teaching course at Iowa State teacher's college at Cedar Falls where she was a member of Phi Chi Delta sorority. Last fall she began a teaching career as instructor of the third and fourth grade at Denmark and had been re-elected there for next year at an increase in salary.

Verna Mae united with Ripley Congregational church of Traer on April 5, 1928. She was an active member of the church and sang in the choir both here and in Denmark. She also was actively interested in the Rural Young People's group of Lee county, and the Pilgrim fellowship of Denmark church. She was a young woman of fine character and of bright and cheerful disposition whose untimely death has brought sorrow not only to her relatives but to a very wide circle of friends.

She is survived by her father and two sisters Mary Beecher, Traer sixth grade teacher and Mrs. A. H. Boettcher of Denmark in addition to one grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Beecher of Traer and numerous other relatives. In fitting tribute to the decedent were the large number of floral offerings at her funeral and the unusually large number of persons who came from out of town for the service.


1 Find A Grave,

2 Iowa Gravestone Photo Project (,

3 The Courier (Waterloo, IA), 14 Oct 1931, page 8. Funeral of Mrs. William Beecher.

4 1920 United States Census, William Beecher Traer IA.

5 Traer Star-Clipper (Traer, IA), 16 Oct 1931, page 1. Obituary of Verna Mae Beecher.

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